Larry David's Super Bowl ad is really dividing people.

Larry David's Super Bowl ad is really dividing people

"I'm never wrong about this stuff."

As well as the epic half time shows and the actual football itself, the other thing the Super Bowl is best known for is probably the ads.

Every year, some of the biggest stars get paid presumably ridiculous amounts to pop up in exclusive commercials during the event, which regularly attracts over 100 million viewers.

This year, we had Jamie-Lynn Sigler recreating the opening credits of The SopranosPaul Rudd and Seth Rogen in a Lay's commercial — and Larry David in an ad for cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

Yep, that's right — Larry David, America's grumpiest comedian, was in an ad related to cryptocurrency.

You can watch the commercial in full above, but the basic premise is David popping up in different forms throughout the ages, turning his nose up at various inventions from the wheel to the lightbulb. In the final scene an FTX employee shows him the app, describing it as "a safe and easy way to get into crypto", and David responds: "Eh, I don't think so. And I'm never wrong about this stuff."

As you can probably image, given how wildly divided people are about cryptocurrency and NFTs in general (some because it's confusing, some for environmental reasons), the ad caused quite a stir on social media.

Admittedly, quite a few people did enjoy it.

For what seemed like the majority, though — at least on Twitter — the combination of Larry David and cryptocurrency was something they just couldn't get their heads around.

Ultimately, love it or loathe it, David's name was trending on Twitter well into Monday.

FTX got exactly what they wanted.

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More in AdvertisingCryptocurrencyCelebrities                                                                    


  1. Loved the commercial. Although I do think he may be right this time ;)

  2. So the 12 different PepsiCo commercials who praise sh…tuff that is literally devastating your body is not worth mentioning maybe?

  3. People are already divided

  4. Someone saying they’re never wrong about something is a huge red flag

    1. pretty sure it's tongue & cheek, not a philosophical discussion

    2. that was the joke.

    3. are you familiar with comedy? He’s not Trump

  5. Funny commercial but I don’t like the sponsor

  6. It's definitely a funny commercial, but I think there's a little crypto-backlash after Matt Damon's "Fortune Favors the Brave" spot.

  7. Good or bad, it's a friggin commercial.

  8. pump and dump trolling generations

  9. Lots of Electric vehicle commercials. 👍🏻👍🏻

  10. Using electricity to produce nothing is a crime against humanity. Do something useful.

  11. he's trolling y'all

  12. Yes, the immortal man who likes to deny everyone

  13. Larry has been 60 years old for 6,000 years

  14. Oh Larry is so great in this. Selling out to the man has never been this funny.

  15. This reminds me of something that happened to me in 1999. I remember that my boss showed us his new phone and I excitedly said: "It would be great if later we could have a device that had everything integrated, with a color screen where we could carry our music, our data, an agenda, accessing the internet, taking photos, with many games... it would be great". My boss looked at me with a look of confusion and disapproval and said: "Who would want something like that? If I lose it, I lose everything.", then he took his phone and went into his office.

  16. FTX: Hey Larry, wanna be in our crypto commercial?
    Larry: ahhhh I don't think so. Crypto is dumb
    FTX: I have an idea...

  17. Larry is actually right with a couple of these, even the selling point at the end.

  18. Hysterical. It reminds me of the early days when my sister worked for Xerox. She showed me a computer that had this thing called a mouse. I said, I don't want to disappoint you, honey, but this is never going to work. No one is going to want to buy a computer when you have to jiggle this little thing over here.

  19. Something about Larry David getting dragged out of Sony's boardroom makes me cry happy tears.

  20. Love it!! Larry is hilarious

  21. Someone's mad they didn't hold


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