Anti-speeding ISA tech is now mandatory for new car models in the EU | Mashable.

Anti-speeding tech is now mandatory for new car models in the EU

There's a catch or two, though.

Sorry sir, you'll have to take it down a notch. Credit: Jorg Greuel / Getty Images

Driving over the speed limit might become impossible in the European Union one day, and today marks an important step towards that outcome.

On July 6, a technology called Intelligent speed assistance (ISA) has become mandatory for all new car models and types of vehicles introduced to the European market. Furthermore, the system will become mandatory for all new cars that will be sold in the EU from July 2024.

ISA uses the car's cameras, map data and deep learning (among other methods) to check whether the car is driving over the speed limit, and if so, it can warn the driver in several ways, and even reduce the car's speed to bring it within the limit.

According to the information provided by the European Commission, excess speed "contributes to around 30 percent of fatal crashes," and ISA is designed to reduce the number of crashes due to speeding. A test project called PROSPER calculated crash reductions in six countries, and predicted that ISA implementation may reduce fatalities between 19-28 percent, depending on the country. That's for a "market-driven scenario," meaning that the tech would be implemented by car manufacturers on their own; in a regulated scenario, fatalities could be reduced between 26-50 percent.                                                                                                                                                 

As for how this will work in practice, ISA regulation provides several options for feedback to the driver when they're speeding: an acoustic warning, a vibrating warning, haptic feedback through the acceleration pedal, and finally, speed control, where the speed is "automatically gently reduced."

If this sounds too invasive, don't worry: Car manufacturers will be "free to choose" from any of the above, and the driver will be able to override all of these measures. In one example, if the car automatically reduces speed, the driver will be able to speed up by "pressing the acceleration pedal a little bit deeper." Furthermore, the driver will be able to deactivate the system completely should it become too annoying, though the system will be reviewed as it reaches wider implementation and may change in the future.

More in Cars


  1. That will make overtaking bloody lethal. Half way passed an artic and you start slowing down. What could possibly go wrong with that.

    1. it's all relative. The traffic coming the other way will also be travelling at the lower speed so it will make no difference at all

    2. they really need to rethink this

  2. Tech eventually will be mandatory to spot and deter aggressive and unsafe drivers. Report back to insurance companies, license suspension etc. I’m seeing a lot of lunatics on the road lately with zero regard for others

    1. Never offer information like that to insurance companies. They will abuse that information and it will be used against everyone with arbitrary rules and regulations that are designed to make them more money. Think!

    2. one day it will be forced upon you whether you like it or not. I’m not offering anything up but if you have nothing to hide well…

    3. then why have any freedoms at all according to your line of reasoning? Just let them do whatever they want to do, so you can feel safe. You would probably wear a full rubber body suit if they told you too. Let the adults help you stay free and you take a seat in the cowards and children’s section.

    4. my God you’re so wrong. How would you like if I followed you around all day with my head over your shoulder waiting for you to do something wrong and report it?

    5. go for it 👍

    6. if you don’t think your car reports information back to the manufacturer your are living in denial. It’s just a matter of time before the government gets involved

    7. the insurance company has freedom to Jack up your rates if you don’t opt in. Seems fair to me! 🤷🏼‍♂️

    8. Funny actually I own a race car but there is a time and place for everything. You really think we have freedom in the US? Really?? That home you rent isn't really yours, you cannot just do whatever you want ever! Where is the actual freedom you are referring to? Oh the freedom to pay taxes and breathe thats about it.

    9. my point of the post wasn't that I support tracking but eventually it will happen regardless of what you want. Your car already has a ton of information sent to the manufacturer including speed, braking etc. Then if you carry a smart phone well that data is constantly tracked its just a matter of time before that data is sold and used whatever way they choose...

    10. True, but I’m not giving the insurance companies anything voluntarily. I don’t trust them at all. They do not have our well-being in mind when they make decisions.

    11. Thats not the point, but sure. You keep bowing to your overlords.

    12. the point is the insurance companies already pay to get this information how do you think they calculate risk on drivers?

    13. they do, and I will tell them why I’m dumping them and going to another insurance company.

    14. yes there is a time and place for everything. I guarantee you have broken every traffic law at one point or another. Or people like to call it responsible speeding. No, I clearly understand that the freedoms we have are severely limited. The house, the cars, and taxes we pay with a gun held to our heads make us less free. I’m under no delusion that we are completely free, but I’m also no promoting enslavement to people on Facebook. Just like throughout history the more the tyrants crack down the more people will create things that get around it. One day someone very smart will create a cloaking device so people can live in the world or online undetected and “more”free. The people who are trying to control populations of course want more and more control over the populations of the world. So inspire people don’t tell them everything is hopeless.

