Barack and Michelle Obama send their first post-inauguration tweets

It's been a veeeery emotional day for America.

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, which means the now-former POTUS and FLOTUS, the great Barack and Michelle, had to step down after eight blissful years in the White House.

SEE ALSO: Celebrities flood Instagram with final 'Thanks, Obama' posts

As Obama said in a speech following the inauguration, he and Michelle have been "milking" their goodbyes, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

From Michelle's emotional final Instagram posts and the touching final wave Barack gave us before boarding a chopper to leave D.C., the couple has been making us reach for the tissues all week long.

Now, hours after the inauguration ceremony, Barack and Michelle have sent the first tweets on their personal Twitter accounts since officially exchanging handles with the Trumps.

Michelle, gracious as always, used her first post-inauguration tweet to inform us she would be taking a little break after an "extraordinary" eight years. But have no fear, she assured her followers she'll be "back before you know it" to work on the important issues.

The former POTUS also made his triumphant return, complete with a beautiful dad joke, of course. Barack gave his Twitter page a complete makeover, including new photos and an updated bio, which now reads: Dad, husband, President, citizen.

He informed his followers he and Michelle are embarking on a (much-deserved) vacation to Palm Springs.

We knew Barack and Michelle would keep in touch. 

BONUS: The emotional moment Obama waves goodbye to D.C.

Thank you Obama!


  1. The Trumps' touching the Obamas' makes me cringe inside. How can you talk so poorly of someone and then be all smiles and handshakes.

  2. Best of luck to both of you. Your contributions to the United States cannot be replicated. Thank you!

  3. They'll be back when Michelle announces her candidacy :)

  4. Yea! The best thing that happened all day they are gone.

  5. They deserve some sweet r and r. Enjoy Palm Springs!

  6. Trumpertantrums won't come close to this class act.

  7. Except for the income disparage and the armed 24-7 guards, and...

  8. I don't think that they will ever be "everyday civilians" again....

  9. Let's see how many lavish vacations they take now that they have to pay for it out of their own pocket freeloaders

  10. They deserve that!!!! All the efforts they made, now let them enjoy life and hope that all their work was not for nothing!!!

  11. Not quite, sorry! They'll never become civilians again... Ever.

  12. What was it asking if anyone had a couch they could crash on?

  13. �� So much anger today... Snowflakes are melting everywhere. At the inauguration Trump called it rain!

    Haters are gonna hate! ��

  14. Now you can live with the garbage you put in place for all of us. UNTIL TRUMP ERASES THE TRAVESTY THAT IS YOU.

  15. How many times can I tear up today?

  16. The video ads on your site are the worst, please fix!

  17. Looking forward to a lifetime of activism from the Obamas.

  18. Is she pregnant? Lol

  19. They deserve it after 8 years of hard work!


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