Netflix's 'Leave the World Behind' takes a swipe at Tesla | Mashable.

Netflix's 'Leave the World Behind' takes a swipe at Tesla

Apocalypse on autopilot.

Mahershala Ali, Myha’la Herrold, Julia Roberts, and Ethan Hawke Credit: Jojo Whilden / Netflix

Will the end of the world as we know it include a "Night of the Living Cars"? Netflix's Leave the World Behind makes the case for it, taking a giant swipe at Elon Musk's Tesla along the way.

In this slow-burn apocalyptic thriller from Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail, based on Rumaan Alam's 2020 novel, one of the film's two core families reaches a moment of decisive panic halfway through the film. What it leads to is a timely commentary on fears around self-driving cars and automation, and what happens when transportation gets hijacked.

The Tesla Model 3s are transformed from technological advancements into villains in one thrilling scene that taps into very real fears.

What happens in the Tesla scene in Leave the World Behind?

Amid a cyberattack across America, holiday home renters Amanda (Julia Roberts) and Clay (Ethan Hawke) have spent the last few days with their family and, unexpectedly, the house's owner G.H. (Mahershala Ali) and his daughter Ruth (Myha'la Herrold). As the reality of the disaster sets in, they decide to leave their luxe refuge. The plan is to drive their kids Archie (Charlie Evans) and Rose (Farrah Mackenzie) to Amanda's sister's house in New Jersey. As G.H. warns them, it means they'll have to drive through New York City, where they can't be sure of the state of things.

Dismissing the warning, Amanda bundles her family into their Jeep Grand Cherokee and speeds off. They run into what appears to be a traffic jam on the freeway, the likes of which we've seen in countless zombie apocalypse films and TV shows. But the crashed cars are only Tesla Model 3s, and they're all empty.

A woman walks between two rows of crashed Tesla 3 cars on a highway.
"They're all brand new." Credit: Netflix / YouTube / Mashable screenshot

As Amanda reads a Tesla-branded standard features card fastened inside one of the cars, she realises, "They're all brand new." The score intensifies with Hitchcockian energy, and another Model 3 appears on the horizon, gunning for the family's Jeep while presumably on Autopilot. The camera zooms dramatically in on the features card to the "Self-Driving Safety Features," and Amanda puts the pieces together — they're gonna get smushed by an autonomous car.

A family look terrified as they drive on a highway, with Tesla Model 3s visible around them.
Attack of the Tesla Model 3s! Credit: Netflix / YouTube / Mashable screenshot

Amanda screeches their vehicle out of the way just in time, as more Model 3s hurtle toward them. In one long shot, the camera pans around the terrified family to pause briefly, offering a look through the windscreen, then swoops up to offer a bird's-eye view of the highway, where cars of multiple models and makes are piled up, one after the other.

A camera shot over the top of the highway to show cars of multiple models and makes piled up, one after the other.
Eeep. Credit: Netflix / YouTube / Mashable screenshot

It's a similarly shocking corruption of technology in the film as the crashed plane G.H. discovers and the tanker that beaches itself while Amanda's family is relaxing by the water — transportation has officially been hijacked.

Where have we seen this before?

Beyond the Batmobile, Herbie, K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider, and the Transformers team, the thrills and perils of the self-driving car are nothing new for most movie-goers. It's an especially popular plot device in sci-fi and action films, from the Johnny Cab in Total Recall to the self-driving car crash that defines Upload, as well as Tony Stark's autonomous Audi in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Benji's self-driving BMW iX in Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One.

But the scene in Leave the World Behind is particularly similar in energy to a scene from 2017's The Fate of the Furious. In the heart of New York, Charlize Theron's villain Cipher pulls her "Night of the Living Cars" stunt that sees her remote-controlling cars on the streets and in showrooms across the city.

"It's zombie time," Cipher declares from her mainframe HQ, disabling "collision avoidance" and activating "auto-drive" in each vehicle, whether they have a driver in them or not.

A flurry of cars crash into each other in Manhattan.
"It's zombie time." Credit: Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock

Jeeps and Dodges drive out of dealerships, Chryslers and Minis throw themselves out of fourth-story parking garages, Fiats and Hyundais careen around corners and through newspaper stands in the middle of Manhattan, causing self-driving chaos in one of the busiest cities in the world.                                                                                        

Luckily, as Vulture's Hunter Harris discovered, this exact scenario isn't possible in real life — at least not yet.

