Gorgeous 'Beauty and the Beast' trailer is exactly what you need today

Want to take a break from 2016 and head off to a magical land of castles and talking cups?

   Disney hears you. The first full-length trailer for the studio's live-action
 Beauty and the        Beastarrived Monday morning, and, no real surprise, the film starring Emma Watson as Belle    looks pretty perfect. 

   Disney sort of knows their way around the whole princess storyline.

The trailer, which really does look like several of the iconic scenes from the 1991 animated film come to life, is set to the sweeping instrumentals of the title track "Beauty and the Beast," so get ready to tear up. 

The footage also features first looks at many of the talking objects that will populate the castle, from Lumiere (Ewan McGregor) to Cogsworth (Ian McKellen). 

Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon, will hit theaters March 17. 
                                                             By: +Matthews Martins 


  1. beast looks kinda crappy... i thought this was live action, looks like CGI "Realism" to me, except for emma.

  2. Spoiler Alert! They fall in love and he turns back to a human

  3. Oh my f*cking god. Goosebumps overload. Disney-gasm all over my body. Manly tears! Every scene is the same exact like in the classic! ������

  4. Cgi on the beast is bad, Disney why didn't you just use the same mocap tech as avatar and Warcraft.

  5. Hold on, have you got the pictures mixed up. Is that not the inside of Trump Tower?

  6. OMG I'm sooooooo going to watch....the original and not this poo.

  7. Doesn't look too good IMHO, Beast was wierd looking, Mrs.Potts both eyes on one side,whatttt

  8. Jesus Harambe Christ. Your website is crappy.

  9. Can't wait to see this!

  10. Oooohhhhh...can't wait!

  11. Emma Watson so miscast. Zero screen presence and charisma.

  12. Hmm...I feel like I expected too much from Disney :/

  13. He seems like quite a fantastic beast.

  14. Can not wait to see it


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