Starbucks is welcoming 2017 with three elaborate new drinks

    Looks like Starbucks is embracing the "look good, feel good," mantra for 2017

    Beginning today, the brand is rolling out three new drinks, called the Tuxedo Collection, each with "silky swirl of dark and white chocolaty goodness," according to the company's website. The collection, earning it's name with its chocolatey black-and-white effect, includes the Tuxedo Mocha, the Tuxedo Hot Chocolate, and in case you're in the mood for something cold, the Tuxedo Frappuccino.

Each Tuxedo drink is a chocolate lover's dream - featuring a mocha and white chocolate mocha sauce, and topped with whipped cream and an expertly crafted mocha drizzle to cement the tuxedo look (that means there's double the chocolate in the collection's hot chocolate). If that's somehow not decadent enough for you (and we get that), each drink is then topped off with some finishing dark-chocolate curls.

    Prices of these drinks vary between locations, but are reminiscent of the brand's typical specialty drink prices. The 12 oz. Tuxedo Mochas and Frappuccinos cost between $4.25 and $4.45, and a 12 oz. Hot Chocolate costs around $3.25 - $3.45.

The fancy beverages are available Dec. 26 through Jan. 1, and if they taste as delicious as they look, they could be the last saving grace of 2016.

BONUS: Starbucks holiday cups are here and America gets some much-needed feels

                                                           Credits: Video Mashable

                                                                   By: +Matthews Martins 


  1. "Look good, feel good" HA!!!

    Should read "SBUX is welcoming 2017 with three fat-laden, artery-clogging, cholesterol-raising, new drinks. Caloric value? Off the chart. Sugar content? Off the chart.

    Explain how that is gonna help your waistline.

  2. Tried it. Long Beach CA. Looked NOTHING like the picture and was just meh. Stopped going to SB a while ago. This reminded me why

  3. States product available through January 1. That was 2 days ago.

  4. Are they still for sale? The article says till the 1st

  5. That sucks! Nice job! Now I want one and it's over!

  6. What do you call a Michael Jackson

  7. "look good, feel good,"

  8. Michael Jackson should buy this coffee, haha i'm sorry


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