"First off, there’s never been car hacking in real life that’s been done by a bad guy. To date, it has only been done by researchers," security researcher Charlie Miller told Vulture in 2017, adding that Cipher's team wasn't big enough to hack this many cars at once. Maybe one hacked car at a time, like in this 2015 story from Wired (also featuring Miller) or in 2018's Upgrade, is a more achievable task.

In Leave the World Behind, however, we have no idea how many people are behind the cyberattack, so perhaps it could be done.

Leave the World Behind plays on real fears around automation and self-driving cars

Notably, the Tesla scene does not appear in Alam's novel; it's a scene that was added to the script by Esmail. It feels like an overt swipe at Tesla's Autopilot mode — or, to be fair, self-driving cars in general, and the concerns and fears around the technology. In the film, Tesla's advanced driver assistance system has been subverted from a high-tech convenience into a dangerous, mindless threat, each car having been reprogrammed to drive to the same location using the same road — at speed. In the real world, Autopilot comes as standard on every new Tesla, though it costs a lot extra to activate "Full Self-Driving Capability." In the film, Esmail imagines the possibility of hacking into Tesla's system and gaining control of every new vehicle.

Of course, Tesla says its current features don't make its vehicles wholly autonomous: "Autopilot, Enhanced Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability are intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any moment."

As Mashable's Stan Schroeder wrote in June, "Right now, Tesla's Full Self-Driving driving assistance package is still essentially at Level 2, with the car helping out in certain scenarios, but the driver having to be alert and ready to take over in all situations." In Leave the World Behind, Amanda points out that not one car in the Tesla scene had a driver at the wheel.

Offscreen, it's a productive yet tumultuous time for self-driving cars — and not just because people are having sex in themBMW is set to launch near-autonomous driving next spring (with caveats), MIT has its own version of a self-driving car, and Uber launched driverless rides with AV company Motional last year. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As for Tesla itself? In February, Tesla recalled 363,000 cars in the U.S. after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration raised concerns over the Full Self-Driving beta, which was rolled out in November last year. In July, CEO Elon Musk said the company might achieve fully autonomous driving "later this year." But just days ago, a former Tesla employee shared his concerns with the BBC, saying, "I don't think the hardware is ready and the software is ready," adding, "It affects all of us because we are essentially experiments in public roads."

In addition to an ongoing U.S. federal investigation over its Autopilot system, Tesla is facing a lawsuit over a fatal crash in 2019 near Miami, in which a Model 3 crashed into a truck that had driven into its path. The car's driver, Stephen Banner, was killed. However, Tesla has been victorious in court this year. In October, Tesla won a civil trial over allegations that its Autopilot led to the death of Model 3 owner Micah Lee near Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, though Waymo and General Motors' Cruise were granted 24/7 operating authority for driverless vehicles in San Francisco, Cruise lost its license in the city after one of its self-driving vehicles ran over and dragged a pedestrian 20 feet, after she'd been hit by a human-driven car. GM will "substantially lower spending" on autonomous vehicles in 2024 as a result.

With all this being slowly realised, the scene in Leave the World Behind feels like Esmail's own swipe at the industry and the prevailing fears around automation, with arguably the most famous self-driving car company made a villain in the tech apocalypse. It's simple but effective, and it sends the characters right back to their refuge, unable to escape or reach their family on the other side of the pile-up.

How to watch: Leave the World Behind is now streaming on Netflix.

Topics Film Netflix Tesla Streaming


  1. I might watch this this weekend 

  2. Old and not used any more.

  3. This should tell everyone to get ready. Hollywood always tells us their plans.

  4. What a great movie! Who dare to say this’s not happening in real life?…hope this movie will continue ….

  5. Yeah this is something that can most definitely happen in real life and I don’t think we’re to far from it..

  6. I hope people will choose to watch this movie and decide for themselves! We are at risk of losing electricity, and communications from something such as EMP (look it up), or terrorism (hacking). How people will conduct themselves in the face of fear, lack of food, etc, is something I hope we never face on such a large scale.

