Watch Park Chan-wook's short film 'Life is But a Dream' shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

Park Chan-wook's new short film, shot on iPhone 13 Pro, is a wild ride

"In death, we still party on and on."

Writer, director, and producer Park Chan-wook is known for some high-production films and TV series, from plot twist favourites Oldboy and The Handmaiden to The Little Drummer Girl and Snowpiercer.

But his latest venture is somewhat smaller scale.

On Friday, Apple released a short film by the director, Life is But a Dream, shot on iPhone 13 Pro using the camera's "Cinematic mode", which essentially allows you to film with a focus-shifting shallow depth of field.

Considering it was shot on a smartphone, Chan-wook really didn't hold back, weaving a martial arts fantasy story about two ghosts fighting over a stolen coffin that features more than a few fight scenes and special effects.

Would the average iPhone 13 Pro owner be able to casually create something similar? Almost certainly not. But it's a fun showcase of the camera's abilities when put in the hands of a true master.


  1. Shot on iPhone 13 ... embedded in $50,000 worth of gear around it, and a $200,000 per day crew. Thank you very much.

  2. It’s all about lighting. When I’m on big budget sets with professional lighting setups, my behind the scenes video and pictures look amazing on my iPhone 13 or Sony mirrorless camera. Bad lighting? Not even an ARRI can save you

  3. If they mean to imply that it’d be easy to shoot this with just an iPhone, I beg to differ.

  4. If they mean to imply that it’d be easy to shoot this with just an iPhone, I beg to differ.

    Just use Cinematic Mode and you will get the same results.

  5. Aw cmon guys, this was fun... what a treat this morning... don't be such sourpusses... great acting, singing and dancing .... enjoy. fun. just fun. remember fun? Loved this (not purchasing an apple pro max btw).

  6. "Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Film". Wow! The iPhone shoots on film?? What's old is new again, I guess. ?

  7. The man is a fabulous director. i am curious to watch it.

  8. I liked it up to the 14:39, then the ending trying to tie the dual wedding celebration with the dreamer was a bit odd. Still a very good effort on only a iPhone 13 Pro.

  9. Looks good for shot on iPhone and actors in jumping harnesses.

  10. This is Hollywood level production design - they must have had dozens of people working on this project. That said, it’s still incredible what can be done with an iPhone, even if it’s somewhat illogical to pair a million dollar production with a consumer smartphone.

    Over time, I’m optimistic that iPhone will offer 1) greater control over depth of field so everything isn’t in focus all the time and 2) better dynamic range. Both of these features need to improve in order to bridge the gap between an iPhone and a professional video camera.

  11. What is that MagSafe filter ring?

  12. Shame they didn't simulatneously film it with an actual camera, it looks interesting. That muddy smartphone look really doesn't really appeal to me.

  13. A masterpiece of short film! Beautiful, entertaining yet cultural!

  14. And did they shoot him shooting with an iPhone 13 Pro with an iPhone 13 Pro?

  15. It just goes to show you don't need hollywood to shoot a good movie all you need is an apple iphone ! Oh no now i am talking a load of apple fudandbs ?

  16. This is not even Wook's first iPhone short.

  17. It's quite impressive. A bit long though.

  18. Loved this...groovy music!

  19. I'm just happy to see more of Park's work. If he could give us one more classic...

  20. Awesome! Here’s another great movie made with an iPhone: Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

  21. Typical apple marketing .. ;D


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