Hurricane Matthew jokes really show where our priorities are in 2016

Hurricanes = no power. No power no Netflix.
In case you haven't heard, Hurricane Matthew — currently classified as a category 3 storm — is wreaking havoc on the eastern coast of Florida. 

The storm presents a serious safety threat, and has already caused a reported 2.5 million U.S. evacuations.

However, because this is 2016, many Twitter users are less concerned with the severe flooding and structural damage the hurricane has caused than with slightly superficial 2016 "hurricane problems." 

For instance, many people are outraged because Hurricane Matthew has interfered with their ability to watch Netflix for hour and hours... ) )

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Others are suffering because they stocked up on a ton of food to prepare for the hurricane, and are now tempted to eat it all at once... )

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To further highlight our very important 2016 priorities, Twitter user Dnt_Follow_LC posted a screengrab of a news report on mass Hurricane Matthew evacuations. 

The photograph shows one side of a highway packed with cars attempting to flee the designated danger zones. On the other side of the highway, one lonely car can be seen bravely driving towards the evacuated area.

The photograph was appropriately captioned "forgot my headphones," because everyone in 2016 knows that headphones are worth driving into a hurricane. )

User IrishNexus also posted the photograph to Reddit, which encouraged the online community to suggest alternate captions.

Here are some other very possible reasons why someone would be driving directly into a hurricane:
  • "This is my first vacation in ten years and god damnit, I don't care if there's a hurricane! I'm going to see the ocean!" - PaxImperium
  • 'Babe, come over' - 'I can't, I'm fleeing certain death' - 'My parents aren't' home.' - Spoonland
  • "My Disney app says there are zero wait times for EVERYTHING!" -nyintx

                                                            By: +Matthews Martins 


  1. If you can't make jokes, what can you do? Leave people to their funny business ffs! Hurricane not funny. People laughing at it, entirely their choice.

  2. I lived through it and if you don't have humor in a situation like this, you'll go nuts
    So have at it y'all..
    Life is short!!

    Go on a mission trip to Haiti to help if you're all so concerned
    Check with your local churches
    They'll give you a real opportunity to put your money where your mouths are ��⚡️��


  3. I'm in Florida and lucky enough to be living in Tampa at the moment where the storm is not a problem but for 99% of the rest of my state it is not a joke. How is dieing due to natural disaster a joke?

  4. This might not be as big of a deal over here button Haiti it was a pretty big deal. So over here people might be able to find humor with it but it seems less likely that they will find humor with it over there.

  5. I've been too busy researching non-profit organizations providing relief in Haiti to care about what some entitled a-holes said on Twitter. Sorry.

  6. What else are you going to do against the inevitable but laugh?

  7. TBF the "havoc" has been pretty minimal compared to what it could have been.. not like this is an andrew,katrina or hugo..

  8. Humor is one of many ways humans deal with certain things that can be hard to grasp to try and make sense of things

  9. Haiti 800+ lives and counting.

  10. It's called satire. Sometimes it helps ease anxiety.

  11. I'm sure the people of Haiti think it's hilarious also

  12. Empathy is missing in some ...

  13. Like theres so many things to see in Netflix Good Luck


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