  7. Excellent movie. I can’t fault it. Watched it, loved it, thinking about it today and loving it even more. The ending was a bit disappointing at first but I think that’s just because I didn’t want the movie to end. In reality it was quite a meaningful ending.
    Some questions were left unanswered but I think that was on purpose. Like the characters, we were left feeling a bit confused, alone and vulnerable.

    1. Who paid you to write this? The movie was alright but the ending felt like I wasted 2hrs of my life

    2. 😆 I felt like that initially too. Look at everything going on in the world right now though, everyone is furious and upset only until their programme or series starts, then nothing matters anymore. We all just wanna feel happy (escapism). Even through covid lockdown, half the world just sat at home and binge watched series.

    3. I agree with you totally. I don't know how they timed the passing of Matthew Perry so perfectly for the ending. People really just looking to escape and live in ignorant bliss.

    4. Julia.roberts looks terrible in this movie she has really aged but I have never been a fan. The bigger issue is the collapse of.our government and a 2nd Civil War to start our system over.
      Working for the feds this scares me beyond belief and if our power grids are comprised we are screwed!!

  8. in a world full of snow white,barbies and other crap that pushes "the message" this movie is a masterpiece ,second place after reptile,followed by Sound of Freedom

  9. If you need some help falling asleep this is a great movie.

    1. Exactly… it was horrible.. over hyped

  10. Just finished watching, was on the edge of my seat the entire film. Definitely feels like a warning of things to come. That Tesla scene makes me not wanna drive a Tesla anymore lol

  11. While it looks more like M. Night than Sam Esmail I’m very excited because I am a HUGE fan of Mr. Robot and I enjoyed the last collaboration between Julia and Sam on the first season of Homecoming so…hoping this will be great!

    1. The Day internet is lost or something

    2. I was so thinking the same thing it looked more like a M. Night film. This movie ‘kind of’ makes me think of his other movie “Knock at the cabin” that he did!

    3. Did you clock thst Julias charachters laptop had an E-corp logo on it? - supposedly
      the movie is in same universe as Mr robot

  12. An eye opener! In the sense that sometimes we need to do practical things and not be too much dependent on internet

  13. I thought it was well done, maybe a little pretensious in parts but overall well done. The seasoned actors did a good job and didn't seem to phone it in like big name actors usually do

  14. Solid 7/10 pilot, can’t wait to see the rest of the show😊

    What? No, no. Surely nobody thought this would be enough for a whole movie, don’t be silly haha

    Oh. 3/10.

  15. Just finished watching this and that scene when the deer just stares while they were screaming to spook them, they just stood still and staring at them 💀

  16. everyone : “this movie was great need a part two”

    News flash…part two is official!! Except it’ll happen in real life here soon:)

  17. This movie is a reflection of how dysfunctional we actually are. We have been brainwashed into a zombie where all we think about is the financial status, entertainment and just existing whilst making the capitalists literally God’s on Earth.

    I asked my friends to watch this movie, and I was so shocked they don’t get the ending of this movie. Can’t u see? That dumb girl chose to watch her favourite TV show totally ignoring her mother who’s looking for her. Mind you she knew something is wrong but she can’t rationalise anything. She didn’t even think of showing her mother that the house has food, water and a totally safe place to seek shelter which was the main concern during this event.

    She is so young yet she’s so addicted to the TV show. 80s and 90s born literally grew up watching this show. They’re trying to tell u that’s exactly what they were doing to us back then. Dumb —> Dumber —> Dumbest. This is not the future. This is already happening.

    1. You missed the point. Remember when her brother said “why do you even like that show?” She said “bc it makes her happy” she was expressing how in that moment with everything going on happiness is something she can use right now because she was scared.

      Remember when she was telling that story in bed to her mom about the flood? How the man was standing outside waiting for god to help him but the flood came and it killed him when he got to heaven god said he sent him all the signs to help him at the end of that story she said she done waiting. That story correlated to her life. Her family was just sitting around waiting for help that was never coming, so she took action on her own and found all the signs that god sent her. She was tryna give ppl signs the whole movie that something was wrong but just like she told her brother in the woods “nobody listens to me” so she went and did her own thing.

