James Corden mocks Elon Musk's decision to unban Trump's Twitter account.

James Corden mocks Elon Musk's decision to unban Trump's Twitter account

"We are leaving this show in the nick of time."

In case you missed the latest Elon Musk headline, the world's richest man – and possible Twitter purchaser/next-in-line CEO – has just confirmed everyone's worst fears: Once his takeover bid is finalised, he plans to reinstate Donald Trump's Twitter account, describing the decision to ban him in the first place as "morally wrong" (Trump was permanently suspended from the service in January 2021, following the violent storming of the U.S. Capitol buildings by his supporters).

"Musk said that one of the first things he would do after the acquisition goes through is lift the permanent Twitter ban on Donald Trump," James Corden says in the Late Late Show clip above. "I tell you what, we are leaving this show in the nick of time, gang. Timed that one perfectly. Musk explained that permanent bans should be reserved for bots, spam, or scam accounts — and I can say, it's scam. It's scam. Donald Trump is a scam accounts. It's all a scam."

Corden goes on to say that banning Trump was one of the "few almost good things" Twitter's done.

"It's that, Wheels vs. Doors, that debate, and the time that one guy said his cousin looks like a honey bun. That's basically it."


  1. 🤣 look at this headline, I love it.
    Crying bc Trump may be back on Twitter. I think you all will have to cry a lot more and not just because of Twitter 😭

  2. I doubt Musk said that the first thing he will do is to lift the ban for Trump.

    1. no the first thing he said he was gonna do was fire over 1000 people, probably the ones censoring conservative speech.

  3. He should rename it ‘Twatter’ then.

  4. To tell you the truth, all I want to read about Trump is his obituary...

    1. the country is in a nightmare. Thanks to Biden.

    2. You can follow Biden to the edge and jump off with him

    3. That's not an answer, you have no way of defending your Fuhrer, so you instead write unwitty remarks. How sad is it to go through life in a daze, not understanding the world around you, which for you is your porch and the nearest hicks bar. It must be hard to know, you are on the wrong side of history, and most of the world know that Trump,ets are usually poorly educated fascists, who fly traitorous Confederate flags outside their door.

  5. Lol liberals won’t leave Twitter, they love being angry about things that they’re told to be offended by.

    1. https://giphy.com/gifs/moodman-lol-spit-take-Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW

  6. Corden is just salty that out of Trump and Biden Trump is the legitimate president.

  7. Free speech for all is free speech for all, chubby.

  8. I have nothing against Trump getting back to Twitter, the guy hasn't said anything new for years. The only new stuff comes from his unveiled audios, phone calls and testimonies from his accolades. And it is all bad for him.

  9. Damn, I'll sure miss Corden and the whole gang when they'll step out.

  10. Its mad how scared people are of having freedom of speech 😂😂

  11. We are almost due for a longer news jingle, methinks...and he will need to write another orchestral masterpiece for the send-off!

  12. I was a drama geek. I hated highschool with a passion. We were a broke ass family. I’d never willingly relive it

    1. *hugs* Sorry you had that in school. (I did as well so I definitely understand.)

  13. "Why didn't you like high-school you're charming, lovely"

    Me from the UK: Y-Yeah... Yeah he sure is 👀👀👀

  14. I LOVED HIGH SCHOOL!!! Honored to have gone to SI Tech in the nineties....Until this day, it was my FAVORITE school experience.

  15. high-school was a great time because even if miserable, you were young and had your whole life ahead off you

  16. Love the banter so much 😂❤️

  17. I would not trade places with a high-schooler, even if it would give me a fifty year advantage.

  18. I pay for Netflix on four devices so I can share with who I want.

  19. For your info: Barlow & Bear got this year’s Grammy for Musical Theatre album for a TikTok musical. They are also a part of the Mexican pizza musical.


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