'Mona Lisa' had a hell of a weekend | Mashable.

'Mona Lisa' had a hell of a weekend

Involving a climate protester, a slice of cake, and a wig.

Credit: FRANCOIS GUILLOT / AFP Via Getty Images

The Mona Lisa has weathered another storm, this time involving a cake, a wig, and a dramatically-orchestrated protest.

The Renaissance masterpiece by Leonardo Da Vinci, arguably the most famous painting in the world that permanently sits behind bulletproof glass at the Louvre in Paris, was smeared by a piece of cake, delivered by a 36-year-old man on Sunday. Disguised in a wig, the suspect was reportedly sitting in a wheelchair in the gallery before standing up to throw cake at the painting, witnesses told French press.

According to the Independent, he tossed roses around the space, later being escorted out by security guards.

In a video filmed by an onlooker in the gallery, the activist was seen saying to visitors in French, "Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Artists tell you: think of the Earth. That’s why I did this."

The cake only touched the bulletproof glass which encases the painting. The Mona Lisa herself faced no damage.                                                                                                          

Created by Da Vinci over 500 years ago, the artwork also known as La Gioconda is no stranger to threats. The painting was once stolen in 1911, had a rock thrown at it in 1956, and been the subject of another flamboyant protest involving red paint in 1974. More recently, in 2009, a woman who was denied French citizenship threw a ceramic teacup at the glass.

Still, the cultural icon prevails, and is now the center of both well-wishers and — of course — memes on Twitter.                                                                                                            


  1. I’ve been the Louvre, a couple of times, the Mona Lisa is pretty underwhelming to be honest.

  2. the Mona Lisa is transphobic and Da Vinci was a TERF

  3. If it sits behind a bulletproof glass, it's the glass that got caked not the painting🤦‍♀️

  4. Wasn’t the real one, don’t worry about it.

  5. I was not impressed with the viewing. Long waits in line, 2 minutes to view it at 30 feet with people in front. Nightmare. I am still not sure why it is so iconic.

    1. Publicity. It is a celebrity from having been stolen & discussed in newspapers for the masses.

    2. google.com, type, mona lisa why is so iconic, enter, read.

    3. That link did send me to anything about Mona Lisa. I have read a great deal about this painting and was disappointed when I actually saw it.

    4. that is not how google is used. You need type something what you looking for. 😃

    5. I’m not looking for anything.

    6. so dont be curious why is so iconic.

  6. Worse thing about this is the waste of cake.

  7. truly deranged man dressed up as an old lady in a wheelchair 🤯

  8. Yeah if you think thats the real painting you’re not ready for the conversation lol

  9. I bet it's one of the replicas the museum has

  10. That young man’s whole generation gets caked everyday by their mental health issues too

  11. Not Mona, just the protection glass

  12. Maybe the guy paid to see her frown

  13. What the hell..

  14. Correction: attention-seeking idiot smeared cake on the glass panel, in front of it, after trying (and failing) to break the glass.

  15. Bir el gelip tabloyu kesecek ve Mona Lisa kek çıkacak.

  16. You guys are giving the attention seekers the attention they wanted
    You lose at their little game

  17. Is this him?


  18. Fck, this is WHY we can't have nice things!


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