    15. they have its called a Flip Phone and CASH!!!! I appreciate the reasonable response.. I am in no way in support of any type of tracking or similar but like it or not if we carry tech we are allowing it to happen. Sooner or later someone will use it all against us

  3. Where is the EU going with all these control mechanisms that they're preparing to implement and how far are we willing to give up?

    1. way too far that's for sure

    2. I’d understand if it was a feature you couldn’t disable, but you can literally turn it off. My car has it, it’s actually pretty decent. Only issue is sometimes it doesn’t read the speed correctly (but mine might just be sensor based, and doesn’t use GPS to determine speed limit)

  4. Coming to the U.S. soon....the ultra nanny state.

  5. Here it comes. The cars will control us more than we control them.

  6. Makes sense to me why do you need a car that can travel at 200km per hour.

    1. obviously that would be a thing of the past plus it's the only place in the world with no speed limit

    2. makes no sense to me why people keep asking the government to control their lives more and more each day!

    3. Not true, Isle of Man

    4. the limits have been there for years. It people who think they are not supposed to keep to them is the problem. Most accidents are because of speed

    5. but what is too fast for a pickup truck might be nothing for a Porsche. What I can drive at safely may be way faster than what you can or a new driver. What about snow, rain, fog, potholes. Just talking for the USA here, but in my experience most accidents are caused by driver error, not the speed of the vehicle. I also struggle to see what speed limit you set, do you set all roads to 25mph because some drivers are really really bad? Speed limits are loosely followed in the USA, most drive 5 to 10 over.

    6. because it’s faster to get to places. Mine is limited to 155mph and if everyone drove faster just think of the benefits! No queues, shorter commutes, less cars sat in heavy traffic polluting the environment.

      We would literally save the planet by driving everywhere at 155mph.

    7. we have variable speed limits on our motorways here in Europe. Depending on the traffic and weather condition plus camaras that time your entry and exit from the motorway system which works out your average speed. If you do your journey faster than the speed limit you get a speeding ticket

    8. Europe is moving more and more back towards authoritarian ways. The days when Kings and Queens ruled. They treat adults like children who need to be told how to live their lives and ruled over. Time to wake up!!

    9. get over yourself will you. There are millions of cars on the road and without rules it would be carnage. If you are not grown up enough to go along with the rules of the road then get the school bus. It not the wild West

    10. it’s not the Wild West now. Get over yourself and grow a pair.

    11. let's hope one of your children does not get hit by a car travel at 80kmph in a 30kmph zone because he thought stuff the rules then

    12. because you're boring.

    13. there is a price and and a responsibility for being mostly free. I don’t need government nanny to tell me everything I can and can’t do. Hopefully if you’re a good parent you’ll teach your kids what to look out for, any in general how to be safe. You would rather live in a cage and be told when you can come out and when you have to stay in for the illusion of safety. You sound like an extreme control freak. I think China has all the laws you’d like to live under.

    14. obviously you didn't pay attention as a child

  7. Nice thing for long trips. On the otherhand Highway speed limits are stupid…

  8. Why u got the speed on the speedometer if u aint allowed to go that fast anyways??

    1. “I paid for the whole speedo, I’ma use the whole speedo”

  9. Ridiculous that it could be over ridden. Like installing seat belts but making their use optional.
    Map apps know your speed, why not let police monitor vehicle speeds in their area. Far to many drunk, distracted idiots on the roads.

  10. Did I ever tell you about the time I drove from San Francisco down to San Jose on Highway 280 in my Nissan Maxima at pedal to the metal full throttle? Probably not because that’s a story I wouldn’t want to tell. But let me just say I like fast.

    1. when the traffic permits …..ditto my giant city copilot 😜🤫

    2. if its a story you wouldn't want to tell, why ask if you told it? 😑

  11. They do that crap here were taking it off

  12. High way straight forward will move 👋

  13. I don’t understand why an individual needs a vehicle that exceeds speed limits?
    I don’t understand why an individual needs a vehicle that can out accelerate a Saturn V rocket?

    1. I need my XKR to go to the grocery!
      The faster the better.
      People who block traffic will never understand and I will never understand them.

  14. Woke cars. Great.

    1. "No one should own a car that goes that fast." That's the prevailing "logic."

    2. whatever. Put in trains then. Much more fuel efficient and eco-friendly.

  15. Not about control at all

  16. Mandatory means it’s your choice.... not law

  17. Won't be long before they bypass that...

  18. CCP oops EUSSSR oops .. yeah .. you got my point

    1. We just got a new accident where 2 young girls lost their lives in Sofia, one was 22 and the other was 26, killed by a speeding idiot.

  19. Od dzisiaj w UE nowe modele🚗muszą mieć system ISA (kontrola przestrzegania limitów prędkości). Na razie na miękko: ostrzeżenia można zignorować, wyłączyć. Przyjmijmy jednak, że kiedyś ISA będzie uniemożliwiał przekraczanie limitów. Jak by to wpłynęło na popyt na mocne samochody?


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