Tesla cuts prices of Model 3 and Model Y again | Mashable.

Tesla cuts prices of Model 3 and Model Y again

The company seems intent to turn everyone into a Tesla driver.

Tesla Model Y is selling like hotcakes, and now it's getting even cheaper. Credit: VCG / Getty Images

Another day, another round of Tesla price cuts.

Shortly after introducing a RWD variant of the Model Y, which after federal EV tax credit is the cheapest variant of that car we've seen in the U.S., Tesla has reduced the prices of its other Model 3 and Model Y variants.

The Tesla Model 3 now starts at $38,990, down $1,250 from the previous price of $40,240. That's for the RWD version; the Long Range variant is now $45,990, down from $47,240, while the Model 3 Performance costs $50,990, down from $53,240.

The RWD Model Y hasn't changed its price; it still starts at $43,990. But the Long Range and the Performance variants have gotten cheaper. A Tesla Model Y LR will now set you back $48,490, down from $50,490, while the Model Y P costs $52,490, down from $54,490.

Both cars qualify for the federal tax credit, and potentially for state incentives as well, meaning they can be had for a lot cheaper too, depending on where you live.

It's worth noting that Tesla CEO Elon Musk originally promised the Model 3 would be a $35,000 car. There was a version that actually delivered on that promise, but it was short-lived and hard to get. Now, with the tax incentives, you can actually get the Model 3 for less than $30,000.

The price cuts aren't massive, but they're notable because Tesla has already made its cars more affordable several times this year. With this latest move, the company is likely making the competition very uncomfortable. The Model 3 and Model Y sit atop the best-selling EV car lists in the U.S., and the company recently said it delivered 419,074 Model 3 and Y vehicles in the third quarter of 2023, a 29 percent year-over-year increase.

Topics Tesla


  1. Except most won't afford the sky high insirance premiums!

  2. Drove a Tesla and then the BMW. BMW won hands down and I now get around in the wonderfully built i4.

  3. Good news. And unlike pretty much every other EV producer, Tesla are actually making a good profit on each car they sell… all the others are selling at loss or at best slightly over break even.

    1. who cares if Tesla makes a profit.

    2. Maybe people who like technological progress. People who would like electric cars to succeed. I guess a lot of people..? 😄

    3. that has nothing to do with the amount or level of profit. Tesla is overpriced for what you get. BMW is just as high tech but much better quality.

    4. Nope, BMW is far behind Tesla in technology, and certainly not better quality. I mean you could have said that ten years ago perhaps but not today.
      And the point is that for the successful development and adaption of new technology, it has to be economically viable. BMW has much smaller margins than Tesla on their EV sales…

  4. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths?fbclid=IwAR0ePEUiBjeVqaiXQA53SacDNh_ShZPvtrebygjPLWa6Yel5lm7RqBDJM50

  5. cleaner than Dino 💩

  6. Pretty funny how this will not allow me to post pictures of wind turbines wings being buried in landfills that’s real clean so let’s talk about the lithium mines and how the batteries are being disposed

  7. Good for Tesla and the consumers, a win win !

  8. Replies
    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

  9. The message is clear: DON'T BUY NOW, WAIT!

  10. Replies
    1. my Tesla beats a Lamborghini. I’ll give you 10 years before you cave. 😂

  11. Well, there go the stock prices again.

    1. small margins are good for earnings?

    2. market share is good for earnings. There’s now a 28k model y. Can’t think of anything that competes with that.

    3. no I'm sure shares will drop today. I'll guess min 5%, closer to 10%.

    4. pre-market it's already down near 1.5%. It's going to be bad.

    5. Tesla is the only EV producer that has great margins on the sales. Almost all other are either selling at cost or losing money on each sold car.
      Tesla have revolutionized their production techniques and are therefore now able to produce higher quality cars at much lower prices than the competition.

    6. Tesla had high margins. Byd still got them like Mercedes and BMW.
      If Tesla is not first in autonomous driving it will be one more high volumen car maker with same PEs.
      Or do the PV and battery sector of Tesla doing well?

    7. good time to buy. It depends on how you look at it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  12. ouch...that will certainly put more pressure on already falling profit margins.

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

  13. Gotta make up for the twitter fiasco.

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

  14. Ubiquitous in Vancouver

    1. yes, the modern day Toyota Corolla

  15. Get your self crashing car today!

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

    2. Mi Novia, my GF vets all of my friends here on FB I will ask her, she is working at the moment.

  16. Wouldn't own one if you paid me

  17. tror de sætter prisen ned fordi de ikke kan få folk til at købe lortet, som de havde regnet med,og det er jo nok fordi de kan følge med i alt du laver i bilen ,

  18. I’ll never own one.

    1. said the people scared to get off the horse buggy. 😂

  19. Replies
    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

  20. At our apartment the chargers are always full even after they are finning residents that leave their car charging overnight.
    That’s what stopped me getting a Tesla plus I need 500 mile range.

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

    2. I have them towed

    3. which electric car did you go for?

    4. I got a 2022 Prius as it does 60mpg and no charging issues plus 500 mile + tank range.

  21. We have a sports bar with 10 Tesla charging stations that are always filled.

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

    2. Give me one for free. I want to put 1-3 year range without charging in it...

  22. RwD aka only for south USA lol

    1. Hello, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send the friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners.Thanks and God bless you.

  23. Look at their initial quality reports.

  24. Tesla keeps cutting prices for cars….

    1. This will piss off the customers who just bought a car

    2. It will piss off old customers as their car will loose value like crazy

    3. I suspect it’s hard to sell these cars now with higher intrest rates, not only teslas but all cars that are expensive.

  25. … days after the UAW forced Detroit to become even less competitive with Tesla in EVs

  26. Tesla is a declining star.

    1. No, just Biden and multiple other administrations don't like Elon. Still way ahead, and by far better than any other EV

  27. Imagine having car and phone low battery in the middle of nowhere 🤔 am walking away 🚶

    1. the question is, how often do you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and still have cell reception?

    2. cell reception can reachable sometimes, climbing hills, tree's or top of your vehicle 🧐

  28. Hydrogen cars are the future, electric vehicles will be parked in scrap metal yards worthless.

  29. Once I get to know Elon Musk, nothing he sells interested me anymore

  30. Just pray that battery pack dont malfunction!

  31. Chinese competition!

  32. What stops me is my e-bike 🙂 looking forward to $20K model

  33. The inconvenience factor will kill this. Charging overnight is ridiculous.

    1. True. But after a lifetime of filling up at the corner station, plugging in somewhere and waiting for hours, I’m the generation that may not ease into this so quickly. But then I’m not the generation that means that much any more. It’s difficult being that generation we used to scuff at.

    2. After initial anxiety, one gets into a groove. Long trips need planning. But how many do you have per year?
      I had a Leaf with 50 miles range and even that stopped bothering me after some time

  34. Now make them not rattle like an almost empty can of peanuts.

  35. woot cheap salvage model 3 here i come

  36. They are too common. Look at MG or Kia as brilliant alternative drives. Why did they stop importing Model x to U.K.??

  37. How much more expensive is a chevy bolt guys?


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