Jon Stewart on Biden-Trump debate: 'This cannot be real life' | Mashable.

Jon Stewart on Biden-Trump debate: 'This cannot be real life'

The ICYMI we need.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: The Daily Show

President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump went head to head in their first presidential debate of the election on Thursday night — and Jon Stewart has unpacked it all for you.

The Daily Show host went live after the candidates left the stage in Atlanta, wrapping up the media coverage and prep leading up to the debate, the rules, and every little moment in the debate that everyone is talking about today.

Essentially it's 15 minutes of Stewart's glorious reactions, with an undercurrent of major dread.

"This cannot be real life. It just can't! FUCK! WE'RE AMERICA!" Stewart ends the segment with, and...yeah.

For more of Stewart's takes, we've rounded up the recent Daily Show coverage here.      

Topics The Daily Show Elections Politics


  1. Doing damage control? It is useless.

  2. Even americans have their own 💩shows!
    Two idiots fighting for what? While the whole country has issues to be solved. Same as any other country. Politicians fighting with each other for power, when instead they can do something that actually matters. You trust nobody! They are all the same, same 💩, different country!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Between Lying Degenerate Fake News Trump vs Stuttering Honest Old Man Joe, this is a bad choice, but a simple one.

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  5. The question you need to ask yourself is " how crazy is the democratic leadership to have thought biden for reelection was a good idea" maybe another good question would be how incompetent are the democratic leaders that they are acting shocked by what happened last night. If they were actual leaders representing what is best for the people of the United States then how did they allow biden to become the nominee. Another question that democrats need to be demanding an answer for would be " Why do democratic leaders want trump to win the WH" because that seems to be the only answer for how they are allowing biden to run. They can't cover up his problems anymore.

  6. We’re talking Nursing Home People. And on the other side we’re talking Incarceration. This is a very dangerous situation for America.

    1. It seems typical that it is the "lesser of 2 evils" when voting for the last 40 years or so. But the choices here are historically and remarkably bad

    2. Biden owns both sides of that coin.

    3. Exactly, Biden is the criminal not Trump!

  7. I feel like the American people, including myself, need to take more responsibility. We have been asleep at the wheel, allowing this to happen with abysmal

    civic participation. I’m not saying it’s all our fault, but let’s consider our role in this

    1. Some haven't been asleep, but everything is rigged for a two party system and they have left the American people with very few options.

    2. Yes, you’re absolutely right. When I say “us” I refer to the American public at large

      And why have we not resisted that? Why have we not taken to the streets en masse and demonstrated our dissatisfaction? Why haven’t we united? It’s done in many other countries. Why not ours?

  8. If Biden cares about America, he needs to step aside in the next week or so. Enough is enough with this Weekend at Bernie’s act. He needs to retire while he has some dignity left.

  9. One thing that makes Jon Stewart and the CNN team irrelevant is their hatred for Donald Trump totally blinds them of the obvious mismatch in this debate.

    What they should be addressing is the "elder abuse" being committed by the Democratic party and others for exposing Joe Biden to such public humiliations by continuing to drag him around and display him as a viable candidate for the highest job in the free world.

    This debate shows why they kept Joe Biden hidden in the basement throughout the 2020 election cycle.

    1. More than half of that clip was Stewart making fun of Biden. Yes, he doesn't like Trump, neither does half the country, but you cannot say, in any way, that he attacked Trump more than he attacked Biden.

    2. And nowhere in my comment did I say that. A little reading practice may help with your problem.

  10. The real question after last night debate should be "Who is really running the white house"?

    1. Rumor has always been that Obama still has his paws in it. It's getting easier and easier to consider that now.

  11. “…we know he wants to fundamentally change our institutions.” THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED. OUR GOVERNMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL.

