Dozens dead after truck plows into Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France

The Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France was shattered late Thursday evening when a truck plowed into a crowd, killing multiple people and injuring scores of others. 

SEE ALSO: France releases terror alert app that instructs hostages how to react

The deputy mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, initially sent a tweet saying it's possible "tens" of people were dead but that figure quickly grew. Later, French President Francois Hollande announced that at least 77 people had been killed, including several children. 

Soon after, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve updated the number to 80 people dead. 

Hollande labeled it a "terrorist attack" and said that France would "continue to strike those who are attacking us on our own soil.” 

"France is deeply afflicted by this new tragedy, France is horrified by what has just occurred," he said late Thursday during a press conference. "This monstrous act of using a truck to deliberately kill dozens of people who were simply celebrating the 14th of July. France is afflicted but France is strong, and France will always be stronger than the fanatics that want to strike France today."

Videos and images shared on social media reveal a chaotic scene with other celebrants rushing away from the scene and seeking shelter in nearby restaurants. 
                                                          By: +Matthews Martins 


  1. France is not the same as before. Nowadays, France can't defend herself. Totally dependent on U.S. and U.K. in terrorist intelligence. Normandy or D-Day all over again. Allied forces come to the rescue. All they know is couture, which is good by the way. SAD.

  2. Shocked :( can't believe this is happening again in our country. I was at the Paris Bastille Day celebration, we were 400 000 ppl in the Champ de Mars. Can't imagine the horror if a truck made his way to there...

  3. Ariel that is such a tasteless thing to say the only thing that matters are these innocent lives lost and their suffering and their of their loved ones, . whether you may feel that way or not . Think of them and send them all the positive love you can .

  4. Seems trucks are much for dangerous than guns. So sad. I pray for France.

  5. Need to know that my peeps are okay - don't think they are in Nice, but somewhere in France.

  6. I wonder what outift Marine LePen will wear for her inauguration?

  7. Unfortunately it's 73 people killed and hundreds injured. #PrayForFrance

  8. Right now 1am Spanish hour: terrorist attack, 73 people killed, 200 people injured

  9. So very shocked more heartache for France. My condolences to the victims and their family

  10. Reminds me of Egypt when the police did it.

  11. 73 dead confirmed, still rising.

  12. More like above 70 already...sad day.

  13. The truck driver's dead, shot and killed by police.


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