Greta Thunberg is 'Time' magazine's Person of the Year 2019

In August 2018, Greta Thunberg sat alone outside the Swedish parliament flanked only by a black and white sign which read: "Skolstrejk för klimatet."

Almost a year and a half after her first climate strike, 16-year-old Thunberg has just been named Time magazine's Person of the Year 2019.

The news was announced just as Thunberg addressed a UN climate change summit in Madrid, Spain, and accused world leaders of "creative PR" to evade tangible action on climate change.

"We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow," Thunberg told Time in an interview accompanying the announcement. "That is all we are saying."

That simple statement uttered by the Swedish teenager has proved hugely impactful.

"For decades, researchers and activists have struggled to get world leaders to take the climate threat seriously. But this year, an unlikely teenager somehow got the world's attention," Time magazine wrote.

Thunberg's lone climate strike in 2018 was the beginning of a global movement.

In the 16 months that followed, Thunberg has inspired young people around the world to join climate protests and on Sept. 20, 2019, 4 million people joined the global climate strike.

"Thunberg is not a leader of any political party or advocacy group. She is neither the first to sound the alarm about the climate crisis nor the most qualified to fix it," Time notes.

"She is not a scientist or a politician. She has no access to traditional levers of influence: she’s not a billionaire or a princess, a pop star or even an adult. She is an ordinary teenage girl who, in summoning the courage to speak truth to power, became the icon of a generation."


  1. Hate or love her but she is doing more for the world than us complaining about everything in social networks!’

    1. Practice what you preach, most not all environmentalists tend to be a little on the hypocritical side. As humans we don't want to give up our luxuries and conveniences.
      Not all clean energy is clean in the long run.

  2. Every 100 years a Gandhi level giant walks on this Earth. Greta is that giant now. God bless her and I wish I could thank her personally. For now I’ll continue to decrease my carbon footprint and advocate for research on new technologies to solve this humanity issue

  3. She's being used and manipulated and people are clapping. Her parents are responsible... Oops... Not...

  4. She's a whiner and I honestly can not believe people have fallen for the theatrics. So many other young people actually designing and implementing ways to combat issues get zero press.. It's just wrong.

  5. Boyan Slat deserves this much more than Greta, at least he mastered that ultimate human skill: hard work while being humble...

    1. hat teenager who has Aspergers (Autism) has raised awareness all around the world even awakening some climate change deniers along the way, but she cannot change stupid.

    2. He was probably to busy building his profile where it actually matters: investors. Politicians are not part of the solution even though her high profile can now fund her lifestyle...

    3. ''Perhaps, but he didn't become as famous during 2019.''

  6. She is not the icon of my generation.

    1. That teenager who has Aspergers (Autism) has raised awareness all around the world even awakening some climate change deniers along the way, but she cannot change stupid.

    2. but shes not 30 either so she cant be

    3. maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people?

  7. Ohh look, she’s wearing non biodegradable sneakers that take 500 years to break down, lol.... she also uses a cell phone and a tablet that are also non eco friendly non biodegradable electronics, please..... give the prize to the Tibetan Monks, those are the real eco friendly people that live simple lives....

    1. That teenager who has Aspergers (Autism) has raised awareness all around the world even awakening some climate change deniers along the way, but she cannot change stupid.

  8. I love the "courage to speak the truth" I find that statement utterly hilarious.

  9. She's not an ordinary teenager and someone is making a great deal of cash at her expense. Shame on her parents.

  10. I'll like her when she personally goes out and picks up a ton of garbage and delivers it to a landfill!

    1. That teenager who has Aspergers (Autism) has raised awareness all around the world even awakening some climate change deniers along the way, but she cannot change stupid.

  11. I saw her little rant but never heard where her research came from for her opinions. Which scientists??

    1. Probably the overwhelming amount of empirical data and reports as everyone else.
      Also the same scientists got it wrong as the some of the fridge effects of climate change they predicted are actually happening now. For example they are noticing animals such as birds and fish are getting smaller.

  12. OSTHU!! She’s a tool of the left!

  13. It's nice to see Time put into perspective just how much validity they truly have. 👎

    1. That teenager who has Aspergers (Autism) has raised awareness all around the world even awakening some climate change deniers along the way, but she cannot change stupid.

  14. She is a idot. Sew her at a news conference and could not answer a simply question.
    We are going to trust what see says!!!!

    1. thank you for your attempt to assume I don't understand English. She is still an IDOT and has no idea what the Hell she is talking about. Hope you can read my reply

    2. I think that she wants her to work at IDOT when she isn't knitting.

    3. ^^^^was this an attempt at English?

  15. The world’s definitely becoming a extremely strange place ...

    1. he world has and will be a strange place as long as it does not have everyone and or everything cloned.

    2. keep in mind she reportedly is on the Autism Spectrum and may have a mental health condition. World stage stress is probably the last thing she needs right now. Especially as a young person. But hey, her parents don't care. They are the ones that pushed her into that spotlight. They are climate activists and actors and saw an opportunity they could exploit.

    3. on the contrary , I do care about our planet’s future but to consider Greta, a made up mkt tool with behind the scenes obscure motivations and hate speech, person of the year it’s too much! There are far more sensate climate activists out there ...

    4. no because a little girl is being pushed for things she knows nothing about other than what's she's told to say

  16. When people talk a lot, but real people do, she is a great speaker.

  17. She's a teenager that travels around the world, skipping school, and spouting , not her own work and research, but what she's been told. Time couldn't think of someone who's actually done something ? The dog who helped take out Baghdadi is more deserving.

    1. I agree , she's aggressively picked on and reduculed, but that's part of my point. She's known for her grimace at Trump as much as her activism. People who are anti Trump exploded with it and that's when her fame took off.
      I'm not knocking her. She's doing what she feels is right, and I'm sure we'll see great things in the future with her. She's very passionate. But I just don't feel , at this time, she is "person of the year. "

    2. Warner Magruder actually her age is what is triggering a huge number of men. They call her a little girl and try to demean her. She's not pretending to have done any of the work, she's simply asking the world to pay attention to scientists. Considering she's bullied relentlessly, I'd say she's going a fine job of being level headed and focused. Plenty of young adults her age are partying, drinking, smoking, doing drugs. For someone who's skipping school she is amazingly eloquent in her non native language.

    3. wasn't my intention. I think it's the opportunity of a lifetime for her. But the main reason she is so popular right now is because of her age. She's not the one who's done all the research and work. She's just repeating the work of others. If she weren't 16 years old, I don't believe she would be in the headlines like she is.

    4. hmmm, yes you did attack her, in a passive aggressive way, if you read your post again

    5. I do believe we need to protect the Earth, regardless of believe in God. It is where we live . It sustains us. It only makes sense to keep it healthy. And I'm not attacking Greta. I just don't think she's "Person of the Year."

    6. whats so funny is you believe in god, if tahts they case dont you want to protect what god made? Didnt he create the earth in 7 days right? So in a stretch isnt Greta protecting Gods work?
      The same way you read the bible and live and breath by the words on a personal level, shes doing on a gobal level.

    7. who am I judging ? She can do as she pleases. And I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with her. But she's not the one doing the work behind it. She's traveling around the world preaching someone else's findings. There are others more deserving. Maybe it is you who should withhold judgement .

    8. Magruder since you appear to believe in a sky wizard, maybe you should withhold judgement.


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