    2. The show was the perfect escape to a happy friendly time when nothing was terrifying.

  18. Wow...this movie is so scary and so good. Excellent script and cast. This movie just freaked me right out. Well done!

    1. You think
      This is fictional entertainment?

  19. I think this movie talks alot about what is going on in this world right now…

  20. Klaus Schwab in 2022: We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
    Netflix in 2023: Hold my movie.

  21. i totally love this movie

  22. This movie addresses how reasonbly lawabiding citizens with ordinary lives react to crisis--and their flawed behaviour. It completely ignores the criminals that run our streets today, in the real world, with little to no consequences. How would they be responding..I imagine they would ramp up their criminal behaviour. I watched the movie and felt it was preachy from an Obama left perspective.

  23. I had a good laugh at the ending. Far better than most of the garbage “horror” movies that make no sense at all on Netflix.

  24. I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars for a lot of suspense that went nowhere and an unsatisfying soft ending. Too much dialogue and not enough display of what was actually happening in the world around them.

    1. That ending pissed me off

    2. I thought that was kinda the point? It’s a mystery. We only know what they know, and they were already insanely lucky to find out as much as they did.

    3. All hollywood movies like that not surprised

  25. Most people don’t choose to only see what they think is wrong in the world, they don’t go looking to blame someone or something for feeling offended, they choose to live good lives every day & choose to be good to other people, regardless of any differences. Normal & healthy people see hypersensitive pessimists as what not to be anything like & the only thing that wasn’t predictable, is how I’ve never watched “Friends” before, but I started binge watching about a month ago, it has been a long time since I’ve laughed so much & i’m just starting season 10.

  26. Love apocalypse movies, especially with elite actors!

    1. But was it good though?

    2. I thought it was pretty good but was disappointed when they end it. I still wanted more to watch. I thought there was a lot of things that was happening in the movie . I would have been happier if this movie was more of a tv series.

  27. Loved this movie, wish it would continue❤

  28. Now this actually looks weird and interesting!! I will give this a go.

    1. Don't waste ur time... The ending is like you watching a movie and it ends in the middle without any explanation... Wasted 2 hours.

    2. That's what I thought but I regret doing so, lol

  29. Imagine if the line was something like 'no trust, especially for black people ' 🤔

  30. Very good trailer, as opposed to the ones that reveal everything.I'm ready for this film

    1. waste of woke agenda trash time.

    2. What? 😆😆😆

    3. do you know the name of the song at the end when it says boom boom boom boom?

  31. If edging was a movie.... This is it

  32. This movie is about conflicting personalities trying to get through a crisis together. Seems like something that could really happen if not for the animals.

  33. This movie had so many deep messages, but the problem is that people are still so blind…

    1. True! 🤦‍♀️

    2. No people are stupid not blind,this is for smart people movie

    3. which is literally the message of the film. I see what you did there ;)

    4. What was the message?

  34. Very good movie ,I don’t know what people are yapping about the ending 😂

  35. This is pretty good, what makes it somewhat eerie is that the occurrences that are taking place in this movie, are not too far fetched or surreal; it displays situations that could possibly really take place. It will definitely make you think. 

  36. This was one of the better Netflix movies. It’s slow, off beat and weird. The tension keeps building with excellent actors.

  37. Certainly slow.Real slow zzzzzzzzz

  38. The movie isn't incredibly cool, it's very realistic, and that's why it's frightening. It's a masterpiece.

  39. This movie definitely needs PART 2 ... IT'S FUCKIN AMAZING

    1. What part 2 bro? It’s over 😂

    2. he like the “Flyers” part

    3. Was only half a movie really lame

  40. This movie was something else , very good , this hours flew by, 😮

  41. Its a long movie but I wanted it to keep going. Good setting and tone, atmospheric too. Could have been a great series.

  42. Trailer better than the movie 5/10

  43. Spoiler: The girl found the korean house where the fathers were also plan to go to that house too. So they are all survive and live together in that house cause the house itself has been prepared for that situation. So the ending is clear enuf to me.