    1. We do need change, that's for sure. But we DON'T need Trump's kind of change.

    2. I'm betting you can't even describe what Trump's kind of change would be, can you?

    3. Just as I thought, couldn't list or "articulate" a single one so you came back challenging me. Ok well let's start with a couple of easy ones (maybe you can even understand, although I doubt you appreciate them). How about energy independence. That's what we were when Trump left office. What are you paying now for a gallon of gas or any other utility for that matter under Bidens policies? How about controlled immigration? Only a person short of brain cells doesn't recognize the disaster that Biden's border policies have already created and will likely only get worse. I guess that kind of change is only relevant to people like those who knew the mother of five killed by one of Biden's "undocumented " or the mother of the 12 year raped and killed by another one of the 9 million people Bidens policies allowed to enter the country illegally. I'll take Trump any day over what we have now, right or wrong at least I can back up my position with valid examples rather than just left-wing talking points. You need to crawl out of momma's basement, get a job and discover what reality is really like in Bidens America !

    4. Why do you hate the thought of making America great again?

    5. Trump never made America great. He only built himself up.

      Glad to see MAGAits are so ill-informed. Keep licking the boot.

    6. Where were you six years ago?

      Serous question.

    7. In Georgia owning my own business and doing quite well.

      I have continued to own my own business through the (scam)demic and the Biden administration and I'm still doing quite well.

      My stock portfolio is up 20% in just the last two years. T.D. Ameritrade just got sold to Schwab two years ago so that's all the history I can see right now.

      Now, the things a president can't control, groceries are higher now but I'm paying about the same for gasoline. I actually paid 2.89 in Fruithurst AL about a month ago.

      These are all serious and truthful answers to your question.

    8. Fundamentally change the American system of government? TO WHAT, comrade?

      This system has worked well for 250 years and is, or was before Biden, the envy of the world. It was only until little left-wing liberals and their out of kilter ideas of DEI and tweaking of normal relationships between same sexes that things began to run off the tracks.

    9. So you want a bumbling conman liar with no integrity to do it? Geezus how ig’nant.

    10. You shouldn't talk about that old man, Joe, like that.

      Career politician who voted whichever was best for him, even when it was a lie.

      Eye-opening to read over his history in office.

  12. even more pathetic than the two "leading" candidates, is that the third party choice is younger than both of those and even more brain dead.

    1. And he's sitll 70. Get all these old farts out of office.

    2. The worm eating RFK's brain promised to save some for us...

  13. With a debate like this, every Non American laughs.

    1. I'm not American, but I don't laugh. The USA is (still) a mutual ally of my country. I hope this is still true in 2025 and beyond.

    2. I for sure am laughing, not because the debate was so bad, I did not expect anything more, but because you are so indoctrinated to believe you got only 2 choices.

  14. 341 million + people in the USA, and these 2 are the only options we have to lead our country??? That is a scary future

  15. Ben Carson talking about drugs that can stimulate the brain as he appears to be simultaneously NAPPING is hilarious!

    1. Carson was always an embarrassment.

  16. This county is so funny: I’m glad we’re forced to vote between a convict and a mummy

    1. Often a response to fear is to laugh to relieve pressure.

  17. In Australia we mock politicians for far less

  18. “I can’t believe I’m losing to this guy” - Jon Lovits as Dukakis on SNL.

  19. "Did you just immigration abortion"

  20. The beef between Kendrick and drake is more intelligent than the beef between the jokes we call our presidential candidates

  21. They should be debating the flavour of Jello in a seniors home

  22. This debate IS America

  23. This was sad. We had one guy who was incapable of telling the truth and one that couldn’t remember what the truth is.

    1. what did Trump lie about?

    2. They literally showed it in the video. How dedicated are you to being ignorant?

  24. This debate should have been held at a Dunkin Donuts.

  25. All that B.S. and there is another DEBATE in September!!

  26. This is actually terrifying

    1. I'm glad you are just now Realizing, the rest of nation has been freaking out for over it for years .. Welcome to the table.

