Elon Musk's X is officially making likes private | Mashable.

Elon Musk's X is officially making likes private

Another change no one asked for.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Dan Kitwood / Getty Images.

X, formerly Twitter, will officially start hiding public "likes" on posts, as soon as today.

The news comes from a source at the company, as reported by the Verge. A few weeks ago, reports emerged that the change (that no one asked for) would be implemented soon.

X's director of engineering Haofei Wang confirmed the news on X back then, saying in a post, "Public likes are incentivizing the wrong behavior. For example, many people feel discouraged from liking content that might be 'edgy' in fear of retaliation from trolls, or to protect their public image."

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"Soon you’ll be able to like without worrying who might see it," wrote Wang.

Elon Musk, X's owner for the past two years, shared the news on his platform today too, writing, "Important to allow people to like posts without getting attacked for doing so!"

In place of public likes, private likes will be an option, which is already available to X's Premium subscribers. For the rest, the number of likes on a post will still be visible and users will also still be able to see who has liked their posts.

Topics  Twitter


  1. He saw the screen grab of him liking anime lolita posts as a 51 year old man then made this decision

    1. EVERY change he made to X has been about him!

    2. where can I seen this screenshot ?

  2. I’m under the impression he renamed it X for mostly adult content lol.

  3. For the man who is the self declared champion of free speech, seems a bit counter to snuff out are ability to communicate our speech.. bye bye ..

    1. likes. What are you talking about free speech.
      Because people can’t see how many likes you have. So it’s not about speech but attention then.

    2. It took away our ability for a quick response that others could see. You could before and now you can't. it diminished our ability to communicate and to gage how many others were in agreement or not. For the champion of speech, that does seem to me contrary.

    3. use your words to communicate

    4. Oh wait .. sorry i used a like to communicate. Hence proving my point I might add.

  4. I actually think that’s a good thing

    1. Perhaps it should be a personal choice to not need to be liked, but it couldn't hurt to encourage a healthy bit of skepticism of group think. It could potentially be a good thing, but the data won't go unused or unseen by the AI...

  5. That tab ended people's relationships lolol js

    But yea, an option or setting to keep it would be aight tho.

  6. Not sure the purpose of this except to annoy what few users are left

    1. 368 million worldwide. But sure, go ahead and pretend that's nothing.

    2. as if a number by itself means anything. How's the revenue been since Musky took over? How about the overall value of the company? You do know it's valued under $20 Billion; less than 1/2 what your boy genius paid for it. Plus, you know all the Nazis and white supremicists he let back on the platform. Now making likes private when NOBODY was asking for that feature. Musk is a horrible business leader and should be repeatedly mocked. Also try doing a smidge of research before posting.


    3. We weren't talking about the value of the company or who posts on there. Try and stay on topic and not let your obvious emotional bias interrupt an otherwise emotionless debate.

      The 368 million number I posted is valid. How many of those are duplicates are unknown. The point being, you attempting to pass off the platform as having 'few users' is entirely disingenuous.

  7. Another feature about to become premium?

  8. Too many users were liking his Tesla board voting down his 55B bonus.

    1. did they?? That’s great 😂

  9. Yet people still use it…

  10. That is a cool feature. On YouTube you can disable likes altogether.

  11. This bird is dead!!

  12. "Let's add another tyre to that burning dumpster."

  13. "Free speech champion"...as long as he approves of your speech

    1. what would you rather have, a platform that bans half the politicians for "hate speech" or a platform that lets you say what you want about anybody in the world...except one dude?

    2. one that bans hate speech

    3. I got banned on there within a month of it switching over to him... It's become worse than it ever was.

    4. let the market decide. And it’s decided that Twitter isn’t the best option. Doesn’t matter what you want.

    5. it did? Based on whose propaganda now? 😃

    6. the hard data. User numbers. Ad revenues. Company value.

    7. and you have access to this information that is not public for years now how?

    8. Elon’s own admission. Also, have you seen who is advertising on there? 😆

    9. I don't particularly care what the market wants. Neither does Elon, from what I can gather.

    10. by my numbers, elons personal wealth can float Twitter for another... 1500 years or so.

