Elon Musk promises Tesla robotaxis in August while denying reports about Tesla's future | Mashable.

Elon Musk promises Tesla robotaxis in August

Sure, Elon.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Christian Marquardt - Pool/Getty Images

Elon Musk, as the billionaire head of X and Tesla is wont to do, fired off a tweet announcing major business news without providing further clarification.

Musk tweeted Friday, "Tesla Robotaxi unveil on 8/8." That was shortly before 5 p.m. ET after the stock market had closed.

This post was almost assuredly a response to a detailed report from Reuters about Tesla's Robotaxi plan. The news service had published an in-depth feature reporting that Tesla wanted to scrap its plan to manufacture a low-cost vehicle in favor of the robotaxi.

In response, Musk posted, "Reuters is lying (again)." Musk did not refute anything specific about the Reuter's report, however. Then, not much later, Musk posted the tweet saying Robotaxi would be unveiled on Aug. 8, seemingly in line with Reuters' reporting.

As is often the case with the Tesla CEO, it's tough to parse what is real and what is bluster because Musk has such a knack for it. Even if the Robotaxi is unveiled in August, that doesn't mean we'll suddenly have them all over the road. Dropping the curtain on a car is relatively easy when compared to having functional, safe, and legal automated cars on the road.

Remember when Tesla unveiled a robot with a guy dancing in a robot suit then later unveiled a robot that couldn't stand? Keep that in mind when thinking about what we'll actually get in August.

Topics  Tesla Elon Musk


  1. Autonomous vehicles will decrease the world auto fleet by 75%, a very good thing for the planet and the humans living there

    1. it won't be musk.

    2. And soon we will have teleportation, and all cars will be obsolete. Source: Same as yours.

  2. They already exist. They are all over Vegas. It’s called zoox they are in a couple cities it said they were still in a test program but once the testing complete, then they’ll be available with another places

  3. why is he not? Do tell

  4. Support American industry 💪

    1. Tesla is the most American car company, both in terms of ownership and in terms of production.

    2. don’t be. We need him

    3. I think the world had already seen how to do it, but as I mentioned was before its time. Again, he didn't invent tesla, he bought it. I don't buy into the idea that he's a super genius and the only one to move this along. Obviously gas powered manufacturers were late to the game since they didn't want to abandon their current products, and were preasured by big oil to take it slow.

      He's going to drop the cheaper vehicles to instead produce robotaxis? That may help larger cities, but leave suburbs in tough shape for switching to EVs.

    4. sure but he made it all possible. If you don't already know this you need to do some research

    5. There are other companies making electric vehicles, he doesn't have to be the ONE.

    6. nope. He’s our guy, we have to support him💪

  5. I don’t doubt that the tech will eventually get here, but I’m not looking forward to robotaxis driving like grandmas in the interim.

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment ❤️ message me privately now

    2. You have not seen videos of the latest Tesla FSD 12.3.3, I assume? If anything people complain that it drives too aggressively, certainly not grandma style. 😄But it seems to work incredibly well.

    3. send me a private message

    4. I don’t take orders. Lol

  6. Only if he rides in it for a year to show us all how safe it is. That should be long enough for Darwin's principles to take over.

  7. Yeah right muskrat and I’m going to win the powerball and be rich.

  8. The fact that you’re so intelligent makes me love you more ❤️

  9. So now Elon Musk will get part of your $$$$ and all the taxi drivers will be unemployed. Do we really want this?

  10. He didn't promise "safe" robotaxis. Just the existence of said things. Ergo, he'll fail on the project yet claim victory for some prototype that YouTubers will break down and laugh at for how stupid the investors must be to fall for it.

    1. he's repeatedly laid out "much safer than the average manual drivers" as the minimal goal for FSD.

      And he didn't say that the windows were bulletproof, he said that the stainless steel body would be bulletproof, up to 9mm handguns at 10 meters, which it is. Making things up and then disproving them doesn't prove much except that you have a loose grasp on reality.

    2. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment ❤️ message me privately now

    3. yeah, and the windows will totally be bullet proof too 🙄

  11. Not exactly, unveiling doesn't mean the same thing as launching a service that day, it's far more likely to be a tech demo and the start of a process that leads to regulatory approvals to start operating, which in the US has to be approved state-by-state, a long process as each state has its own requirements and process.

    On the plus side, it takes perhaps 1/10th as many robotaxis to provide the same transportation as single-owner vehicles. Ridesharing vehicles are around 50% utilization, compared to single owner vehicles being 5-10% utilized, personal vehicles spend most of their time parked while you're at home or at work. So ecologically speaking, fewer cars that are more utilized consume a lot less resources in manufacturing, space consumed parking, etc. This has a lot of impact on city planning, because cities typically allocate 40% of space to cars (roads, parking lots, parking structures) and robotaxis have the potential to significantly reduce that.

    1. Why would a robotaxi be any more efficient than ride share or standard taxi? Taxis and ride shares can be electric too. Where do these robotaxis go when not being used? And what happens when they get locked up in a grid lock?

    2. in terms of utilization it would be about the same, making it self-diving drives down costs, making it much cheaper, and thus affordable to many more people, allowing millions more people to utilize it, shifting more people from buying cars to rideshare, etc.

    3. I would have hoped ride shares would have shifted people from buying cars less, but it didn't. Not sure self-driving will do any better at this. I don't understand the reasoning that a driverless car would be more utilized than a share or standard taxi.