    2. well... that's me told

    3. Given the stakes for the planet, yeah...

    4. Why is it terrifying?

    5. You're not paying attention

    6. I am. I’m fortunately not an American.

    7. I'd assume you live on planet Earth though, yes?

  27. As an Independent, I don't get why out of 335 million Americans, we must choose from these 2, but a significant difference between them is that one surrounds himself with competent experts and the other one with future enemies who end up in jail. Also, one is more loyal to Putin than to us.

    1. We don’t there’s RFK jr

    2. I'm hoping Jill Stein is on the ballot in Oklahoma. If I'm going to waste my vote in this orangetrashcan supporting state I will vote for her.

  28. I am not an ageist - both candidates are old. I'm not swayed by the candidates' ages; my focus is on substance and their track record. I want to see if their actions align with their message or if they're just saying whatever it takes to win votes. It's funny how the media emphasizes their personalities over what they actually stand for. Whatever happened to real journalism?

    1. > Whatever happened to real journalism?
      Daniel Ellsberg unavailable for comment. We tried to reach Julian Assange, he only recently came back to us.

      Does age matter? "I refuse to make an issue of my opponent's youth and inexperience." — Ronald Reagan

  29. This debate debacle between pop-pop and papa bear was a travesty if I ever saw one. ️

  30. This cannot be real life ! I've been thinking that for some time now. Not in America. Life in the U.S. is now surreal. I hardly recognize the country anymore. We need something other than the lesser of two evils. The current two parties are broken. Ranked - Choice - Voting. That should give us more choice and no spoiler effect. It's obvious we need to try something else. I just don't think that is autocracy.

    1. RFK Jr. is still viable, and gaining steam - check him out

  31. The world's biggest retirement home feud.

  32. One came out of this walking, the other guided by their handlers.

  33. I'm only 64 , and I lose my train of thought all the time!

  34. This debate was Homer Simpson against Leslie Neelsen.

  35. 342 million people in your country, and this is the two best candidates 💀

  36. Tell me again why I shouldn't vote 3rd party

  37. Wow!! 😂 when did the daily show come back? Jon Stewart always got it!

  38. Out of over 300 million Americans, these two are it? Out of these two, I pick the one that is mentally competent and can understand a question. I pick the one that doesn't need help walking off the stage. Americans deserve so much better.

  39. Thank you, Jon Stewart. I laughed til I cried.

  40. It was like watching two old guys arguing about who didn't clean up the sandbox back in kindergarten.

    1. Trump telegraphed his moves. He always does that. Biden got off his best lines and they fell flat. More educating coming soon.

  41. It is difficult for me to find laughter in such pathos. What is happening in the USA is a sad state of affairs.

  42. Shame on Jill Biden and her family for putting him through this

    1. I completely agree with you. When my 80 yr old father was too far gone with Major Atypical Dementia, diagnosed by a Neuro-psychometrician, when he thought he could do more than he was capable, I was obligated to seek a legal Power of Attorney to manage all his affairs. That is where BIDEN and TRUMP are at in their lives, not the Presidency.

  43. I remember Biden in 2008. What an unbelievable transformation.

  44. From Canada, I feel for you my neighbours and hope that you choose truth over lies and service to the public over self interest.

  45. There is no drug for narcissists, only the tears of their victims

    1. Insults aside, I agree with that. The only reason Biden didn't start crying is because walking corpses can't cry.

  46. "Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack" - Michael B/S Douglas

  47. "remain upright" 💀

  48. Almost half a billion people, and these are your nominees for leaders 😂😂

  49. I wish open primaries could fix this. There is something that has to be done to fix our system so that two wildly unpopular candidates cannot be forced upon the people.

  50. The golf argument had me dead 😂

  51. I can’t believe in the year 2024 , these are the two BEST we can produce.

  52. In an alternate universe, this Biden switched places with the Biden from the Bernie debate.

  53. Only time there was honesty was during the golf debate. Hahahaha. The only time they looked alive

  54. Worst disaster in the “history of the world “

  55. O my! I almost feel bad laughing at this point!

  56. If only we had decent presidential candidates


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