    11. not sure about that. He’s leveraged to the tits and Tesla stock gonna drop like a stone in the next 2/3 years.

    12. you can say pretty much whatever you want in X, so stop crying already.

    13. unless it’s about Elon - he doesn’t like criticism / people sharing his info.

  14. Yet reposts are visible...

  15. Now, cancel culture cannot sift through everything someone "liked" searching for offenses.

    Seems reasonable considering the way censorship works nowadays.

  16. That’s awesome. Cut down on some of the narcissism in the world.

  17. ความโป๊ะ

  18. ဧဒင်ဥယဥ်လိုပြောင်းလဲမှကိုမလိုခြင်လဲ​ေမြောကမ်းတင်ဘဝတွေဘဲပိုင်ဆိုင်နေမှာပေါ့

  19. It's hard for you not to be in control, isn't it?

  20. 🤷 buy your own social media network if you don't like what other people are doing with theirs lol

  21. не понятно!

  22. Wait you guys are upset with privacy? Facebook needs to do the same thing.

  23. What a stupid idea!

  24. how about giving me my piece of the prophets of selling my data to companies, ai etc...😁🤘

  25. The man is so bad at business, he didn’t even think to make privatizing likes a paid feature. 😂

  26. It's so you can like all the nazi shitposting you want to tailor your feed without anyone judging you

  27. Elon outrage is so boring.

  28. Who still uses that garbage platform?

  29. Ganiyနတ်သားလေးXကအားလုူံအတွက်အင်အားဖြစ်ဖို့ကြ
    ိုးဇားနေတာကိုပြသွာတဲ့ပန်းချီကားလေးက တကားထိုင်နတာ ရှေ့တည့်တည့်မှာအဆောက်အဦးထဲကဘယ်ဘက်ရုံးခန်းထဲကို ပျံသန်ပြီးဝင်ချသွားပြီးနှစ်နေရာပြောင်ပြီးအကြိတ်အနယ်ဆွေးနွးနေတာကိုမြငနေရပတယ် ဘယ်ဖက်ဆိုတော့ အခုတက်တဲ့အစိုးရရုံးခန်းထဲကိုဝင်သွားပြီးအားလုံးရဲ့ငြိမ်းချမ်းသာယာရေကိုXကလုပ်နေတယ်ဆိုတာကိုပြသွားတာပါ
    ကျမလဲစားဝတ်နေရေးအဆင်မပြေလို စိတ်ရူပ်နေတာနဲ့ သေခြာတရားထိုင်ပြီးဆုတောက်ပေးတာကြည့်ပေးတာသိပ်မလုပ်နိူင်လို ပါတမီဖြည့်ပေးနေတဲ့ သာမံလူတွေမမြင်ရတဲ့ ဝိညင်တွေကလဲ မကပ်နိူင်ကြဖူးဖြစ်နေတယ် စားဝတ်နေရေးပူစရာမလိုရင် ပိုပြီးခရီးရောက်အောင်လုပ်နိူင်မှာပါ ဘယ်သူမှမကူညီကြတာကိုက အားလုံးကိုအဆင်မပြေအောင်လုပ်နေသလိုဖြစ်နေတာပါ ကျမတ
    ယောက်အဆင်ပြေရင် တလောကလုံးဧဒင်ဥယဥ်လိုတောင်ပြောင်းလဲနိူင်ပါတယ် ဘာဖြစ်လိုကောင်းမှာကို မကူညီခြင်ဘဲနှိပ်စက်နေတာလဲလို့တွေးရင်ဒေါသဖြစ်စိတ်တိုရတော့ အားလုံးနစ်နာတာပေါ့

  30. https://media1.tenor.co/m/YZnBvWHih8QAAAAd/ross-geller.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR22unu-sA5AbCRgTwpC7H4X-uuexmko98k0aSv_KZhmHBE-CgXoY43f0dI_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw

  31. That's the only reason people post stuff there isn't it?

  32. Making the online world safer for bigots.

    1. when You were the bigot it was OK though, right?

