Trump reportedly asked why the US accepts people from 'sh*thole' countries

Sooo, here we go again. 

President DonaldTrump had a meeting with lawmakers in the Oval Office Thursday, in which the topic was protection for immigrants from places like Haiti, El Salvador, and some African countries.

The commander-in-chief's measured, sympathetic response? "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" the president said according to the Washington Post.

Um, yeah. He apparently then suggested the U.S. accept more people from Norway, according to three people who spoke to the Post. That's the same Norway whose prime minister he'd just met, and whose stance on immigration isn't one of the world's friendliest.

Naturally, the people of Twitter reacted with disgust and dismay.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah was quick with an explanation, which notably didn't contain a denial.

The Trump administration announced earlier this week it's revoking protections that allowed some 200,000 Salvadoreans to reside in the U.S. The group have 18 months to leave or face deportation. Tens of thousands of Haitians and Nicaraguans have also seen protections removed. 

Another awful day in Trumpland.


  1. And this ladies and gentleman is the President of the United States!!

  2. like scotland?! we never should have let his mommy get off that boat.

  3. Because it's what makes America great. This is a man who is used to patting his own back for putting his name on other people's work.

  4. All he needs to do is learn this: "its not what you say, but how you say it" I think that more of what he's trying to say or do will be a lot more palatable to his audience if he took that approach :-D #politics101

  5. When the Drumpfs left their home, it was a shithole country. And that leaves me wishing maybe we had not been taking them back then. But here we are.

  6. Good question.
    If you have immigrants who want to legally defect to our country, what do they have to offer??
    We already have legal citizens and military veterans homeless, hungry and without medical benefits.
    We don't need to import more.
    We are and always have been a generous nation.
    No other country has been as generous.
    If private citizens want to donate their own time and money to helping people, that's great.
    But our government is to serve America first and foremost.
    All others in need are a distant second

  7. Well they are crappy countries or they would not be flooding our country in a rush to get out. If their countries were great, they'd be staying there.

  8. because he's a 'stable genius' and knows how to shovel manure LOLOL

  9. He only likes rich Russians coming here to have babies and bring family members here

  10. Your tired,yor POOR,your downtroden YEARNING to breathe free like it says on that Statue of Liberty!

  11. Yep. I Was wondering the same thing .Why do we let our country

  12. " From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome"

    From the statue of liberty.......Trump the great "patriot" living up to the ideals on it's inscription every day.....

  13. ...and why do we babysit this a$$h*le Clown ��?

  14. Bless his heart. I'm sure he meant that in the nicest possible way. Sarcasm

  15. They’ve accepted your wives and now you ask this question?

  16. Anyone see this today?

  17. This from the guy with the mail order Slovenian bride.

  18. Because of cheap labor and easy votes for Democrats

  19. Has he never visited detroit or East l.a?

  20. Reportedly? Great journalism

  21. Because they can walk here

  22. Sounds like a valid guestion to me.

  23. He answered his own question!


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