'Late Night' writer Karen Chee gives powerful speech on the Atlanta shootings.

'Late Night' writer Karen Chee gives powerful speech on the Atlanta shootings

This week, shootings in Atlanta, U.S., killed eight people, six of whom were identified as Asian women, four of whom were of Korean descent. 

Karen Chee, a writer on Late Night with Seth Meyers, delivered a powerful monologue on the media and police's refusal to use the appropriate language to describe this act of domestic terrorism. 

"Most outlets have failed to call it what it is: a hate crime. Because it is a hate crime," said Chee. "The shooter — a racist, a misogynist, and a coward — specifically targeted working class Asian women. He went after people in one of the most vulnerable intersections of our community." 

She added that some news outlets tried to humanise the killer — which often happens when white men commit acts of domestic terrorism — by describing the murderer as "fed up" and "having a bad day."   

"This killing spree was not the result of a bad day. This was the result of a misogynist, racist hatred that stems from white supremacy. This was a textbook hate crime," Chee said.

Chee said that the refusal to refer to this murder as a hate crime erases Asian people as they're being killed and ignores centuries of racism.



  1. I just want to mention that that was the most eloquently spoken expression of the situation that I have heard thus far. Thanks Karen

  2. Did she happen to mention the people of color doing these crimes in the bay area?

  3. No comment.. just because this was such a horrible tragedy

  4. It's the internet, you have so many key board warriors today, 90% of which would never spew the stuff they say online to someone's face.

  5. https://youtu.be/nbnNm72HgE4

  6. Yes no person with genuine mental health issue can do this, white supremacy is the one who’s raping in Middle East, these talk Show writers think they are more important than common man.. guns kill humans don’t right..

  7. Its sad how libtards see everything through a racist lens. So much so that the word doesn't mean anything.
    This dumb fuk had a mental disease. Why we need more sain people armed.

    When seconds count, police are just minutes away.

  8. The guy wanted a happy ending , didn’t get it and went on a craze.
    Just like a crackhead.

  9. #stopwhiteterrorism

  10. Haven't you heard . Everything is racist . Even the sex workers and porn industry


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