Your dating life may get a boost from Pokémon Go

Step aside, Tinder — there's a new dating app in town. Well, kinda. 
Pokémon Go has catapulted to the top of app stores since it launched five days ago in the United States, New Zealand and Australia. 
In the States, Android users have downloaded the game more times than they have downloaded the dating app Tinder. And for some players, Pokémon Go has provided an opportunity to catch a crush and a Pokémon out in the wild.
Reddit user UnityTreeofSavior recounted his experience playing Pokémon Go and meeting a girl who was doing the same. "I was walking around the town after dinner, trying to hatch my eggs," he wrote. "I caught a few Pidgeys and one Eevee, nothing special. I was about to start walking back home then some girl asked, 'hey, are you playing Pokemon Go too?'" 
UnityTreeofSavior said that while his Pokémon knowledge was limited, the two still had a good time playing together. "But the important thing is that I am meeting her again tomorrow! I asked her out on a date and she said yes! Thank you Pokemon Go," he wrote. 
Other users have written about using Pokémon Go as a low-cost date activity, reported Comic Book
"It was way more fun than it sounds and we ended up having good luck with servers until we came home after midnight," Steve_OH wrote. "It was a simple and inexpensive date, which we plan to do again. If you have a SO who is into Pokemon, make it a date!"
Pokémon Go trainers have repeated the same sentiments on Twitter.
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And if all the rouge Pokémon are too distracting when you're actually on a date, we won't judge you. Go ahead, catch 'em all.
'' On a date, but a Pokemon appeared right in front of me............. I gatta play this cool. ''


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