300 nude people gather by the Dead Sea to highlight 'ecological disaster'.

300 nude people gather by the Dead Sea to highlight 'ecological disaster'

Artist Spencer Tunick is back.

It's not often you see hundreds of entirely naked people, all covered in white paint, standing together in the middle of the desert.

That was the sight this weekend near the Dead Sea in Southern Israel, though, when U.S. artist Spencer Tunick returned to the area to photograph his latest art installation.

Tunick, who has photographed people near the Dead Sea before, returned to the spot for the third time to highlight what he called an "ecological disaster".

"I'm here to raise awareness of the receding waters of the Dead Sea," Tunick said during the event, per CNN.

The sea, which lies at the lowest point on Earth, is receding by roughly a metre a year, with the fight over limited water sources in the area thought to be the cause. Tunick visited the area 10 years ago and photographed nude people floating in the sea itself in order to raise awareness of the same issue.

"By connecting an environmental issue to the body, [it] shows the vulnerability of the body up against nature — and also, in juxtaposition, the vulnerability of nature that's caused by the body," Tunick said, per CNN. "Mankind can affect a massive sea. And I think that showing this juxtaposition of the body – very fragile – against the Dead Sea, which is equally fragile, will bring a new energy to the work and people's conversations."

Credit: Amir Levy

SEE ALSO: Hundreds of naked Australians brave the cold for mass nude photoshoot 

Credit: AFP


  1. https://media.tenor.co/images/f447b4a6bf3c4f778eb426b7168768d4/tenor.gif

  2. Le revoila avec ses morts vivants...

  3. https://giphy.com/gifs/show-otp-12oQhE9yYwRP1u

  4. How come environmental activists never go to China Russia or India . These are 3 of the biggest countries in population and size

  5. So just how did these 300 people get there and what would be their carbon footprint? Someone jumping on the bandwagon again, wonder how much this cast and what the money could have been used for..


  6. Why in dead sea, no one will see oyu there, go to NY city center.

  7. Natufian people coming back...

  8. Фактурных нет.

  9. “The sea, which lies at the lowest point on Earth, is receding by roughly a metre a year, with the fight over limited water sources in the area thought to be the cause.”

    Certain countries will become uninhabitable. Climate Crisis refugees.

  10. I don't get it. Is this guy obsessed with nakedness? This is supposed to be art?

  11. It’s not only the Dead Sea that’s shrinking.

  12. Powerful.
    (smell of BS that is)

  13. My late late grandparents had Da vinci and Micheal Angelo and I have this !!
    This is not modern art , we call it "disaster way for buzz" .
    Althrough i'm bigg supporter of nudism but that's not what it is .

  14. Journalism in 2021.

  15. "to raise awareness", pretty sure there is already plenty of people aware.

  16. Covid…. Rules for thee not for me

  17. I like a sausage festival

  18. What a waste of time, money and resources. The planet is dying and what are these bozos doing? What a joke.

  19. Exhibitionist pillocks.

  20. People are dumb and have toooo much time


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