Ellen DeGeneres Wipes Away Tears As Obama Lauds Her For Breaking Barriers

“Ellen counters what too often divides us with the countless things that bind us together,” Obama said in awarding her the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Ellen DeGeneres on Tuesday was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor, alongside 20 other artists, athletes, scientists and philanthropists. 
President Barack Obama ― who had to stop mid-address because he was “getting kind of choked up” ―  bestowed the award on the television host for her unwavering ability to make “you laugh about something, rather than at someone.” He praised DeGeneres’ historic bravery for publicly coming out of the closet nearly two decades ago, putting her career in jeopardy. 
“It’s easy to forget now, when we’ve come so far, where now marriage is equal under the law, just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago. Just how important it was not just for the LGBT community, but for all us to see somebody so full of kindness and light. Somebody we liked so much, somebody who could be our neighbor or our colleague or our sister challenge our own assumptions. Remind us that we have more in common than we realize, push our country in the direction of justice. What an incredible burden it was to bear, to risk your career like that. People don’t do that very often.” 

DeGeneres’ receipt of the award almost hit a snag when she forgot an ID to get into the White House. 
At the ceremony, she held back tears as a short speech was read celebrating her accomplishments:
“In a career spanning three decades, Ellen DeGeneres has lifted our spirits and brought joy to our lives as a stand-up comic, actor, and television star. In every role she reminds us to be kind to one another and to treat people as each of us wants to be treated. At a pivotal moment, her courage and candor helped change the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, accelerating our nation’s constant drive toward equality and acceptance for all. Again and again, Ellen DeGeneres has shown us that a single individual can make the world a more fun, more open, more loving place so long as we just keep swimming.”
Despite the waterworks, the president gave DeGeneres hugs and reminded us that even in the darkest times, we can all use a little bit of dancing.
“Ellen counters what too often divides us with the countless things that bind us together, inspires us to be better, one joke, one dance at a time,” Obama said.
Hear, hear. 

Ellen DeGeneres was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom alongside 20 others recognized for their contributions to the nation.


  1. How did we go from this man to the promise of Sanders to the bottom of the barrell with trump??? Astonishing.

  2. She is all that is good and right with America! Respect!

  3. How I miss Obama and the dignity of humanity he examplified.

  4. Ellen was a groundbreaker and her career almost ruined but she stood up for what was true and honest for her. She is a true pioneer and hero.

  5. She makes a lot of people laugh and cry out of joy almost daily. That's good enough of a reason.

  6. I will truly miss Obama's speeches.. I'll share his and Michelle Obama's speeches to my girls when they grow older. They are all empowering and inspiring... such words serve as strengths and reminder, not only to Americans but to the world as well. Congratulations, #Ellendegeneres ❤You've brought so much joy and laughter to all of us.

  7. How about the rest. Kareem Abdul for example. A follower of Peaceful Islam. A
    Man of thoughtful conversation and deep thought .

  8. Two of the best people in the world sure glad I'm on their team ..

  9. She deserves it and damn I am going to miss Obama! I am legit scared for what's going to happen in America in the next 4 years. I'm praying that something good will actually happen.

  10. My all time favorite quote:

    "We will be known by the tracks we leave behind."--Dakota Proverb

    Obama has left his mark. History will judge him greatly.

  11. Mr. President, my President, thank you for honoring such a diverse and amazing group of human beings. Thank you for your 8 years of outstanding service. Thank you for your grace, dignity and class. Whatever lies ahead, the enlightened and dignified souls of the world will fight on in your honor.

  12. The sweetest person ever. From one great person to another.

  13. Appreciate these last good moments it will be a long while before anything goes back to normal

  14. he's a beautiful example of how we should all strive to be

  15. I love to watch The Ellen Show! She is an amazing person.Congratulations from Singapore����������������

  16. What made this gut wrenching is knowing that Pence, And probably Sessions and Price (likely others too) - people who are adamantly opposed to human and civil rights for LGBTQ folks - will wield power in the incoming administration and try to hurt this community. We are replacing values like love, inclusivity, mutual respect, with hate, destruction, exclusion, discrimination and disrespect. I feel like I'm in mourning for America.

  17. We go from this President that represents the good in Americans to President Trump that represents everything bad about us. Thanks a lot the 46% that didn't bother to vote to keep this greedy narcasistic con man out of the White House.

  18. I don't feel like there are too many celebs I would want my daughters to have has a role model, regardless of sexual preference, race, gender, but she is one that I have a gut feeling if my girls had a heart and was as genuine as she I would be a proud mama!! And regardless of your political stance Obama's speech was beautiful!

  19. She's simply awesome! Much love & respect for Ellen And the prez not bad either..ha!
    Good moments but unfortunately Mr. Insecurity is coming with his Nazi friends!!!!

  20. IMO, Ellen's coming out was what brought about the societal change accepting the LGBT community. She showed everyone that a lesbian woman was not terrible...she was always just a beautiful, happy and kind person. Someone anyone would be comfortable around. I give her full props and she is so deserving of this award.

  21. Watched and I cried too ..what an honor for her from the best President ever! Congrats Ellen..so deserving...thank you President Obama...you will be so missed��

  22. We love and respect you so much Mr President. I
    personally will be thankful that we have had an honorable man in the White House for 8 years. You will be missed. May God always be with you and your beautiful family. Thank you

  23. I feel like the medal of freedom should go to people who actually risk their lives for our freedom. Actors just play pretend. Let's honor the soldiers.

  24. Obama graciously honours Ellen DeGeneres and other outstanding citizens in such a beautiful way that only he could. Beautiful and touching. We shall all, and already do, miss this eloquent classy POTUS.

  25. Ellen is lovely but let me say this. She is a celebrity. She has a cushy job. She gets paid big bucks. How many awards ceremonies does she attend - SAG, Golden Globes, Oscars? I'm saying that to contrast there are so many, out there, with no media spotlight, making this world a better place. I wish for more no names to be honoured.

  26. Her tears and this honor demonstrate how sometimes when we try to do what we can to "make a difference" in our "circle of influence", we can unknowingly...CHANGE THE WORLD!!! ♡

  27. Ellen seems like a nice person and perhaps she has helped a lot of people feel better about themselves. Dr. Martin Luther King said we should judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I think this holds true for LGBTQ people: we should not judge them based on their sexual preference but by the content of their character. These maxims hold true for all people and this is why we should not hand out medals for doing the right thing. It may have taken courage to come out and risk her comedy career 20 years ago, but we have a legacy of firefighters, emergency room doctors, military veterans, and philanthropists who have changed the lives of millions of people who are deserving of this esteemed award and yet their contribution to society which will never be given such recognition. How has Ellen measured up to the inspirational history-making movements by Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King, or Cesar Chavez?

  28. I wish more of these awards were bestowed upon the "little" people who work in the trenches day in and day out for humanity and the planet instead of going to millionaire celebrities paid way too much for doing way too little.

  29. Waterworks for me - both of them are exemplary human beings. But most of all, I am going to miss Obama so much.
    It's hard to even imagine He-who-must-not-be-named ever being nearly so classy and genuine.

  30. I love you Ellen. I'm grateful for your humor and your undiminished light to a world of darkness. After abruptly losing my job over a year ago, you kept me going with you laughter and beautiful soul. You so deserved this award. With what America is in for with this psychotic president elect, we'll need you more than ever. I'm heartbroken that the Obama administration is winding down. An administration of class and progress. Quite the opposite of what's coming in January.#prayingtheelectorsgetitright


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