    4. in industry studies, ridesharing has significantly reduced individual ownership, families buy fewer “second/third cars” because they can use ridesharing for occasional needs.

      Again, ridesharing and robotaxis should be about the same utilization rate, around 50% instead of the 5-10% for individual ownership, the big difference is economics, that a robotaxi should cost much less, making it more accessible to more people, and increasing the shift from car ownership to ridesharing (robotaxis) because the less a robotaxi costs the more likely people are to use them instead of buying a car. So that is, the number of ridesharing vehicles would go up, and the number of individually driven cars would go down, expanding the percentage of cars that are more efficiently utilized, and driving down the average cost of transportation.

  12. Given Elons tenuous grasp on the facts, I’d be a bit dubious of the facts he used to build the cars.

  13. too much ketamine again?

  14. Musk is The Hoax of The Century!!! 🤮🤮🤮

  15. Omg...It will be UNVEILED, not AVAILABLE 🙄🙄

  16. he can't even get the cybertruck to work properly lol

    1. https://www.facebook.com/private.chat.with.Elon

  17. good development for shareholders---not so good for professional drivers.

  18. Mashable delivers skepticism

    Elon delivers technology

    1. Does he? Mashable just repackaged the Reuters news article that said he'd be unveiling robotaxi on 8/8.. which muck seems to deny, then agree with.. he's confused and/or on drugs again.

  19. Is that on Mars or here on Earth?

  20. Until they crash

  21. as he did back in 2016

  22. Cool more driving toasters

  23. "Sure Elon". Hahahaha yup! You nailed it. LMAO. Only his army of YouTube stock pumpers "believe" him.

  24. Doing the Orange Baboon dance ... Perfect !

  25. He’ s going down down down

  26. So? All I see here is to many people overly obsessed with Elon.

  27. I thought he was going to Mars

    1. can’t wait to get rid of him😂

  28. There's one August every year so yeah, it's possible.

  29. He’ll say anything to boost the stock price. It’s better to watch what he actually does like scrap the entry level EV for $27k when he was telling investors all last year that was the next thing.

  30. Announced in 2024, delivered in 2030. Classic.

  31. August, sure!! 2035?

  32. they just upgraded my Tesla for self driving autopilot, and it's quite amazing . The only thing I don't like, it's driving like a grandma. Otherwise it drove me from shopping mall to my garage with no problem. Oh, and one more thing, it successfully avoided bad accident! So don't be pessimistic. This thing grows really fast.

  33. Apple just stopped producing robo taxis after investing millions. There all over San Francisco & they don't see pedestrians

  34. Hope soon everybody forgot about your shity cars 🤣

  35. He was just itching to post “8/8.” What a putz.

  36. On the date 88, not suspicious at all

  37. So much pessimism!!.. did we all forget that electric cars were just a futuristic concept that not one big auto was even game enough 15 years ago.. not to mention that little snow ball effect that it has had on sustainable energy across all industries around the globe!!
    Without vision there's no mission 😁

  38. He did not say in what year!

  39. https://media.tenor.co/Dkx31hlAsrAAAAAC/aldo-humor.gif?t=AAYVdEtV6UAHSc4B9QxWVg&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2s&fbclid=IwAR12GwCXuQCSRTtrpXFzS9U48LLpAKq7C3OSzhPEvGXS1BW9XreDE8LNCdM_aem_AdIfUhmBfyuFyBRdmgj5Daxz1nju4J7WWE0bCb_vxY4XYgbIPPrDJDdO6eNYo17wrHsN8ptDpxSZJ4Na6Ee9idx2

  40. Sure, because driverless taxis are proving to be so popular and safe in places like San Francisco 🙄

  41. Mashable === the worst

  42. No, thank you, please leave

  43. And he will release FSD how many years ago?

  44. Wouldn’t step a toe in one of those. Ever.

  45. “August 2077.”

  46. Hmm I’m sure Uber will have something to say about this ?! 😂

  47. https://media1.tenor.co/m/iI999NPYKK0AAAAd/pinocchio-nose-growing.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&fbclid=IwAR2gXzE_NnwqWLR88702lXya2ykAZeG7d87AXiKcJl3ox5jo-UDJcD0kz-M_aem_AdJb3bAogCx072jq1P7xEZV8AnqbFp2C_KXb9grhaSS2aIwcoJXCWy5sOx4BPkKEyyZe3vcXCqGaDY1DFucP6VF2

  48. I’m doing this just once, so I’m giving out 5 grand to the first 5 people to message me with ' ALIVE '. Cause It's all about sharing the blessings and love.
    Stay bless y'all!

  49. A supportive message for those in our state dealing with tax or bill issues – DM in with "GOD DID," and the first 14 responders might just find a boost of 5 grands coming their way! PLEASE IGNORE THIS IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO FEED AND PAY BILLS Y'ALL STAY BLESSED.

  50. Things are tough especially this time of the year so l'm gifting 5 grands to the first 10 people to message me with
    "BLESS ME" let's spread love and end inhumanity cuz it's have a blessed day 🎉💰

  51. Now I understand why Elon musk is investing in Bitcoin. Me and my family are so grateful to you Luis! for all your good deed. I will continue to invest my Bitcoins in your platform because its so beneficial to me, people like you are rare
    Mr Luis F. Harvey


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