Cleganebowl was the most satisfying moment in the final 'Game of Thrones' season

Spolier alert: This article contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8, episode 5.

Cleganebowl finally happened, and unlike a lot of other moments in the final season of Game of Thrones thus far, this one was satisfying

While King's Landing was being beset by dragon fire, Sandor and Gregor Clegane met on the crumbling steps of the Red Keep for one final fight, brother against brother, Hound against Mountain, chaotic good against chaotic evil.

It was a moment that Game of Thrones fans were waiting for — the Mountain finally meeting his  just ends for his evil deeds at the hands of his brother who he tormented and burnt, forever scarring his face and his psyche.

They were not alone at first, but the Hound quickly took care of the three accompanying queen's guards and the Mountain tossed his Dr. Frankenstein figure Qyburn down the stairs, smashing his head and killing him instantly. Cersei, sensing the dramatic end to the characters' arcs, got right out of there, leaving the two brothers to fight to the death while the symbol of the united kingdoms of Westeros collapsed around them.

The fight was cathartic and dramatic as the Hound hacked away at his undead brother, his new putrid visage revealing the monster that he was all along.

There was a moment where it seemed like it was all over for the Hound as the Mountain grasped his brother's head in his hands and began to squeeze, pushing his fingers into the Hound's eyes in a scene that mirrored the Mountain's iconic fight with Oberyn Martell — the fight that left the Mountain dying in agony thanks to Oberyn's poison spear and led to his resurrection as an undead guard for the queen.

The Hound shoved a dagger through his brother's head, but when that wasn't enough to kill him, he charged at him like a bull, sending the Cleganes off the stairway and into their fiery deaths below.

It was a fitting end for both characters as Sandor, having said good bye to Arya Stark moments before the fight, had done all that felt he needed to do in life, using his last moments to take Gregor with him. The Hound, symbolically born in fire when his brother shoved his head into flames when he was a child, died in fire as he brought his brother with him.

Everything in Sandor's life led him to that moment, and it was a fitting moment.

Mashable partner.


  1. Look on the bright side...there’s only one more episode left. Then all the haters can go and complain about another show. 🙂

  2. Everyone’s shitting on this season, and I’m just over here loving every second of it.

  3. Get a life people and just enjoy the show. Stop analyzing every second from your moms basement

  4. It was a awesome fight. The mountain looked pretty beast. Nigga was like immortal lol

  5. I’m loving this season, and we’re finally back to a Game of Thrones instead of the stupid and drawn-out “White Walker” nonsense. That was nearly as bad as when The Walking Dead was stuck in the stupid prison.

  6. I would have preferred at least a few minutes of this fight to have been dedicated to any of the other 1000 stories that would have been more interesting; especially since it effectively ended in a draw.

  7. Epic episode ! It was brilliant ��

  8. I guess if by satisfying you mean that they bludgeoned each other and fell into a fire in mutual destruction. I was hoping they were going to do something better and more interesting. Well... that was before season 8 started anyway.

  9. Everything leading up to it and surrounding it was symbolic and poetically just.
    It closed 4 different relationships beautifully, the Hound & Arya, the Hound & the Mountain, the Mountain & Cersei and the Mountain & Qyburn. Ironically beautiful.
    Massively bummed that Cersei got the star crossed lovers ending, that should never have been hers.

  10. Yup, about the only good thing about this episode lol they could have cut Aryas sightseeing and given us a longer fight but oh well

  11. Actually no.
    1) Hound loses a fight with Arya
    2) Hound loses a fight with Brienne
    3) Hound fights a super human immortal monster version of a man who was already a monster.
    4) how did this fight last longer than 3 seconds?
    1980s Jean Claude Van Damme called, he wants his protagonist armor back ��‍♂️

  12. It was so satisfying to see The Hound defeat Darth Vader.

  13. Gonna be a very awkward Thanksgiving this year.

  14. Ended where it began..... ��

  15. Who cares about Clegane fight?? Season is rubish.

  16. I wish they would of fought in the map room.

  17. This fight wasn't even great -_-

  18. The only logical fight that happened this entire season ! The fight was beautifully done and ended.

  19. That building had a lot of bricks. Cause it was crumbling for like 20 min in that fight. And nobody has gone and seen a “bowl” and liked a draw outcome

  20. Not even excited about clegane bowl its just a minor subplot ��

  21. Looked liked some comic book movie fight.

  22. You mean a spectacular season.

  23. The only redeeming feature in the entire episode. I cried like a baby haha

  24. What is dismal? Dany has burned people for power in literally every season. So you’re not getting your Hollywood happy ending? That was never the point.

  25. Loved the fight, but what was the purpose of making him a zombie? That didn't play into anything, at all.

  26. It! Finally! Happened!


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