Scientists discover new Earth-sized planets and 2017 is suddenly looking up

Finally — some good news. NASA has found what pretty much appears to be a backup solar system a mere 40 light-years away. And not a moment too soon.

Scientists discovered seven Earth-sized exoplanets circling a dwarf star, TRAPPIST-1, and everyone on Earth is ready to sign up for a one-way ticket to the new system. (Using current technology, it would be nearly impossible for humans to get to the planetary system, however. #Thanks2017.)

Everyone also immediately made the scientific achievement about the 45th president. With seven new worlds suddenly available, the possibilities seemed endless. Earthlings could send Trump to the new system. He could mess up these exoplanets before destroying Earth. Or we could all flee to these new worlds and leave Trump behind.

Twitter was filling up with Trump and TRAPPIST-1 jokes as soon as NASA made the announcement.

Now we just need to decide which planet to go to once the forces of manmade climate change make our own Earth uninhabitable. Dibs on Trappist-1f.

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  1. “Using current technology, it would be nearly impossible for humans to get to the planetary system, however.”…

    What do you mean “NEARLY” - do you know anyone capable of travelling at speeds, that would allow a human to just barely make it out there in the span of a lifetime? Or do you mean, just before the human corpus is turned to dust on the road to getting there? 😂

  2. NASA is one big HOLLYWOOD that is ran by government and funded by American people with its TaX money. When will we realized everything is done behind curtains, green screen and CGI's. We never even make it out of space and to the Moon...

  3. So pathetic this is a great scientific discovery and people can't get over themselves and their petulance

  4. Banish Trump to one of these planets and it would make the joy complete.

  5. Trump and his anti-science, anti-fact acolytes will surely call this fake news, or call for a travel ban.

  6. Omg. As long as they have good beings and a great environment, cool. But if they're messy like us, let's not contaminate them.

  7. Earth is a great planet. Our planet is the best planet. We will build a wall around our planet and aliens will pay for it

  8. Wouldn't it be totally amazing to be able to see or to be on the surface of these planets. Just to witness them
    I envy those who will one day get to see them

  9. Everyone made the same joke and it's still funny

  10. You mean before Planet X tears us up :)

  11. NASA: "We Are Not Saying It's Aliens... But It's Aliens." :D

  12. Yeah, Trap ist in!!!

  13. In 2017, have you found out now?

  14. 2017 is suddenly looking up.


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