'Avengers: Endgame' will return to theaters with new footage next week

Not over the Endgame? Then do we have great news for you. 

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has confirmed in an interview with ComicBook.com that Avengers: Endgame will return to theaters as early as next week — with bonus footage to offer up to hungry fans not satiated by the film's already three-hour runtime. 

"We are doing that," said Feige. "I don't know if it's been announced. And I don't know how much... Yeah, we're doing it next weekend." 

Disney has yet to make an official announcement for the Avengers: Endgame rerelease, and did not immediately respond to My blog request for confirmation. 

However, dropping Endgame back in theaters before the July 2 debut of Spider-Man: Far From Home, the final chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase Three, would be a smart move for the studio. 

With a world-wide box office pull of $2.743 billion (quivering just below Avatar at $2.788 billion for the record of highest-grossing film of all time per Box Office Mojo), Endgame is by far the most lucrative of Marvel's ventures. Certainly, there's more dust to be shaken out of this rug — if you'll pardon the expression. 

WATCH: Marvel intends to introduce a gay character 'soon'

Mashable partner.


  1. A sly way to break that box office record...

  2. Footage no, deleted scene after the credits and other video release items.

  3. Cheap way to try and top Avatar, 2 different theatrical releases...please.

  4. 6 min additional time for 3 hours movie? I’ll wait for the dvd thanks

  5. marvel studios is very smart for this

  6. The new footage will also include scenes where Jared Leto Joker and Joaquin Phoenix Joker team up and prank Captain Marvel by calling her “Shazam.”

  7. At least Avatar had ONE release into theaters.

  8. 6 extra minutes of content for full price? Marvel fans = ��

  9. Marvel really trying to beat Avatar for number 1 hahah

  10. Still hope for Ant man scene

  11. Why y'all thinking they doin this to still try and beat avatar, no one liked avatar from the beginning��

  12. so are we gong to watch the entire endgame again for 3hrs just to see this last part for less than 1 min?

  13. Watch this start a trend. They'll start releasing movies twice with extra scenes regularly. Greed has no limits

  14. DLC in movies now?

  15. Jack Hannon we going ?

  16. So we looking at a 4 hour movie now?

  17. Maybe they tryna recover those money to replace loses from x men dark phoenix

  18. So show the same movie again with a small clip to make more money, really?

  19. I'll just wait for the DVD box

  20. They just want to break the record.

  21. i'm still gonna watch this

  22. I guess that’s a good use of my AMC A-list subscription.

  23. Please do not go watch!!!!!! Don’t support this crap, they are trying to get people to pay twice for content that should have been included. Wait for release. This is dumb as f

  24. I have not seen the film for I heard it was terrible!

  25. Looks like they are trying to one last push to beat Avatar as the number one worldwide movie of all time....I think it just needs about $30 million more, it's at like $2,744,000,000.

  26. Lot of ways to make more money

  27. This movie doesn't need extra scenes. It needs a good edit to trim it down in some places

  28. Must not have made enough money the first time released. I don't like greedy people, but I enjoyed the movie. I've seen it twice... there won't be a third.

  29. What a shameless money grab.

  30. GOT should do this too.

  31. That’s ok let’s just wait until it hits Netflix or prime


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