Mark Zuckerberg and Travis Kalanick laugh it up at 'Babes and Balls' party

What would any kind of Silicon Valley outing be without ping pong and a heaping side of sexism? 

We may never know.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick both recently attended a birthday party for fellow rich white guy Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, at the Susan Sarandon-owned San Francisco outpost of SPiN. The two tech titans, one of whom is currently embroiled in a massive sexism scandal, were either unconcerned or unaware that the party was themed as a "Babes & Balls Breakfast at Tiffany's." 

And if they were actually unaware, it's only because they ignored all the signs—at least one of which was a literal sign on Facebook. 

The party was held less than a week before Zuckerberg announced that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are pregnant with a second baby girl. "We are all better people because of the the strong women in our lives—sisters, mothers and friends," he wrote on Facebook yesterday.

We imagine Mark drafted that post between rounds Friday at SPiN. Perhaps he found inspiration in all the babes? Or was it the balls? Maybe the breakfast. Either way, photos make clear that the Zuck was clearly pondering the ramifications of raising two girls in a world where women make .79 cents on the dollar. Kalanick, on the other hand, has the face of someone who keeps his eyes on the ball—just so long as that ball doesn't involve months and months of complaints about a negligent Uber HR team. Helps, too, if the ball in question is grey

But you've gotta hand it to the two of them: Who would've thought the way to address years of reported sexism in Silicon Valley would be to literally celebrate it? Classic disruption. 

                         WATCH: Taylor Swift Slays Sexism


  1. Rofl I was going to call yal for being another whiney rant but looks like everyone is going to roast this one. I just keep yal liked to remind myself people really can complain about anything.

  2. there there blog. the article reeks of the passive agressive snarkiness and faux-outrage of someone that wasn't invited

  3. Oh god yes, I'm so offended by a bunch of nerds hanging out and playing ping pong. The horror, the horror.

    And call me a bad feminist, but I still consider "babe" to be a nice compliment for a rad girl or woman.

  4. I think it would be different if the ping pong table all these nerds are constantly photographed with was a naked woman, then we could start being butthurt 2017 people. They're playing ping pong....

  5. And whys this wrong? They all look like having a great time

  6. Aw... look... a party that no one was forced to go to...

  7. Someone call the waaaaambulance...

  8. This is garbage blog, get a grip.

  9. Can media stop imposing value on someone or something the know nothing about?

  10. There, there, femi-cunts. If tech is the last meritocracy on Earth, you can always settle for NGO work...

  11. Liberal tears nurture my soul.

  12. Stop saying "we" are pregnant������..... so freaking stupid


  14. Articles like this are why Trump won.

  15. seriously?!! what's wrong with this?! unfollowing right now

  16. this blog = Men Cant Have Any Fun Anymore.

  17. It's just a party guys jeez!

  18. Those party photos didn't show anything raunchy.

  19. Consenting babes.

  20. Very much the definition of Making a mountain out of a mole hill.

  21. Can Mark Zuckerberg just live.

  22. Are you guys upset you weren't invited?

  23. You can take the nerd out of Harvard...

  24. Is that a space alien on the far right....


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