Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. | Mashable.

Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off.

Get Microsoft to just stop.
By Matthews Martins on 
Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to use their Microsoft Account. They don't have to. Credit: Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Windows 11 has been out now for about two and a half years, but its predecessor, Windows 10, still dominates the operating system market.

It's pretty clear that when it comes to PCs, Windows 10 is the most popular operating system. That means many of you readers might very well know how annoying Microsoft's prompts are regarding getting you to upgrade to Windows 11. So far, we've been able to pass on that upgrade without too much trouble.

Well, Microsoft is getting ready to annoy its faithful Windows 10 user base with yet another prompt. This time, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to switch from using a local account to their online Microsoft account.

As first noticed by the outlet Windows Latest, the most recent Windows 10 update Release Preview includes some information about new notifications added to the operating system intended to make users switch from their local account to their Microsoft account.

"New! This update starts the [roll out] of account-related notifications for Microsoft accounts in Settings > Home," reads the update, originally from the official Windows blog, which then lays out its case for using a Microsoft account.

"A Microsoft account connects Windows to your Microsoft apps. The account also backs up all your data and helps you to manage your subscriptions. You can also add extra security steps to keep you from being locked out of your account. This feature displays notifications across the Start menu and Settings."

Some users may enjoy using a Microsoft account due to the positives of connecting with Microsoft's cloud features like backups. Others may prefer the privacy of having local accounts, where all their data stays on their personal devices. The point, though, is that it's your choice, and once you make that choice you shouldn't be hounded to use your Microsoft account anymore.

Here's how to disable the Microsoft account notification

As Elon Musk recently discovered, Windows 11 does not make it easy to use a local account instead of a Microsoft account. 

However, Windows 10 still does!

Once you make the decision to use a local account over a Microsoft account, there's also a way to turn off those annoying banners and prompts trying to get you to use a Microsoft account:

In the Settings app, simply click on the Privacy option, then go to the General section.

Next, turn off the "Show me notifications in the Settings app. When off, required notifications are still shown," option.

As tech news outlet Neowin points out, there's also a tiny little "X" icon next to the "Sign in now" button on the Microsoft accounts banner as well. Users can click that and remove the notification as well. However, if the previously mentioned Settings option isn't turned off, the notification banner will eventually return.

UPDATE: Apr. 18, 2024, 4:57 p.m. EDT This piece was updated to attribute Windows Latest with first discovering the Windows 10 update information. The Settings option needed to stop the notification has also been updated.

Topics  Microsoft Windows


  1. Just use Linux.. google suite works perfectly fine on its system.and it plays all your favorite android games on your phone.. Since all major game studios are switching back to console.or moie games.. IMO. Microsoft is finished in two years because no one want to pay for a subscription when you get all the features for free on Linux. Even FreeCAD is kicking the crap out of Solid works and Autodesk. The writing is on the wall folks Microsoft has failed to stay innovative. While keeping greed out.

  2. i really, really try to use a ms account every time I set up a new windows system. but then it forces you to manually go into your machine or worse yet, enter a password. I could not find a way to seemsessly boot up into windows desktop without having to log in. so in the end I would have to switch to local account.
    there. I tried again and again but sorry Microsoft. I refuse to password protect my single-user home machine. even clicking "log in" is a no-go for me.

  3. Replies
    1. And I am supposed to tell my officemates, that we are taking them to a Linux environment. All 2500 of them.

  4. i would tell microsoft to go f themselves like i wont use that cloud scam garbage like i built my own personal home server

  5. Supporting the first 10 citizen to Dm me “TOUGH TIME “ cus I feel some people going through hard times,let’s end inhumanity.

  6. I'm paying off all debts of any believer who texts me 'God never fails' stay optimistic🕊️😻❤️

  7. We've been warning you since the beginning. Use Free and Open Source Software. But more than that: SUPPORT INDEPENDENT FOSS DEVELOPERS WITH CASH.

  8. Rufus can disable this in bootable USB settings.

    1. Hi There I seek for a completely honest man, who will come home to me, love me, adore me, a strong man with a strong heart who will want our relationship to last forever, a compassionate man, one with a good heart who knows how to handle matters, I want a lover, not a fighter, lol I am committed life to live to the fullest and in growing as a person If you’re interested and serious you can send me a request or text me on messenger for us to take our time and get to know more about each other better and see where things will lead us to thank you💕

  9. That's simple. Send a message. Use Linux.

    1. ill do that once support for win10 runs out

    2. G-suite is the answer to everything Microsoft supplies minus Direct X and that's about to change.

    3. G-suite is nice, if you use addons as u can, convertion into xmls is nice, but sometimes MS Office doesnt know how to use it, so G-suite is more variable, but no MS Office friendly.

