Nearly naked Hillary Clinton statue sparks fury downtown

A statue of a cloven-hoofed and naked Hillary Clinton barely lasted an hour in lower Manhattan Tuesday before a furious supporter pounced on it and called cops — a lifetime compared to the mock Donald Trump that drew laughing crowds to Union Square in August.
The Clinton statue popped up outside the Bowling Green subway station at about 6 a.m. and depicted the former secretary of state with an open blouse, white panties and demon-like goat legs.
An exaggerated representation of a Wall Street banker peeks out from her side as they stand on a pile of what look like deleted ­e-mails and a map-like shape of Benghazi.
The thin-skinned supporter, who was identified only as Nancy, knocked down the satyr-like statue and broke off parts of it — plopping down on it at about 7 a.m. while the artist and a male supporter tried to save it, witnesses said.
She called police who told the unnamed artist to move it. The statue was gone by 7:30 a.m., witnesses said.
“Yeah I hope they put you in cuffs,” the male artist said during the brouhaha. “I’m just trying to preserve my art here.”
“This is my workplace. I have to look at this?” the upset woman said.



  1. they made a naked statue of Trump and people took photos and had fun. They made a naked statue of Hillary and they got offended and started a fight. That country is filled with hypocrites

  2. Insert hypocritical statement here from Hillary supporter who took a smiling selfie with the naked trump statue.

  3. I love this. It's a feeble and extremely last minute attempt to poke fun at Hillary. She's laughing all the way to the polls.....keep widening that gap, people! :)

  4. I am not for Donald Trump - but I see this, in essence, being the same in spirit as the nude Trump statue that was circulating on the media a few months ago.

  5. The comments section here reads like this:
    Trump Supporter: "Hell yeah! Look at all these offended libtards! Their hypocrisy is ridiculous!"
    Clinton Supporter: *shrugging and not giving any shits about this statue*

    Personally, I'm just wondering how long it took the artist to create something that looks like a 4yo made it with play doe...

  6. Don't be shocked, when after this embarrassment of an election is over...the USA will never be taken seriously again. This election and the American people's reaction to it, is gross at best.

  7. Fair's fair. But I think it's reasonable to not want it in front of the museum (or other business) The Trump I saw I L.A. had to be moved off the the public sidewalk, too.

  8. Hmmm, looks like a deranged goat woman for sure, but unlike the Trump statue that did look like him, I'm not sure there's much resemblance to Hillary Clinton. Reminds me more of that scary Lucille Ball statue.

  9. I didn't think it was funny when it was Trump and I don't think it's funny now. Making fun of people's bodies is disgusting behavior. Your children are watching...

  10. The difference between this and Trump was this is not straight nudity. It's a depiction of how the artist feels. It's the difference between taking a picture of someone and posting it, and then taking a picture of another person and photoshopping some derogatory things on or around the person.
    That said, I don't really care. I'm only voting for Hillary because I don't want a fat cat business man running the show.

  11. What's the difference between that and a statute of naked Trump?

  12. This is freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Nobody said you had to like it or not be offended by it. But at the same time you have no right to then impose censorship upon the artist.

  13. It doesn't have the same effect since she doesn't constantly body shame like Trump does. Therefore, it makes it offensive. But republicans always have this "if they can do it so can we" attitude dismissing context entirely.

  14. I suppose it's a tit for tat, so whatever.... I doubt it's going to sway anyone's vote. The difference however is trump is so vain and thin skinned, his statues were the perfect troll on his over inflated ego. This is just stupid.

  15. Both in bad taste. However the woman in the story has a buisness in which it was placed in front of and has a effect right to object. New York is pretty crazy and you might expect this.

  16. A lot of men are commenting that it's no big deal & there was a Trump statue so..,, ? I think women in this country are just sick to death of being treated this way. SICK. OF. IT

  17. At first I thought it was hypocritical. Then I noticed the difference in posture and accuracy of the statues. The Hillary one is much more insulting rather than a accurate depiction

  18. I could only tell it was Hillary because I'm told it is. It's a very poor characture and could be anyone. The Trump one was just plain Trump but naked. You knew it was Trump as soon as you seen it. But if the Hillary one was as good and in the same style I'm sure it would of got the same reaction. Why? Because women have endured this sort of belittling and body shamming for so long this is too raw and close to the bone to see it as just a statue or as just fun. The Trump statue was a statue of Trump. The Hillary statue was a statue as someone sees her as a woman.

  19. You know - yeah, this really pisses me off and I didn't care about the Trump statue. Trump has made everyone's looks and sexuality a focus of discussion - from Heidi Klum not being a 10 anymore, to not voting for Carly Fiorino because of her face, to Megyn's period to Melania v. Cruz's wife to everything. What politician talks like that? Yes, a woman has to put up with it every day from someone on the street or in the office or whatever but, usually, you are protected from being discussed as a piece of meat in a certain level of professional society. But - not from Donald so yeah - the statue was putting him on display and I didn't feel a bit bad about it. But, do you know, as a woman, how unusual it has been to have Hillary to discuss (for better or worse). To talk about a woman because of what she has accomplished, and her ideas and her role in government. My friends and I have had - well, close to zero conversations about living women like that. It has been interesting to talk about a woman not trying to charm people, not singing, dancing, doing art, cooking, not pretty, not young..... Now, Trump has brought Bill into it - okay - but at least we were still talking about Hillary's actions and if they were okay, then he talked about being behind her and not being impressed. By what? Yes, every woman is on earth to titillate or disgust you Donald - even a woman competing with you for the highest office in the land (and, she has done better than every single Republican presidential candidate and deserves a little respect). And now, thank you men, this statue. Has she once brought up her sexuality? But, you have to go for it. Go on. Say it's hypocrisy. You don't have a clue.

  20. Lol, this is hilarious. It always makes you wonder when people get violently upset about something like this, something peaceful even.
    I'm sure this woman took gleeful joy in the naked trump statues too.

  21. more people should be shocked by indirectly by her policy of killing houndred thousand people and more directly anyone trying to mess with her intrest. this would normal people be more upset about than this irrelevant heading making news.

  22. Great, another example of sexual assault. Shaming a person's body in a graphic way such as this IS sexual assault.
    And before anyone tries to dismiss this or argue my point by saying similar statues of Trump were done. Yes, those too were sexual assault and I am equally pissed off that someone did that. I am NO fan of Trump, but NO ONE deserves to be sexually violated.

  23. Art is art. The cloven feet though gives in to crazy people but america does have lots of those and this is how they see Hillary so.

  24. In their defense, I would be upset to see a naked Hillary statue as well. No one wants to see that. Ever. As for the people upset, I would love to know what they did to get the nude Trump statues removed

  25. So it's okay for naked Donald to appear unwanted in 5 cities, but a naked Hillary as a Wall Street Devil is not? Last time I checked, Hypocrisy wasn't a one-way street....

  26. Although I don't support Donald trump, many people thought it was okay for his naked statues to be around, I don't see any difference, just hypocrisy

  27. Lol, they shouldn't have gone so cartoonish if they were looking for the same type of burn Trump received with his "mini's" ��

  28. Oh, the Hypocrisy of the Hillary supporters, considering multiple naked statues of Trump popped up weeks ago and Republicans didn't care.


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