Woody Allen opens up about Soon-Yi: 'I provided her with enormous opportunities'

Woody Allen is getting candid about his personal life. 
In a lengthy sit-down with The Hollywood Reporter, the director chatted about everything from his upcoming projects to his relationship with wife Soon-Yi Previn, who's 35 years younger than Allen.
The pair, who have been married for over 20 years, met because she was the adopted daughter of his then-wife Mia Farrow — which caused a scandal once he and Previn became romantically linked. 
In this new interview, Allen says he was he was "immune" to the criticism that sparked up about his relationship in the '90s.
"I worked right through that, undiminished," he says. "Made films all through those years and at the same rate I was making them. I'm good that way. I am very disciplined and very monomaniacal and compartmentalized."
Around the time he split with Farrow, he was also accused of sexually abusing their 7-year-old daughter Dylan. The claims were dismissed, but she wrote about them once again in a New York Times op-ed in 2014.
In the THR interview, Allen doesn't speak about Dylan, but does say he hasn't seen Mia in some time. 
He also spoke candidly about how Previn has affected him, calling her "one of the great experiences of my life." 
"She's given me a lot of pleasure," he says.
"I adore her, and she's given me a wonderful life."
"I adore her, and she's given me a wonderful life. We've been married 20 years. And we were together for a few years before that. And she has given me the great years of my life, personally. She's a great companion and a great wife. She has given me a stable and wonderful home life and great companionship."
Allen also helped improve Previn's life, he notes. 
"I've been able to really make her life better. I provided her with enormous opportunities, and she has sparked to them. She's educated herself and has tons of friends and children and got a college degree and went to graduate school, and she has traveled all over with me now. She's very sophisticated and has been to all the great capitals of Europe. She has just become a different person. So the contributions I've made to her life have given me more pleasure than all my films."
He also spoke on his upcoming projects, including his Amazon TV series starring Miley Cyrus. He first came across her when he noticed his kids watching Hannah Montana.
"I would say: 'Who is that girl? She's got such a good delivery. You know, she snaps those lines off so well. The show is a silly little show, but she's very good at what she does,'" he says. 
Also, in case you're wondering where he stands on politics, he calls himself a "Hillary fan," though he does "like Bernie very much." He's also met Donald Trump before. 
"I've met Trump because he was in one of my movies, Celebrity," he says. "He's very affable, and I run into him at basketball games and at Lincoln Center. And he is always very nice and pleasant — [which is] hard to put together with many of the things he has said in his campaign."


  1. "I adore her, and she's given me a wonderful life."

  2. The way he talks about giving his wife opportunities and providing for her is super weird. Your wife is supposed to be your equal, Woody, not someone you rescued from the slums of a foreign country to satisfy your sick fetish. Oh, and everybody believes Dylan. Your legacy will be marred forever and when you die I will say good riddance. http://www.vanityfair.com/.../woody-allen-sex-abuse-10-facts

  3. Sick sick sick. They need to go after woody they way they went after Cosby

  4. One day I hope to fall in love with someone who has 50 years and oppressive financial leverage over me.

  5. He calls Trump "nice and pleasant". Does he realize that if Trump had been in the White House in the 90s, Soon-Yi would probably never have been allowed in the country.

  6. Because without HIM to provide "opportunities," she could never have been educated or traveled or become cultured or worldly on her own? Seriously? Women aren't pets without opposable thumbs or the ability/chances in life to take care of our own interests and wishes... we can actually grow and experience these amazing things for ourselves as individuals without a man's help if we want to. We aren't property anymore.

  7. Woody provided her with something alright. I think calling it enormous is overcompensating though.

  8. By all accounts she's an horrendous emotional abuser who belittles him at every turn, to which I say, good for you, Soon Yi.


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