    4. Who cares.. MS office will have to keep up with G-suite in 2 more years anyways because no one will teach with it. At that point open office will run conversations so.. Pow. Microsoft Excel just died..

  10. Replies
    1. Hi There I seek for a completely honest man, who will come home to me, love me, adore me, a strong man with a strong heart who will want our relationship to last forever, a compassionate man, one with a good heart who knows how to handle matters, I want a lover, not a fighter, lol I am committed life to live to the fullest and in growing as a person If you’re interested and serious you can send me a request or text me on messenger for us to take our time and get to know more about each other better and see where things will lead us to thank you💕

  11. Doing this for the citizens of the states, Does Struggling to meet up with their Taxes & Bills.... should HMU with “ TOUGH Time “ Let spread love and end immediately umanity❤️🤙

    1. Hi There I seek for a completely honest man, who will come home to me, love me, adore me, a strong man with a strong heart who will want our relationship to last forever, a compassionate man, one with a good heart who knows how to handle matters, I want a lover, not a fighter, lol I am committed life to live to the fullest and in growing as a person If you’re interested and serious you can send me a request or text me on messenger for us to take our time and get to know more about each other better and see where things will lead us to thank you💕

  12. Replies
    1. Jedina stvar koja mi smeta kod Microsoft accounta je da se mora koristit ili password, ili Windows Hello za login, pa čak i ako se isključi oboje i dalje stane na login gdje moraš klikat da uđeš u desktop. Ajd kužim ako je laptop u pitanju kojeg nosiš svugdje, al za desktop koji samo doma stoji je bezveze.

    2. vjerojatno ima caka za boot u desktop

    3. Možda. Al neda mi se zajebavat sve dokle god postoji mogućnost za local account. 😃

    4. ima, moraš unesti user i password u auto login zakopano duboko u postavkama

    5. nemam ni jedno ni drugo,starija verzija win. odma boot u desktopu,ništa od tog nigdje nije tražilo pogotovo pass,samo kod instalacije ime kao na starim win.

    6. a neznam imam stariju verziju win. gdje tih gluposti još nema

  13. it should reboot and let you skip the account creation thusly -> (sorry satya)

  14. Gee, maybe that's because many PC's out there that run fine on Windows 10 can't upgrade to Windows 11 because of restrictive hardware requirements for Windows 11, even if your willing to pay for an upgrade.

    1. My PC's used to run fine on Window 10. When MickeySoft announced they would end Win 10 support unless you buy a subscription starting next year, I found out they run even better on Linux Mint. And BTW. Linux is free...

    2. Microsoft is changing that. It was due to a bug with some Intel drivers.

    3. Mint is very user friendly, too.

    4. As a senior that makes things very difficult, didn't even get used to Windows 10 yet and already they want you to change to Windows 11. Been thinking about just giving up with the computer stuff and go back to the old way before computers, probably a lot safer also.

  15. This is what happens when you have a company who has monopolized the industry and in bed with the chip manufacturers. I wonder how they would like it if there stock prices would drop along with the sales of there products?

    1. AMEN BRO! And that may be the best way to attack this problem.

  16. I'm running Windows 11 on a computer that did not pass the compatibility test using a local account. The reason it failed the compatibility test is because my processor which meets all the requirements was not one of the approved processors. It was a simple task to bypass the compatibility check and install using a local account. I don't understand why so many seem to be having so many issues.

  17. I have Windows 10 on my work computer and it will have to be the Tech people who will have to deal with this one. We have a few thousand computers in this school district, so I am not sure what Microsoft will do with computers like I have.

  18. I will never use a MS account. I did try it with Windows 10 when it was new and had days and even weeks when I could not login into my own PC. I know many people who had the same issue at least one time. Never again. IF MS can give absolute guarantee with significant money on the line that I can never get locked out of a system with a MS account, maybe I would use it again, but they would never do so.

  19. Yesterday I wrote Microsoft at their Redmond WA. address telling them they already has a stable and reliable OS in Windows 10 and that they ought not to be prodding folks to switch to their newer Windows 11. If you, too, think this, write a letter (Google their exact mailing address) and tell them how you feel.

  20. Microsoft is out of control, needs to BTFO, and they need to be sanctioned for forcing the TPM module. That should be my choice, not theirs.