    1. Except the migration patterns of the animals. And where did all the people go. Felt like writer strike at the end

    2. I didn’t understand the deers and flamingos… I dunno

    3. yeaa writer strike

  44. My anxiety has increased times a million watching this. Not to mention this will inevitably happen.

  45. I get the ending. Some movies need that type of ending, not this one.

  46. Nothing worse than a movie with a dud of a ending!

  47. imagine just watching the movie based on the title lol

  48. ESG scores must be off the charts for this "film"

  49. "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money" - Barry Sotero 2010

  50. If this was series I wouldn’t be mad at all. GREAT MOVIE

  51. The lack of action in the movie makes it feel more likely that it could happen.....another film giving us a glimpse into our future?

  52. Great movie! Best apocalyptic take on what the future might hold. Higher Ground productions is one company to watch 👀

  53. This movie was made to be a show,when it ended im about to click next episode

  54. The soundtrack is the main star in this movie - it's one of the best I can think of and dictates the pace in such a perfect manner you are even able to forget about how average the script is and actually have a lot a fun watching it.

    The ending was a bit disappointing though.

  55. Gerçekten çok iyi kurgulanmış . İyi seyirler dilerim

  56. I just saw this last night for the first time and it was good but during the middle and end it was really confusing and weird and how did the little girl randomly go in someone's house ?

  57. It’s definitely the end when you’re a Dallas fan eh Bacon!

  58. 2+hrs of my life that I will never get back. Total Dumpster-Fire

  59. This is pre programming humanity for what's coming to humanity.

  60. تحفه سينمائية قادمة 👏🏻😍


  62. So with the premise being a cyber attack, you expect something good, but most of the action is two women screaming at deer who randomly herded up to stare at the two women. And that's about it.

  63. Don’t not watch this movie, you get a vague reason for what’s happening and the show ends with an actress watching friends the tv show

  64. It's like a modern Red Dawn without the combat and Bravado. More grounded and realistic (besides the damn deer..)

  65. we love content like this, we have been preparing for this, are you prepared for this? because this is the msg!

  66. Someone please tell there's going to be a part 2 or sequel 🥺

  67. I’m one hour and thirty minutes in the movie and still have no clue what’s going on here. Oil ship stuck on a beach, black guy with daughter comes to house, little girl obsessed with friends, plains going down, Tesla hit each others, Arabic papers propaganda, flamingos in the pool, deer in wood like wtf. And characters are talking about everything but what’s going on.

  68. People don't see the subliminal truth in this movie. Scariest movie I've ever seen because this is a foreshadowing to what very well might happen in this country. The most eerie creepy scene was the solar ecplise on the American flag on the moon. Almost in a way saying times up America

  69. Sam esmail as in Mr robot?
    Oh man this has got to be good

  70. This movie is so good and scary

  71. They got ALLLLLL de stars for this one.

  72. Did anyone notice the family's car tags on the windshield expired last year? What are they trying to tell us?😊

    1. Ha yes! I noticed that because I love cars and was looking at every detail of the Bentley. Inspection expired 12/22

  73. Love this movie, especially the ending

  74. They’re foreshadowing the future

  75. The fact that Obama was a producer on this movie is borderline treasonous, due to the subject matter of the film.

  76. I like the movie but I was disappointed by the ending. It had a good ending but I still wanted more answers for everything that was going on.

    1. That’s kind of the whole point. Given the circumstances, NOBODY would know what’s going on.

    2. All I said is the movie left me wondering more about all the things that were happening in it. It would have been better if this was actually made into a tv series. We would get to know more about their situation and everyone in it. Yeah I agree nobody knows what’s going on and nobody would. I would like to know because everyone was speculating what was going on. Personally to me I don’t even know if the whole world was ending or just certain parts of it that were being attacked.

    3. I believe that is as intended. The creators wanted the viewer to feel a sense of overwhelm, helplessness, and doom. They are preparing you to accept your imminent future lifestyle.

  77. This movie is creepy and feels to real with the state of the world right now .. good acting though

  78. Incredible movie. My skin is crawling with anxiety and fear. I can’t see the ending. 😢guess I will be paying Netflix when it officially comes out because I am hanging on a string thinking about this movie. Can’t wait

  79. 0 seconds ago
    I wish I could wake up with perfectly set hair, just like Julia does when her alerts disappear in bed! She is the luckiest mother in the world, why would she want to leave?

