Amber Heard serves sweet, sweet revenge on politician who kicked her dogs out of Australia

Some, well specifically Amber Heard, might just call it a classic case of karma.

The actress fired off a tweet on Tuesday aimed at Australian deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, offering to send him a crate of "New Zealand's finest kiwifruit" to comfort him in his hour of need.

"Assuming this passes his biosecurity laws," Heard quipped.

Back in 2015, Joyce threatened to put down Pistol and Boo — the dogs of a once-married Johnny Depp and Heard — unless they left the country. They had been smuggled in, contravening Australia's biosecurity laws. 

After quite the fracas, the pair were punished with an incredibly awkward and unforgettable apology video.


Now the shoe's on the other foot: Joyce has been in the spotlight being outed as a citizen of New Zealand, which is a big no-no if you're a sitting member of parliament, according to Australia's constitution. 

If Australia's supreme court rules against him, Joyce will be ruled ineligible to be a senator, sparking potential havoc in the country's government.

So somehow, more than a year on from the whole debacle, Heard has the last laugh. Never lose hope on those grudges, folks.


  1. She illegally brought her animals into our country. I paid thousands of dollars and did everything right when I brought my dog and cat from the UK to Australia. This is just bitchy - not revenge. Screw her and her dogs. Lucky they weren't put down!

  2. So she thinks that Australian quarantine laws are a joke and don't apply to her? If the dogs had introduced disease into Australia that affected Fauna that wouldn't have been very funny. Well Amber if you want to come to Australia abide by the rules.

  3. Matthews thinks is ok to violate quarantine laws put in place to protect indigenous wildlife? She broke the law and got off rather lightly and you think she is justified in being angry?

  4. Eat this Matthews!That Joyce guy renounced NZ citizenship so guess you hadn't "Heard" about it!

  5. Barnaby Joyce represents the Division of New England in the Australian House of Representatives - he is not a Senator. Very disappointing article, Matthews. First rule of journalism is get your facts right. My hope is that Amber's experience is a warning to all that we Australians take quarantine laws and the safety of our flaura and fauna very seriously. If you don't like our laws then don't come here.

  6. But she broke the law???? Why is everyone acting like she was a victim??

  7. Why does she think that she is so special that the law doesn't apply to her its about time our government come down harder on people who break our quarantine laws,it's not a joke to break our quarantine laws as some seem to think,you only have to look at border security to see people flaunting our quarantine laws and at most get a two hundred dollar fine, not enough to deter them from doing it again

  8. I do not live in Australia however, I feel whichever country you visit you should respect their laws or just stay home. Being rich should not allow you to be above the law even if you feel you are. She's just showing how petty she really is plus, that she didn't really understand that what her and her ex did was just Wrong��

  9. To be honest you didn't follow Australia policy on foreign dogs interning their country. You don't get a pass cuz your an actor and rich. Terri Irwin had to follow the steps to get her dogs into Australia. She wasn't disrespectful to this country and not follow the rules. She stepped up and set an example and did it the right way....

  10. Just proves what sort of character she is, Matthews 'journalist' too for that matter

  11. She willfully broke the law.and then through her husband under the bus for it.

  12. To be fair, she and her dogs deserved to be kicked out of Australia. It is funny though.

  13. She should get back together with that boozy pretender; they're good for each other. Some of the best acting they ever did

  14. She broke the law and endangered the ozzie continent which she referred to as an island. twunt.

  15. Turnabout is fair play.

  16. Sense of entitlement much? She broke the law...

  17. *Johnny depp's dogs.

  18. She made false assault accusations against him?


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