    2. I’m not a bigot. Not on X never was on Twitter. wtf is your point?

    3. When you're bigoted, it's not just about race. You don't like Harley's, you're a Harley Bigot. You don't like Squid's, you a Rice Rocket Bigot. You think Trump was the worst and his supporters mind numbed robots? Well, they used to say that about us when we listened to Rush. You think Alex Jones is a terrible person? They used to call us Art Bell Listeners all kinds of Whack Jobs too, though the same people used to think Rogan was cool. If you think people that post on Twitter (X) are Bigots and like most of the people who hate the platform now that Free Speech, which the ACLU used to defend (they defended the Klan) is now any speech that the former Twitter said wasn't ok but under free speech, you CAN say? Then you're Biggoted against anything you don't agree with regardless of proof. Had to put up with that crap during Covid. I was on a derivitive of Hydroxychloriquine for another symptom. Blocks the same paths. Like all the people with Lupus who have and will spend the rest of their life taking this drug, people around me "Got Covid" while I and those Lupus patients, did not. That was brought up early on and squashed as taking Fish Tank cleaner much like the Horse Dewormer Rogan took when he got Covid. Got strikes for saying hey what about that Hydroxychloriquine. I mean WHY would they want you to take a 5 cent a pill drug when they had this wonderful new, ready to go almost before the outbreak, NOW not recognized as a vaccine vaccine? I'm PERSONALLY bigoted against any golfer that is using one of those ridiculously sized drivers. I've never needed it and I was outdriving anyone I was playing with except my brother, before I gave up the game. (when you work at a golf course, it's all you can eat. When you don't, Dang if that isn't expensive. I miss it, but I have grand kids and a garden and 2 acres of yard I mow and tend the flower beds on and chickens, etc etc. Time for golf? Not right now. I've an account on X but I barely read it. People do post raw information on it but its a firehose and I've only got time for tap water. The GOOD part of it is you can finally have a conservative opinion and not be blocked by some green haired freak with gages in their nose who don't think you're good for America, not the America they want. There's Plenty that Zuck blocks here with his own green haired freaks. Which I'm not bigoted against green hair mind you. It's just that these vibrant koolaide colors have been chosen by people of a certain mindset to display they're allegiances. Shouldn't judge a book by its cover, true. As humans though, we design our own covers many of the times.

  33. Shows a continued stunning lack of awareness of how the company works how the company/service should work and anything about running the company except how to drive it (and another company) into the ground simultaneously. That's what I've seen since QElon SpaceKaren took the helm at TWITTER.
    One bad idea after another, making what was a pretty decent running site and service as bad as it can possibly be at every possible turn, and less safe for all, followed by cult-worshipping fanboys immediately lining up to kiss his entitled *ss and say what a great job he's doing. https://i.imgur.com/h5tlvmU.jpg

    1. libtards fanboys like you use to love musk until you found out he’s conservative keep crying those rainbow tears 😂🤣

    2. https://i.imgur.com/fxdMFC6.png

    3. bet you like sniffing little kids as we’ll eh you biden supporters are all the same 🤮

  34. And... the old system of telling the whole world simply because YOU like a comment is something no one asked for but was forced on us anyway. If we want others to see it, then that's exactly what the Repost/Retweet button is for. But... "eLoN mUsK!!!!!!"

