Black lab whose fur is slowly turning white gets Photoshop battle

If your dog looks like they're wearing a superhero mask, there's always someplace on the Internet more than happy to make them one.
Reddit user eRadthorpe posted this photo of a 14-year-old dog (which is really just an old puppy) who has vitiligo, a condition where the skin loses its pigment. And in this case, the fur. 
Specifically, they posted the photo to the Photoshop Battles subreddit, which meant everyone was ready to give the dog their own .

  • Turns out, there are great deal of superheroes this dog looks like (many from the 90s, for whatever reason). Here are the battle results:

                                                                 By: +Matthews Martins 


  1. Who is that masked dog? He just need a cape. What a cutie pie.

  2. Lol... the eggs are perfect

  3. does he have animal vitiligo or something? idk

  4. Stef, That's what the article says, he has vitaligo

  5. That's cool Spider Man! hahaha

  6. Deadpool hilarious!!

  7. i love dog, i not liked this image!


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