  80. for me this movie was 11/10 , im just surprised how i read so many comments “ i spent 2 hours of my life for nothing “, if your brain can not understand this movie then i’ll say that you are definetily this girl at the end watching friends 🙂🙃

  81. But that’s just it “friends” isn’t the root. It’s just to pull u back in technology. Kinda like a distraction yeah 😉😏

  82. Understood the message… but the movie was still boring and horrible…jmo

  83. This movie was amazing! I don't get why people say it's a waste of time. It was actually the closest thing to what could happen in real life. We need more from this😭

  84. In a world where silence echoes louder than words, the unsaid truths linger like shadows, shaping destinies and.... 🤔

    🗣️ Open ending! How do you like it! 😡 😠

  85. They should of call it …..WHATS TO COME

  86. Excellent!! Someone's been reading the book of Revelations.

  87. A lot of symbolism from the minions of this realm

  88. This movie had too great points😅😂

  89. Saw it was produced by Emperor Zero and took a hard pass

  90. It was not the worst ever but the portrayals of miserable families with miserable cursing kids and of course the racism… gotta have the racism… made me glad that it was over. If it had only been about the main subject matter without all the sad projections it would have MUCH better.

  91. I want to see the second part

  92. It was an excellent movie. There should definitely be more to come 👍🏻 I don't understand those who don't like it, exercise your brain a little bit 😉

  93. Message to world citizen you pay the price to world what u do 😅 the ending is ẞ

  94. Mark 13

    “When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’[a] standing where it[b] does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

    15 Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take anything out.

    16 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak.

    17 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!

    18 Pray that this will not take place in winter,

    19 because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.

  95. This movie technically predicting our future

  96. Hope begins in the dark

  97. Wasn’t to bad! Wish it continued

    1. Yeah I would like the ending. But that was not an ending that was a continuation of another film down the road but that did not have an ending

  98. 1 hpur into the movie best netflix movie I have ever seen this

  99. Ignore all the comments in this thread praising the movie because it's all liars, bots, paid reviewers, woke Psychopaths and on and on and on the dislike ratio for this trailer is legendary

  100. So anxious yo watch it❤❤❤❤❤

    1. Ending is disappointing

    2. Will it be available to see at midnight Like going into oct 8th?

  101. The fact that Obamas are involved in producing it tells a lot! “ Barack Obama utilized his presidential experience to fine-tune the technological disaster aspects of the film, contributing to its thrilling and realistic balance”
    Just watched it. It’s horrid

    1. No one else is saying this , the it’s ironic that the same executive producers are the ones who caused the world to be this way .

  102. This should have been a show not a movie! I give it 5 stars, it was so good!

  103. I'm gonna download it, no need to pay 14$

    1. People still paying? download all the way.

  104. We all need to "leave netflix behind."

  105. Just watched the movie. I somehow found the ending pretty funny, but borning. Though, it's a really good movie! I recommend!

    1. Movie looks confusing, what's the plot?

    2. it’s about a cyber attack

  106. Honestly an incredible movie. I struggle to stop thinking about it. I feel anyone that doesn't like it can't face reality. Kind of like don't look up, the impending feeling of doom caused by human greed, is hard for some people to face.

  107. They always tell you what they are about to do, better prepare folks!

  108. Anyone know the name of the music track that plays here? I've been looking for it everywhere

    EDIT: it's called The Grotto

    1. omg thank you i’ve LITERALLY been looking for it since i saw it on a tiktok clip in august

  109. BOOK OF ENOCH 51

    51:6 In those days men shall not be saved by gold and by silver.

    51:7 Nor shall they have it in their power to secure themselves, and to fly.

    51:8 There shall be neither iron for was, nor a coat of mail for the breast.

    51:9 Copper shall be useless; useless also that which neither rusts nor consumes away; and lead shall not be coveted.

    51:10 All these things shall be rejected, and perish from off the earth, when the Elect One shall appear in the presence of the Lord of spirits.

  110. The weekend song : i feel it coming

  111. just finished watched, and i'm being serious here: a sequel, is a MUST!

  112. “I can barely do anything without my cellphone and GPS. I am a useless man,”

  113. Will be watching this Friday.


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