Watch a stampede of zealous 'Pokémon Go' players storm Central Park

No, it's not the zombie apocalypse. There's just a Vaporeon in Central Park.

A horde of Pokémon Go players stampeded through the park earlier this week after reports that the elusive Eevee evolution had popped up in the area. Vimeo user Woodzys got the whole thing on video — a brave move, because we're not sure he had time to catch the Vaporeon, too.

Just watch out for bodies of water, trainers



  1. So in a world when so much terrible shut is happening left and right you would deny people a temporary reprieve with entertainment. Yes let's just all sit inside and be miserable.

  2. Some folks, just have WAY too much time on their hands. And far too many brain cells, not in operation!Two looney toons actually got arrested, for jumping over a fence, at a to a Tiger enclosure. This is totally insane!!!!

  3. LOLLLLLL. I mean I LOVE Pokemon, tons. I grew up with it. I had the cards back in 1999, I watched the show religiously. I saw pikachu try to bring Ash back to life on the big screen and was crying my little kid eyes out. I had a pokedex, gameboy with pokemon and hell, I can sing you the song from the show word for word but THIS. This is something I wouldn't do because it's kind of silly.

  4. This game should be banned. It's too much of a hazard and a distraction. This game and smart phones don't mix well when you are out on the streets.

  5. WTF!!? People running, cars pulled over in traffic...I've seen a slew of accidents reported around here in the past week. Insane. I've tried this game, I admit...but I just dont have time to walk all over town to get into it. PLUS the game is buggy, I opened the app - for the final time a few days ago and after catching some character, the game just sat there frozen as it killed my battery. Deleted...forget it.Also wondering these people who do not have unlimited data plans, they are in for one hell of a shock when the bill comes.

  6. OMG its not a Rare pokemon I have all 3.. Just collect and evolve them sheshh

  7. I would prefer a zombie apocalypse. They at least we're chasing things useful, like brains.

  8. You guys all enjoying the breeze up there on your soapboxes?

  9. Yes it is exactly the zombie Apocalypse. It couldn't be clearer

  10. Bahahahaha people today are so stupid, that it's entertaining.

  11. This is stupid is Pokemon really that important

  12. Eevees are a dime a dozen in my house. I would go crazy over finding Pikachu, but not Vaporeon.

  13. one thing i dont like the game. is that. it runs your batterie down faster....

  14. when using a Infiniti Q50 to go catch pokemon

  15. How does something that doesn't work half the time create such a mess in America daily? I don't get it.

  16. Be careful this is a great potentional opportunity for bombers and terrorists! Lots of people gethering in a small place. Perfect opportunity for you to hunt down pokemons and perfect opportunity to terrorist to hunt you down....

  17. And this kids is what we call hoard marketing.

  18. That's just giving gamers a bad name! :(

  19. Seriously? I have like 15 eevee's and 2 Vulpix ��

  20. No your wrong it is the Zombie Apocalypse

  21. So... Did they catch it?

  22. some need to get a life!!

  23. Poor can't afford stupidity.

  24. People are so easily led.


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