Michelle Obama tears up during final speech as First Lady

Grab the tissues, people. 

In her final speech as First Lady, Michelle Obama shone a spotlight on the many strides the country has made in regards to education, while delivering powerful messages of hope to America.

Speaking at the White House to honor the 2017 school counselor of the year, Terri Tchorzynski, the FLOTUS rocked a bright red dress and brought those around her (and herself) to tears as she reflected on the past eight years spent serving our country.

SEE ALSO: Michelle Obama to Melania Trump: I'm here if you need me

Obama spoke to encourage America's youth and remind them of their tremendous responsibility and potential. "For all the young people in this room and those who are watching, know that this country belongs to you, to all of you from every background and walk of life," she said.

She went on to address immigrants in the country, reminding them that they are "part of a proud American tradition."  

She offered encouraging and powerful words to those in times of economic hardship. 

"I want you to remember that in this country plenty of folks, including me and my husband, started with very little. With a lot of hard work and a good education anything is possible, even becoming president," she shared.


  1. don´t worry folks...Melania Trump will repeat Michelle´s speeches all over again

  2. Aaaaaand of course the comments are terrible. It'll be a long time before we see class like this in he White House again.

  3. As always Mrs Obama didn't disappoint me intelligence and class to the very end !! I will miss her smart speech I'm sad to see you leaving and very frightening and worried about what is coming to the White House !! Thank you Mrs Obama for you services ������

  4. Never knew Mashable had so many unpatriotic racist a-holes reading their Facebook posts. Huh. Now I know.

  5. I didn't quite cry, but it was a great speech. Somehow I can't imagine Melania Trump having the same compassionate appeal or delivery!

  6. I didn't quite cry, but it was a great speech. Somehow I can't imagine Melania Trump having the same compassionate appeal or delivery!

  7. The Obamas always sounded nice and polished, almost appeared as role models. But, all I know after 8 years, a black president didn't help the black community at all. I mean, come on, they invited Jay Z to the white house, an EX-drug dealer. I can nominated hundreds of hard working men and women teachers who are black who should be invited to the white house and be given awards for the great community work they do, but a rapper who degrades women and glorifies selling drugs was Obamas choice. [what message is he sending to young black people?] Oh, and we can't forget when half naked Beyonce performed for the Obamas, wow what a great role model for young girls. I can nominate hundreds of black men and women who sing beautifully, who actually do charity work for the communities, but of course a gung-ho democrat will disagree and say stop hating. Because we should all have great things to say about the Obamas, right? And of course the Obamas denounce all of the hate crimes that happened after the election....oh wait, they didn't denounce the hate crimes, instead they encouraged everyone to keep on fighting for democracy, thus, more riots and arson happened in many cities. Good job Obamas.

  8. Can't wait for Jan 20th for the New Year to finally be here!! Will have true class in the White House finally! Make America great again!!!

  9. I'm crying.....tears of joy.

  10. I'm sobbing with joy that the madame attorney is leaving the White House. Hopefully we'll never see her in the public arena again.

  11. "First lady" is one of the most sexist titles ever created. Being someones spouse means basically nothing in terms of politics. She doesnt suppose to give speeches unless she does sth as profession. Same thing goes for all first ladies around the world

  12. All you haters give it 6 months and you'll be crying with DJT. Everything you thought you had will decrease and all you were promised will never happen. He gamed all of you.

  13. Hey, I got to go on so many vacations for 8 years and did absolutely nothing for this country.

  14. Ahh the trump trolls are running rampant. Too much Fox News for breakfast. Get the facts before you post.

  15. Like they cried while they were bombing all the innocent children? right.

  16. A beautiful lady and a beautiful speech..you will be missed !!!

  17. It had me shedding alligator tears. Please, Barack & Michelle . . . continue your hopes and dreams with us in the private sector. I know you will! ♡

  18. This woman is such a passionate speaker. Her speech brought me to tears.

  19. Yeah I don't sob after anyone in politics says anything. They are all just really good actors.

  20. She been working on how to speak to people her entire life, what the he$$ do you think Lawyers do? They are professional speakers.

  21. They must feel like parents handing the keys to their car to their delinquent teenager.


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