    1. I'm running a Ryzen 9 5900X CPU on an ASUS ROG Crosshair Hero VIII and it's not TPM compatible to run Win 11. Unbelievable.

      I am glad too. I am running Win 11 on my work laptop and do not like it and I'm a Sr. IT Admin.

  21. This looks like MS is forcing this upon those who do not want it and for their own profits. This is supposed to be a free country and the federal politics are trying to change things to their own greedy way and MS seems to be following suit to that effect. Not good people!

  22. The good ole days when we could buy Windows and it was good for years before Microsoft upgraded it. And we could buy Microsoft Office and use it for years and actually control our own computers.....Just wait. Microsoft has orchestrated it so that we will be forced to pay them monthly just for use and control of our own data. Microsoft has become a greedy horrible software maker. You all will see very shortly with all of the forced upgrades to Microsoft 365 and One drive

  23. I would do it. Its a far better experience. You can use the MS account crosswise over Android and IOS either. Onedrive is a very useful crossplatform tool as well. It makes life a lot easier.

  24. Keep pushing Microsoft. Linux is looking better and better all the time. I've often thought Windows users should rise up and have a giant class action lawsuit against MS to recoup the money (time) spent fixing things when their software fails. Whose with me?

  25. It's all about a company wanting to possess everything that you do on a PC.

    1. BINGO!! Microsoft is trying for force everyone to be able to only use their software. And I mean force...365 controls everything that you do and that includes filling up your hard drive with all of your previous office uses under the guise of helping you.... They change your entire computer set up. That you didn't ask them to do. This forces you to purchase more space and if you do not renew Microsoft 365, they steal all your photos and it just gets worse from here. And everything that they control of your computer via 365 gets it so that you are forced to pay them every month just to have your data back by filling up your space forcing you to buy more through them and that awful One drive storage. Every month! and its traps you into this like black mail, extortion,. Then they force you to continue to renew 365 or they take your date, and it is monthly like the add'l storage. They are forcing everyone to eventually have to pay Microsoft monthly just to have your computer and data in it. And remember when Microsoft was sued over forcing the use of IE as our browser by making it the only one capable of allowing the smooth transition of other apps on your computers? And the government forced them to allow other browsers on their software because a forced monopoly is illegal in the US? They are at it again and no one is saying stop! We need to wake up folks....

    2. Just switch over to Linux Mint, problem solved..

    3. Run on a local account problem solved.

    4. Use external storage and uninstall Onedrive.

    5. I have never trusted the "cloud" to be able to retrieve my saved info & documents.

  26. I downloaded TurboTax and was told that I needed JavaScript to download the program. I got a pop-up when I tried to download the program that said it wasn't available in the Microsoft Store. I looked for something similar, and TurboTax still appeared not to download. It eventually did, but I have no clue what made the difference.

  27. They locked our files, photo's and emails till we paid them the minimum they were demanding to Un-Lock Our files. Microsoft has become just like Just dealing with ransomware. I wonder if Microsoft might have invented that too.

    1. This is what is called a monopoly and Microsoft is losing customers over this. The worst part is they don't care about you then we should just leave.

  28. Run off a local account and Microsoft can't mess with you if that's the case Browsers better start supporting Linux and so should Streaming services and other downloads.

    1. Ubuntu Linux works fine with Firefox and has a Youtube download utility. Format all drives, internal and external to EXFAT. windows reads and writes as well as Linux to these drives. My Linux did not like NTFS formatted drives. Best thing? ...NO CLOUD!!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. I don't understand the big deal. I use a Microsoft and it's no big deal. I have no problems and it makes it easier to do a lot of things.

    1. Exactly! Rarely have I had a problem with Windows 11. I've been using it since the major bugs got worked out.

  30. Go local accounts, less nagging.

  31. windows 11 blocks many things you can do with windows 10

  32. Time to buy Apple?

    1. There ya go. One drawback though, gaming is limited on Linux. Wish they could work around that.

    2. And Linux Mint's GUI works very similar to, Windows 10. Very short learning curve to change over from Win10. And once you install the Wine app, you can run Windows programs on it...

    3. Apple is another monopoly the last I heard and they have too many lawsuits right now. Apple isn't gonna last another year as many laws they're breaking. Another thing Apple can't play games Linux is free and open source and is easy to grab. Please don't promote monopoly services thanks.

    4. Last time I heard Apple is just as much in hot water as Microsoft.

    5. not. I was happy when I bought my Macbook pro, only before an update then I found the device was not mine any more as it forced me to use an Apple account to do same basic job, and many junk features became undeletable even as root.


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