Trump congratulates the wrong state for the Super Bowl win.

Trump congratulates the wrong state for the Super Bowl win

The Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl on Sunday, and President Donald Trump swiftly tweeted his congratulations to the "Great State of Kansas" on the big victory.

The only problem? The Chiefs are based out of Kansas City, Missouri.

The Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49ers by a score of 31-20. It was the franchise’s first Super Bowl win in 50 years.

Trump quickly deleted the erroneous post but, of course, screenshots live forever.

To be fair, folks in Kansas were likely rooting for the Chiefs on Sunday, and there is a Kansas City, Kansas. In fact, Missouri's Kansas City lies right along the border with the state of Kansas. But the fact remains, the Kansas City that won the Super Bowl is in Missouri — a city that is named after the Kansas River.

Trump attempted to move on from the embarrassing tweet by posting a corrected version of the Kansas City tweet a little later.

"Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game and a fantastic comeback under immense pressure," it read. "We are proud of you and the Great State of Missouri. You are true Champions!"

There we go.


  1. Both states share the city, and you probably didn’t even know that until this “controversy”. But division brings the ad revenue. 💁‍♀️

    1. they do not share a city. KC, Kansas and KC, Missouri are two separatel cities in the same metropolitan area. The Chiefs are from KC, Missouri. It's a pretty big distinction down there.

    2. Presidents make mistakes all the time, I mean hell, Obama said something about 57 states one time? Come on...

    3. yeah Easy to remember, BBQ is from KC Missouri and Meth is from KC Kansas! ��

    4. He needs to go back to geography class

    5. Yeah, people make mistakes, even presidents. But with Trump it’s EVERY SINGLE DAY

    6. On the campaign trail in Beaverton, Oregon, in May 2008, an obviously tired Barack Obama mistakenly told a crowd that over the course of the long campaign he had been to fifty-seven states in the U.S., with one left to go:

    7. he claims he doesn’t make mistakes that’s why he never apologizes for anything.

    8. we learnt that in middle school LMAO

    9. what Obama actually said was all 57 states and territories. The and territories part was edited out by right wing news outlets.

    10. To save humankind, fetus testing positive for the liberal gene needs to be eliminated.

  2. And yet... Most people in Missouri... Cheer for the Rams... 🙄🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣

  3. Kansas city is in BOTH states.. quit making a mountain out of a mile hill

    1. l Arrowhead Stadium is not in Kansas. Most of Kansas City is in Missouri. Anyone who made it through middle school in the US should know this.

    2. But that's the problem education standards are so low that some people don't, and it's a common mistake. I had a family member asked me where it was.

    3. KC, Kansas and KC, Missouri are two separatel cities in the same metropolitan area. The Chiefs are from KC, Missouri. It's a pretty big distinction down there.

    4. after he deleted the mistake.

    5. yeah, but if you attended an Ivy League school like Trump, and he claimed that he’s a “stable genius,” and born and raised in America, and the president for this country, don’t you think he should at least know the geography of the country he’s representing? Let alone know where the Chief’s is based from????

    6. 2 diff cities not the same

    7. After it was corrected.The Kansas.Tweet is gone

    8. after he corrected it.

    9. freaking auto correct lol

    10. honestly. WTF does it matter? So he's human. Let's form a lynch mob because the President made a typo! Pathetic and petty.

    11. at least we know what's happening. He speaks directly to the people through his Twitter account. I actually like that. He wasn't my first choice but he's my President. I don't agree with all of his tweets, but I'm glad he does it. My point here is the fact that people have become so childishly petty that they are blinded to the truth. He congratulated both sides of the line. Or do the fans on the Kansas side not count?

    12. I would hope the Pres knew basic geography of the country he presides over LOL

  4. Just give him a Sharpie and he’ll put Kansas City in Kansas with the other one.

    1. Easy mistake to make if you don't follow football that closely because you're busy cutting international deals for us and our farmers, or watching Korea or dealing with the democratic idiots in Washington. I bet he'd like to be like us where our yearly event is the super bowl!! lol PS I'd put his intelligence and knowledge above any of us on facebook!!

    2. So far he has done none of what you listed and he is as dumb as a stump! Real presidents have a staff to tell them where Kansas City is if they are smart enough to listen. He insults every world leader he meets (except tyrants) by his ignorance of their location and issues. He didn’t even know what the Arizona Memorial was there for!

    3. it's a totally different state dear, you would think a stable genius would know Kansas City was in Missouri like most middle school children do LOL

  5. He is so smart. Not!

    1. and you? Look at a map

    2. lol you're a florist how smart can you be. You might want to look at a map and pay attention to the state lines....

    3. did u know Kansas City is in both states?

  6. Been to Missouri and Kansas-neither one was that worth remembering. Lol

  7. Lots of people on here with degrees in geography. Lol

  8. I hate Trump as much as the next person, but this is just nitpicking.
    The city is in two states.

    1. 2 diff cities tho

    2. YEAH!... NITPICKING! I mean, just because he's the President of the ������������ ������������ doesn't mean that we should expect him to know anything about any of the actual.... uh.... ������������. Trump is just the 'president' of America - it's not like he needs to know anything about any major events happening in America.
      And does it really matter that much if the President of the United States has any sort of administration in place to ensure that information that he sends out is accurate??
      Besides, it's not as though anyone claimed that Trump was any kind of "genius" or anything.

    3. yeah there are a lot of cities that share names in different states, and knowing the difference is something I look for in the person who is our President

    4. we learned that in middle school

    5. but the football team is based in Missouri, not in Kansas

    6. yes, especially the home state of the football team. It is awkward for a US President to be careless about these things.

  9. Another tweet that showed how Trump is a disappointment.

  10. Omg so embarrassing...

  11. And more than 30k of his supporters love the tweets! What is their educational level?


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