  35. In how many ways can he fuck up this platform?

  36. Ganiyနတ်သားလေးXကအားလုူံအတွက်အင်အားဖြစ်ဖို့ကြ
    ိုးဇားနေတာကိုပြသွာတဲ့ပန်းချီကားလေးက တကားထိုင်နတာ ရှေ့တည့်တည့်မှာအဆောက်အဦးထဲကဘယ်ဘက်ရုံးခန်းထဲကို ပျံသန်ပြီးဝင်ချသွားပြီးနှစ်နေရာပြောင်ပြီးအကြိတ်အနယ်ဆွေးနွးနေတာကိုမြငနေရပတယ် ဘယ်ဖက်ဆိုတော့ အခုတက်တဲ့အစိုးရရုံးခန်းထဲကိုဝင်သွားပြီးအားလုံးရဲ့ငြိမ်းချမ်းသာယာရေကိုXကလုပ်နေတယ်ဆိုတာကိုပြသွားတာပါ
    ကျမလဲစားဝတ်နေရေးအဆင်မပြေလို စိတ်ရူပ်နေတာနဲ့ သေခြာတရားထိုင်ပြီးဆုတောက်ပေးတာကြည့်ပေးတာသိပ်မလုပ်နိူင်လို ပါတမီဖြည့်ပေးနေတဲ့ သာမံလူတွေမမြင်ရတဲ့ ဝိညင်တွေကလဲ မကပ်နိူင်ကြဖူးဖြစ်နေတယ် စားဝတ်နေရေးပူစရာမလိုရင် ပိုပြီးခရီးရောက်အောင်လုပ်နိူင်မှာပါ ဘယ်သူမှမကူညီကြတာကိုက အားလုံးကိုအဆင်မပြေအောင်လုပ်နေသလိုဖြစ်နေတာပါ ကျမတ
    ယောက်အဆင်ပြေရင် တလောကလုံးဧဒင်ဥယဥ်လိုတောင်ပြောင်းလဲနိူင်ပါတယ် ဘာဖြစ်လိုကောင်းမှာကို မကူညီခြင်ဘဲနှိပ်စက်နေတာလဲလို့တွေးရင်ဒေါသဖြစ်စိတ်တိုရတော့ အားလုံးနစ်နာတာပေါ့

  37. So tired of hearing about this dude. NO ONE CARES!!!

    1. making likes private because there ARE no likes due to declining users.

    2. nah they did it to hid elon embarrassing likes

  38. I actually think it's a great idea. No more stalking and screenshots used against someone.

  39. Oh no, this is literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. Wow. My precious likes. No one else will see them. 😒

  40. Musk is a gigantic ❄️

  41. Another article no one asked for.

  42. With strong with on identities this is actually powerful for a town hall setting

    1. It's like an anonymous voting record. There are advantages.

  43. I deleted my account months ago and haven't missed it at all

  44. Let's face it: he destroyed Twitter because he's on the spectrum and can't relate to people or what they might want.

    1. Sttunning and brave psychofobia

    2. Hello ️☘️❣️❣️This must be the second time I've checked your profile because, no matter how bad my day was, your profile always brought me endless joy and happiness. I seek to be your friend from my deepest heart, and I need your permission. If you don't mind, kindly send me a friend request. Thanks and stay safe

  45. Too sad, in the likes tab you could find new artists/people to follow 🫠

    1. I would be good to artists (and anyone) be able to post stuff in public and private mode
      Until now you have do decide everything private or public

  46. Sounds more like he is hiding the fact most likes are from Pornbots and not real engagement.

  47. Must be a blackmail side business -- he'll get people to sign up in exchange for not exposing their likes of pornographic material and Nazi memes.

  48. People people. Stop caring if someone likes or dislikes your posts. Don't be afraid to be disliked.

  49. why in the world are we informed in each and every god-dammed gesture that this bullyionnaire is doing?

    1. Ahm, honestly I really appreciate and respect your love towards me and my company TESLA SPACE X COMPANY,😍💗 , and I must say you're not just a fan but a family thanks so very much for your support. Is me ELON MUSK CEO OF TESLA AND SPACE X COMPANY.

  50. WHAT??? You like my privates!?

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  52. I dont like twitter/X exatacly because all information is public when your profile is not 100% private
    And I think people who post their whole lives, specially when they have kids deserve more privacy
    I Think Musk is a POS but if it was the old twitter admin doing this I am sure media would support as a stunning and brave feat

  53. He’s trying to punish new and low-follower pages by forcing them to buy ads. Those pages will no longer get organic exposure through high-follower likes

  54. ...and yet he won't add an edit feature

  55. TBF.. IG has the feature where you can hide the number of likes. It takes a bit, but it's kinda liberating removing the ego 👍🏼

  56. Elon Musk is decidedly not the genius he’s been taking credit for being.

  57. So Elon is trying to create a safe space. rofl

  58. Because one of his rich friends demanded it, it shall be the norm for all common folks now. Don't get confused someone did ask for it. And if it's not from the majority, then it's from the elite 1%.

