Tiger Woods crowned 'Comeback King' after his first major victory since 2008

Dramatic comebacks are usually the stuff of sports movies, complete with sweeping music and tearful embraces. But Sunday, America witnessed one, IRL.

That's when Tiger Woods won the Masters, the most important of all annual golf tournaments, at the Augusta National Golf Course in Georgia. It was the embattled sports legend's first major victory since 2008, and first Master's win since 2005. Fans across the internet, and Tiger Woods himself, appear to be joyously bowled over by what's being hailed as one of the greatest sports comebacks of all time.

When Tiger Woods rose to fame and prominence in the 1990s, he helped turn golf into a sport that a mainstream audience actually cared about. The fact that he was a black golfer also helped open up the sport for future POC athletes, and fans, who might never have connected with the often elitist, whitewashed sport otherwise. 

Many have said that Tiger Woods changed golf forever.

During the height of his career, Tiger won 14 major tournaments, and four Masters. But his star began to fall in 2009 when his wife divorced him amid cheating allegations, and a series of porn stars and other consorts came forward throughout 2010 to reveal their illicit relationships with the superstar golfer. Over the next few years, Woods suffered from multiple injuries and surgeries — and also was charged with a DUI after crashing his Mercedes in 2017. 

The fall from grace was particularly hard to stomach for fans who idolized his singular talent and the way he had changed golf. Adding to that disappointment were four back surgeries, and multiple other debilitating injuries, that caused Tiger to approach comebacks, only to drop out or fail over the last few years.

Now, fans — including the likes of Serena Williams, Steph Curry, and Michael Phelps — got to share in Tiger's redemption on Sunday.

Jack Nicklaus, the only golfer who has won more majors than Tiger Woods, also congratulated Woods on his comeback. Nicklaus is the oldest player to have ever won the Masters, at 46; Tiger, at 43, is now the second oldest.

Woods' victory even united President Trump and President Obama. Who doesn't love an American comeback story?

Tiger's win was by no means a sure thing. Some betting houses lost big thanks to the rogue sports betters who took the long odds and put it all on Tiger to win.

Twitter and media reports were largely devoid of criticism of the player for his past indiscretions. Culturally, many people are grappling with how to consider the work and legacy of people (mostly men) who turn out to be, well, shitty (or much worse). 

It seemed that, on Sunday, America was just in need of a redemption story, and a happy
ending. Watching Tiger at the Master's, it got one.

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  1. Simply the best! Congrats Tiger & golf!

  2. Congratulations, Tiger! <3 <3

  3. Overcome with happy thoughts for Tiger. EVERYONE deserves a second chance��

  4. Awesome!! Never give up.....never!! Congrats Tiger!!

  5. Congrats Tiger Woods! Never under estimate human determination and ambition.

  6. Molinari lost far more than Tiger won.

  7. I am happy for him.

  8. He’s a come back King for two different reasons.. :) :)

  9. So happy for him. Go Tiger!!

  10. He won bc the other guy lost it and double bogied twice on the back 9. I mean he won either way. But really it’s more like the other guy lost.

  11. This made me happy ��

  12. I like Tiger and sure it’s been a long time since a Masters and Major in general.....but best ever? Nah bro.
    He didn’t dominate and Molinari/Finau simply fell apart with the water shots.
    Impressive and happy for him.....best ever though? Hyperbole

  13. Nothing better than to get to watch him win twice today !!!

  14. That was fun to watch


  16. Love this man !!!! So happy for him !!

  17. Can’t stand him. His rotten behavior made me dislike him years ago.

  18. Congrats You are a real figther.

  19. Where are all the Tiger haters and naysayers?..hmmmm?

  20. that is just brilliant well done.

  21. Golf's more of a hobby than a sport...



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