The most exciting thing about the iPhone 8 might not be its screen

The iPhone 8 rumors keep getting crazier.

A new report from Israeli tech site The Verifier claims the iPhone 8 will come with a "Smart Connector," similar to the three-pin connector on the iPad Pro, which could be used for interfacing with an AR or VR headset.

SEE ALSO: Uh oh: Apple may have to delay the iPhone 8 launch

The site, which has no previous track record (yet), claimed earlier this year Apple is working on group FaceTime calls for iOS 11.

In its new report, the site claims the iPhone 8 might include a Smart Connector for wireless charging (a feature that's widely rumored and expected) and for charging AR and VR headsets. It could also possibly be used to connect to other accessories.

Apple hasn't really done much with the Smart Connector on the iPad Pro. Since its launch last year, the only official Apple accessory that makes use of the connector is Apple's Smart Keyboard. 

Leaks from last year revealed Apple was toying with the idea of including a Smart Connector on the iPhone 7, but ultimately decided to scrap the idea. It's very possible the iPhone 8 could resurrect the connector.

A MagSafe-like connector for charging an AR or VR headset wouldn't be totally farfetched. If you look at the new Samsung Gear VR, you'll notice it has a USB-C pass-through port for extended power and charging because the headset connects to a Galaxy phones' micro USB or USB-C port. A magnetic charging cable would let users easily attach and detach the charging cable — perhaps not unlike the Apple Watch's MagSafe charger.

The iPhone 8's rumored to be the biggest redesign to the iPhone since its release a decade ago. It's rumored to have a new glass and stainless steel body, an edge-to-edge OLED display, a home button embedded underneath the screen, and the the aforementioned wireless charging. 

WATCH: Finally, a phone case that is also biodegradable

Credits: Mashable.



  1. What's annoying about your "continue reading" button is the fact you load your banner ads slower, so when your trying to click to read more you click a banner ad instead. Bad UX and driving duff clicks to paying advertisers.

  2. The 3 stages apple fans go through ...1 excitement because of the rumors..
    2 Disappointment after all the leaks and rumours comes back wrong ...3 anger after buying it and they got to justify spending $600 for more or less the same phone from a year ago

  3. As a disappointed iPhone user can't wait to see another lame product this year far behind other brands!! ��
    Let me guess! This time they gonna remove the internal speaker and sell it separately with a new adapter!! ��

  4. Congratulations Apple, looks like you are finally adding common features that have been available a few years from Samsung and other Android phones, of course now that Apple is doing it years later it will be the greatest new technology, well for iPhone users it will be anyway.

  5. I heard a rumor they are coming out with a crazy new device that allows you to make virtual commentary on stupid stuff like my phone is better than yours. But it's just a rumor.

  6. Can't wait.... I don't think, I'm ditching my iPhone the next time it breaks down. Be nice to have a phone that just worked really. Rip off

  7. Every generation of iPhone is going to project holograms and exist in 8-dimensional space and travel through time etc. ...until it's released, when it's the exact same thing in a slightly different size with one tedious new feature that nobody ends up actually using.

  8. I've heard that if you say 'Steve Jobs' into it 3 times he will appear and grant you a wish and that it will end world hunger. What a phone... ��

  9. When do you all realize they are spoon feeding you little stupid new gimmicks with every upgrade to keep you entrapped? It's not even funny anymore.

  10. iPhone 8 is becoming the Chuck Norris jokes of the technology world.

  11. I see in her profile photo, she has an iPhone and she likes wine. How is she so different? You do you.

    Tattoos aren't why we have a debt crisis.

  12. The truly stupid are willing to just throw their money away on truly stupid things like tattoos and iphones. I shake my head at these people. The throngs of idiots that will shell out 600 dollars for something that costs apple only 50 dollars to produce. Just like tattoos. People spend money on truly stupid things.

    Just exactly what does that 600 dollar iPhone do that justifies paying that much money for? Just exactly what does that tattoos does for you that is worth spending all that money for?

    No wonder we have a debt crisis in this country.

    I'm just gonna make smart decisions with my money so I don't end up with an empty bank account:

    1) Paying off my debts as they come to me. Never holding a credit card balance longer than a month. If this means living in a small studio apartment and eating ramen, rice, and beans, so be it.

    2) I will always buy small, fuel efficient and durable cars. I drive a 2006 Honda Civic now. It costs me nothing to fill up and next to nothing to insure ($24/month from Insurance Panda… woohoo!). I will not drive when I don’t need to, and use public transportation whenever possible.

    3) Developing multiple revenue streams. Doing side jobs. Building up small businesses. Doing contract work. Basically doing whatever I can to generate income from multiple sources.

    4) Grow my revenue and assets no matter what. Make sure I am always expanding and develop them to the point that they consistently generate reliable cash flow.

    5) The most important one - make as much as I can. Save as much as I can.

    I wish I could understand the mind set of these people that spend money on worthless things like iPhone and tattoo.

    No, they are just very, truly, deeply stupid people. I shake my head, embarrassed for them, but proud of my decision not to throw my money in the trash on truly stupid and worthless things like iPhone and tattoo

  13. Probably not happening. It's most likely going to be a iPhone 7 but thinner. So innovative

  14. I heard the new Samsung s9 comes with a battery that gets so hot you can cook breakfast on the 10" screen ��

  15. I heard there's a definite dubious possibility that the iPhone 8 will have a 3mm aux out and NEW Bluetooth earbuds with backup wires

  16. I heard there's a definite dubious possibility that the iPhone 8 will have a 3mm aux out and NEW Bluetooth earbuds with backup wires

  17. Please don't do MagSafe. I can't stand the magnetic connector on my laptop. Those darn things become knocked off by a sneeze

  18. yes rumors, becasue we all know its the Iphone 7S next.

  19. I'm waiting for the iphone20, which should be released fairly soon!

  20. Then launch day will come and it's a 7s looking the same as all the others

  21. You mean its the stuff you already get with other brands....

  22. Yeah, the most exciting thing about it will be it, too, won't work as advertised.

  23. Man. I'm going for the 7 next month. I'm too worried about the price take of the 8, or X

  24. I wonder if it has a function to connect to an alternative signal source if the phone-network / wifi etc drops out?

  25. Hahahaha
    Last time they removed the earphone jack
    This time are they removing the battery?

  26. Haven't finished paying for my 6s yet. Geezzzz.

  27. When is Something everyone else has A must have Fashion accessory ? ��

  28. Am I the only one who waits for the iphone20 to surface and then buy the iphone8in a bargain price?

  29. Lot's of stupid rumor but in the end, come to market so late.



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