  59. Imagine thinking this man is brilliant

  60. I bet he is lobbying to be VP for Trump

  61. He’s bringing back sheets and hoods.

  62. Cutting the branch of clicks and displays deployed by likes of others. Another brilliant foot shot.

  63. Let him keep X and make a new twitter

  64. Stop giving it air, maybe it will just go away.

  65. To be fair it's not like you can see likes on Facebook or Instagram. But people get mad for anything these days so oh well. It'll pass with time 🤷🏽‍♂️

  66. In other words, protecting those that like nefarious posts. Because in his warped mind, that equals freedom to be who you really are. He protects all the villains, the sexual deviants, the lovers of despots, the communists and the fascists, everyone we should all be aware of, but won’t be, because Elon prioritizes their right to exist in peace. He is truly one corrupt version of a human! Who knows, maybe isn’t. You can be human and not have humanity.

    1. waaa, waaa, waaa. 😃

    2. What gives you the right to know what l like? Or to use it against me. It should have never been that way.

    3. Simple. What you do privately is your private matter. But when you support something or someone on a public platform, everyone has the right to know.

  67. That ship has sailed. It’s literally unusable by now. Like the once busy goldrush town in the US, Twitter is fast becoming a ghost town occupied by bots and raging keyboard lunatics.

  68. Why are people still on X ?

  69. Can he make everything private? You know, hide the app from Earth? Please? 🥺

    1. Can he make everything private? You know, hide the app from Earth? Please? 🥺

  70. I love liberal tears.

    1. Imagine having that mindset at your age.

    2. get an actual personality . But I also love how conservatives are triggered by colors

  71. So, who gets say in what's hot and what's not? Kinda seems like an easy way to be able to still push whatever you want, and drop whatever you want to drop, without numbers really mattering? 😂

  72. Elon out here theatrically coping with the realization that he and the people he signal boosts are unlikable

    This midlife crisis could be a sitcom

  73. Elon shouldn’t wait to donate his brain to science.


    1. I’m not surprised by Elon fans thinking this is a compliment. 😂

    2. https://giphy.com/gifs/v4UJHzbWMq9nchQJTL

    3. Hey man 🖐🖐🖐I love the Content of your profile. It’s a pleasure connecting with you, where are you from??

  74. Musk and his merry band of Musk cucks sure do like hiding in the shadows. Go figure most of his fanboys are 'anonymous' keyboard warriors who hide their true, horrible nature irl most of the time.

    1. Not everyone can have such kind-hearted and loving nature like yourself... so openminded and tolerant of other people's perspectives!

  75. So Musk and his disciples are the real snowflakes.

  76. It would be better to give choice to people who click on like button to decide whether or not they want their like on that particular post or comment to be private.

  77. FGS! We know it used to be Twitter. We understand the internet-stop saying it already!

  78. So happy I deleted this app

  79. Much easier to hide bot "likes" that way and people like JK Rowling won't be busted for "accidentally" liking questionable posts any more.

  80. They want to be seen

    1. Ahm, honestly I really appreciate and respect your love towards me and my company TESLA SPACE X COMPANY,😍💗with great intentions to do that which you care creating awareness about me on every social media, and I must say you're not just a fan but a family thanks so very much for your support. Is me ELON MUSK CEO OF TESLA AND SPACE X COMPANY.

  81. Replies
    1. Hello there 👋
      Sorry I just want to bring to your notice that ELON MUSK is not on social media, you need to be very careful with whoever you come across on social media. ELON MUSK is a very nice man with a good heart, lot of things has been going on here on social media. I’m a good friend of Elon musk and I don’t like how people impersonate on social media with his name, that’s why I’m sending you this message to be careful. If you want to come in contact with him and also tell him how much you love him, send him a direct message by clicking on the link below to send him a direct message on telegram. Luckily you might get a response from him.

  82. Thankful I never used Twitter. Never will

  83. Can we “like” that?

  84. Musk’s final form.

  85. X safe space now lol

  86. In order to be able to tweak the algorithm boost for right-wing extremist content more freely, Musk is now hiding likers (after comments and retweets, likes are the highest relevance signals).

