What is ransomware? Trevor Noah breaks it down in useful explainer.

What is ransomware? Trevor Noah breaks it down in useful explainer.

If you've been anywhere near the internet lately, you'll probably have heard the term "ransomware" mentioned. You may already be familiar with it. The technique used by hackers — encrypting a victim's devices and demanding a ransom payment to unlock them — was used on the Irish health IT system recently, as well as Colonial Pipeline in the U.S. The latter ended in a $5 million payment being made.

But let's back up a minute. How widespread is ransomware, and what are the real-world consequences of its use? 

These are the questions Trevor Noah tackled on The Daily Show on Thursday in his segment "If you don't know, now you know," discussing everything from the increasing number of these attacks and the DIY ransomware kits available on the dark web, to the limits on what the government can do to help when private companies get hit by attacks.

"I get that it's difficult for the government to regulate the internal security of private companies, but the solution to ransomware cannot be to put the entire country into airplane mode," concludes Noah at the end of the segment. "I mean no-one even does that on airplanes.

"Unfortunately, as of right now, there's not another solution that seems workable."


  1. Its nothing new, but you'd think it was since people don't want to use any type of backup even thought here is more digital storage available now than at anytime in history. Guess it's just easier to pay ransoms and charge it back to the people like everything else.

    1. They use backup: If the bad guys lock up the system so that extensive hardware replacement is required, as well as steal essential, critical proprietary business information a simple 'restore' won't fix it.

    2. Thats why you put protocols in place for redundancy. There's a reason all airplanes have triple redundancy...a matter of life and death. Should be treated the same way.

  2. What puzzles me is why they can't trace the money.

  3. Nice line from Biggy Trevor

  4. thank you very much for your work

  5. Guys, watch this! Seems Americans have been paying hackers to retrieve their data foe a while now. Basically, kidnapping but on the web.

  6. #Ransomware for dummies.

  7. Plot twist: The hackers were hired to advertise a new Mad Max movie

    1. Hence the hoarding of Guzzoline. “WITNESS ME!”

  8. Ransomware is my school asking for fees even tho they have ended the classes 3 months ago

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFaupz6mpz8

  9. It's only the most deadliest if someone, or everyone, screws up by overreacting.

    1. itd be deadly if the hospitals are hacked

  10. 8:44
    Doyouknowwhatimean !!!
    Long Treavor viewers know that he loves this line so much and it was one of his goals in the US !

  11. Me in Nigeria, wondering what the fuss is about. This seems like a regular Tuesday

  12. Rasnsomware is the software which makes you scream: “GIVE ME BACK MY SON!” like Mel Gibson in [Ransom].

    OFC, I know. Papa Johnny has been teaching us all these last week tonight! XD

  13. Welp. Im glad i chose to go to college for cyber security!

  14. this is how teaching should be in schools, colleges and universities. informative and funny at the same time.

  15. $39? You can get that from yo momma!

  16. "And ransomware is only 39 dollars. You can get that from your mama!"

  17. coffee & Trevor = perfect start in the morning

  18. Thank you for letting me know about this and how to do it, I'll be able to retire early

  19. I have dealt with a lot of hurricanes on the gulf coast in texas. when gas is in short supply, they put a limit on how much you can purchase at once.

  20. Trevor is the funniest late night comedian. He can find comedy everywhere. Much love and appreciation!

  21. Well we have lead pipes in many cities for water! Now you get it!

  22. sounds like the biggest conspiracy since I was accused for being a 0

  23. As an IT cybersecurity person, I resemble that remark! LOL!

  24. I blame the media. They told everyone that there WILL be a shortage. I knew we wouldn’t be effected in Texas, but I honestly was worried there would be a shortage due to panic buying. There was a shortage a few years ago, because so many media outlets told us there would be one. People panic bought, and then we saw exactly what happened here. Closed stations, or complete gridlock due to lines. There wasn’t a shortage, but everyone decided to buy that same day or the next, whether they needed it or not.


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