Greta Thunberg makes it clear at Davos 2020: You should be panicking.

Greta Thunberg makes it clear at Davos 2020: You should be panicking

Greta Thunberg didn't mince words at Davos 2020. Addressing business and political leaders in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, she said their "inaction is fueling the flames by the hour" and accused them of "empty words and promises."

At an event hosted by The New York Times on Tuesday, the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist recalled the words of her 2019 Davos speech.

"One year ago I came to Davos and told you that our house is on fire. I said I wanted you to panic," she said. "I’ve been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do. But don’t worry. It’s fine. Trust me, I’ve done this before and I assure you it doesn’t lead to anything."

"You say children shouldn’t worry. You say: 'Just leave this to us. We will fix this, we promise we won’t let you down,'" she added. "And then — nothing. Silence. Or something worse than silence. Empty words and promises which give the impression that sufficient action is being taken."

Skip to around the eight-minute mark below to watch Thunberg's speech in full.

Thunberg said that in the days preceding the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum, she joined a group of climate activists demanding that world business and political leaders start taking action. She then gave a list of demands:

We demand that at this year’s World Economic Forum participants from all companies, banks, institutions and governments:

Immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction.

Immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies.

And immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.

We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030 or even 2021, we want this done now.

"It may seem like we’re asking for a lot. And you will of course say that we are naive. But this is just the very minimum amount of effort that is needed to start the rapid sustainable transition," she said. "So either you do this or you’re going to have to explain to your children why you are giving up on the 1.5-degree target."

She went on to say that her generation will not give up without a fight.

"I wonder, what will you tell your children was the reason to fail and leave them facing the climate chaos you knowingly brought upon them? The 1.5-degree target? That it seemed so bad for the economy that we decided to resign the idea of securing future living conditions without even trying?" she said.

A few hours prior to this speech, Thunberg made remarks at a panel with other young environmentalists, warning that time was running out to keep the increase in global temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

"Our house is still on fire. Your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour. We are still telling you to panic, and to act as if you loved your children above all else," she concluded.


  1. Talking would be really interesting to hear her read her own ideas....

  2. No one cares about Goonie Greta!

  3. You know what should make you panic? That there are people who actually take this know nothing precocious child seriously

  4. I think I"ll panic later. Have a few more pressing things to panic about right now, but thanks. BTW how did she get to Davos, Switzerland............mountain climbing over the Alps???

  5. She is a highly intelligent young woman, who is backed up by hundreds of scientists. The amount of people in these comments that are denying the facts is comical.

    1. Kunai Sevak Union of Concern Sciences 1967 Life Magazine.

    2. I said 'most'. I am aware that her father helps. And just because you don't agree, with your GCSE in science, you think you can just ignore the research of hundreds of scientists? Okay. Makes sense.

    3. Ron Cole Remember when we only had until the year 2000 or it would be too late? No wonder they use kids who have never seen all the failed doomsday predictions. They're the only ones dumb enough to still fall for it.

    4. Source please.

    5. how do you know that she writes her own speeches? You seem to have a lot of new information that's contrary to what we've recently discovered, i.e. her dad being responsible for writing her online content.

    6. what? You think teenagers supporting other teenagers is the same as highly qualified scientists backing up a young woman about climate change? That is the most embarrassing strawman argument I've ever seen.

    7. you know I remember this kid in the poor part of town growing up. Started drinking beer at a young age, knew all about parties, smoking and drunks. They all agreed with him and signed off on the validity of his every comment. We called that following, not intelligent.
      I believe your book may serve you better if it were placed in the restroom...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ... And triggers conservative man-babies by doing so
    ... That could have been tacked on to the title, because it's clearly true.

  8. The people commenting on here are contemptible.

  9. Child Abuse all this nonsense!! 🤔 Panicking for......🙄

  10. She needs to go to school. And learn something .

  11. Why is this little paid puppet still being given a venue to speak ?

    1. because people want to hear what she has to say. Unlike you, who is relegated to Facebook

    2. she says nothing that isn't paid for nust like the main stream media.... Take a look around no one cares about this little actress

  12. My question is why doesn’t she call out China Russia India or any other country besides the US we’ve lowered our CO2 emissions more than any other country that signed the climate agreement absolutely ridiculous I would love to see her answer actual questions that aren’t scripted

    1. That's cute. Look at you pretending to care about CO2 emissions

    2. because they don't have a President making fun of her on a world stage. Other than that, lack of education would be my first guess.


    4. ok china is interesting in renewable energy but they are still dumping tones of plastics in the ocean still worst for carbon emission then any other country India worst for dumping plastic in ocean Russia well they are just bad with all of it carbon toxic wast plastics but yet every single climate activists is pointing the finger at Americans it bull Sh!t start harping on the counties that are actually doing more harm then good are they trying yeah somewhat but none of them have even came close to what America has done so fare

  13. Doesn’t she realize that every time she opens her mouth, the CO2 levels go up, and so will the earths temperature with all her hot air....

    1. like when you open your mouth we hear how mean and hateful you are?

  14. Apart from banging on about climate change what has she actually done about it, or changed for that matter. Anyone could do what she's doing, not to mention the fact she stumbles over answers to any questions of her "plan"

    1. Dude has more expectations for a teenager than himself lmao


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