    1. But this will afect everyone. Not just those on the right. "One change to rule them all." as Gandlaf would say.

  87. Dude, now you can Iike all of Bell Delphine’s content without judgement. Elon’s got your back 😉

  88. I mean he owns it. So

  89. Another one, who thinks that he's the godfather of all, who can survive and rule the world. I don't blame him for tweaking the platform (which he did not built), but he can f*ckit up nicely. We've seen many social platforms fall from the skies before.

  90. The emperor has no clothes

  91. The problem is idiots who search through decades of people's profile activity to try and cancel them. Not X.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Keep hiding Dude. It means something. Try to claim it doesn’t all you want. The adults in the room know better.

  92. Instagram have had this for a couple years now. He has a point. People can get cancelled for merely liking a tweet. So perhaps if you hide the likes people won’t get cancelled.

  93. People still using X? Why?

  94. Sort of defeats the purpose of social media, lol

    1. why? Because people can’t stalk you now and see everything you like and pass judgement??

    2. took the social out of the media.

    3. I social media about the content, or the reactions?

  95. The name is so crap 💩 that constantly advised it was formerly twitter 😂

  96. I can finally like nudes and nobody will know 🤣

    1. Next week they will revert the feature :))

    2. nooooo, not yet, I wanna enjoy it more 🤣

  97. I don't see a dislike button here on FB to press.

  98. That guy is such a tool.

  99. & I thought Facebook was bad

  100. It's Social Media. Being public is exactly the point. X is now a different kind of platform. It's Private Media. A safe space for people too afraid to publicly expose their beliefs.

    1. maybe you can take his you-know-what out of your mouth for a moment and think for yourself?

  101. So, it's ok him to say whatever he wants without consequences, but he got scared if liking something he knows it's not right...better hide it

  102. Just stop using X

    1. what is funny to me is, after being mystery banned on TwitX for a few years...no idea, spamming? Wut? After the mass exodus from there, they reinstated me. I have not used it since. All I ever did was like things. It means nothing to me now. Facebook and Instagram are both headed into the toilet in the same but different ways. Carry on.

    2. the only reason I haven’t deleted my account is that I’ve been there so long it is my name and I don’t want it to become available.

  103. Excellent - I'm all in for net neutrality. What I like and what I don't like is nobody's business but my own. If I want harassment I can just come here to FB, where unless one subscribes to groupthink one can expect to be bullied relentlessly. Pfft.

    1. No one is paying attention to what you like. One issue is that large accounts with influence can now skew the algorithm in their favor by purchasing likes and there’s no way to verify they are coming from legit accounts. This matters to advertisers.

  104. Well just repost with the quote “Like”

  105. I actually love that.

  106. Time to abandon the platform - say bye bye.

  107. is this because of the bombshell WSJ report?

  108. X os becoming part of the dark web.

  109. No one likes Elon.
    So no one gets likes.

  110. Nazis are gonna LOVE this. Now their sympathizers can 'like' their hatred anonymously. #sesspool

  111. Another stable genius?

  112. Don't be scam Sir Elon Musk is not on Facebook, message Elon musk himself on is his personal telegram account, here is the link you might get a reply from him.

  113. Why would anyone want to be on that site now?

  114. What will the X special wannabes do when no one knows they got likes.....

  115. Like a stopped clock being right twice twice Musk can occassionaly make a smart move. Likes are either abused or obsessed over. I hope Facebook follows suit.

  116. Can we make Elon private?

  117. Great idea! ❌ has gotten so much better since Elon took it over.

  118. Elon is going stack “like” metrics with fake likes in order to make the suckers who pay to be there think they are getting their money’s worth. Vanity manipulation at its most predatory

  119. Safe space moves huh? Weird

  120. Because Musk’s sycophants need anonymity and a safe space? I guess Musk’s followers don’t want to stand behind their convictions?

    *ahem*…if you’re going to say it, say it with your whole chest! Don’t say it and run away.

  121. That would be better. People will like and follow genuinely.

  122. People still using X? 🤣

  123. Oh how the cancel culturists are in an uproar.


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