Amber Heard Granted Restraining Order Against Johnny Depp, Says She’s A Victim Of Domestic Violence 

The actress has photos she claims show the bruises that Depp gave her during the course of their relationship.

A Los Angeles judge granted Amber Heard a temporary restraining order against Johnny Depp on Friday, after she claimed she was a repeated victim of domestic violence. 
The 30-year-old actress filed for divorce from Depp on Monday and TMZ was the first to report that she showed up to court with her lawyer on Friday, armed withphotos she claims show bruises that the 52-year-old actor gave her during the course of their relationship.
Amber Heard submitted this photo as evidence for her domestic violence restraining order


  1. In interviews for years Depp has appeared on camera to be either stoned or drunk or overmedicated and his fans thought it was hip & cool. I don't envy anybody stuck in a relationship with a drunk or an addict.

  2. Seems shady that she would allegedly take the time to document her alleged abuse on her phone...but never leave Jim or file a police report OR even make a public accusation until after she's denied spousal support. this blackmail?

  3. If he did this then he deserves to have the book thrown at him. I wonder if Vanessa Paradis will break her silence and on which side she will fall. I hope he didn't do it but if he did he deserves punishment for being abusive. If he didn't and she is just looking for publicity and money then she deserves punishment for what it does to all the truly abused women out there.

  4. If this is true, please media do your job. No more giving celebrities wide berth for acts of violence against women.

  5. shame on you, putting it down to money - domestiic violence is abhorrent and good for her for walking away from it. Many can't

  6. and yet by her own account Heard is the one who"ll go "trailerpark" in a flash(a reference to her violent temper).wonder if Johnny kept photos of his bruises as well?

  7. Trying to keep an open mind, but can't remember hearing anything about him being physically abusive to any other women he has had relationships with? There are rumours about him drinking, but if the realationship has been rocky for a while he may have been looking for an escape through alcohol - never the best of ideas.

  8. He looks absolutely MISERABLE in this picture! The "younger woman" may have a young face and body, but they are nowhere near the same in maturity and understanding that experience brings with aging. Johnny is one of the nicest men in Gollywood!

  9. Sad situation, really no matter how it plays out.

    If Depp did hit her, that is terrible.

    If she was plotting this and presented a false story to the police, that's also terrible.

    I just hope people don't start jumping to either side. Police will investigate, see what happened. The picture up there looks like she was hit with a door or something heavy and flat. Not saying he didn't do it. Just doesn't look like a punch, unless his fist has a sharp vertical edge. Yes, I know he could have hit her with a door, and no, that would not be okay.

  10. Innocent til proven guilty, but it's hard to imagine she's so evil and calculating that she would make such a thing up.


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