Stephen Colbert tears down Trump's Twitter attack on Greta Thunberg

On Thursday, Time magazine named Greta Thunberg as its "Person of the Year" for 2019. And a short while later, Donald Trump jumped on Twitter to have his say.

"So ridiculous," tweeted the president. "Greta must work on her Anger Management [sic] problem then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend!"

Unsurprisingly, Stephen Colbert had some thoughts on that.

"First of all, teens don't go to movies anymore. They stay at home and Tik-Tok their Vape pens on Fortnite. I don't know. Teenagers scare me," says Colbert in the Late Show clip above.

"But since Thunberg is Swedish, let me put this in culturally appropriate terms: Mr President, go Fjuk yourself. Which I can say on CBS, because Fjuk is an island in Sweden.

"It's lovely, they have a lighthouse. And you know where you can stick it."

Thunberg, meanwhile, doesn't really need anyone to fight her battles for her. She's already hit back at the president in language he may even understand: on Twitter, via her updated bio.


  1. Shame on the “left” and the “right” first for making a child some type of climate and national superhero then for tearing her down. She is a child without wisdom and experience. She does not deserve the pressure of bearing the burden of a political battle. Shame on the media, talk show hosts, and Trump for losing perspective.

    1. Wow, agist elite speaks out! Id just like to remind you that joan of arc carried her banner sword and shield to save france at greta's age, and died for it at 19, after years in prison. Any idea how old alexander the great was, when he began conquering the known world? Hint , he would be a very appropriate prom date for greta or joan, if only these foolish children would quit meddling with adult matters they can't possibly understand, lol. I'm very sorry you fell threatened by intelligent young people. Suckit up and get over yourselves. Its really, truly, not about you.

    2. On the contrary, this brave and determined Child is a brilliant influence and inspiration for the youth of today , she has opened the eyes of many people to the danger that our planet is in today, sadly many adults still ignore the warnings and continually bully her. trump being one of the main actors, he has the power to change things but actually is doing the opposite, he is a pathetic ignorant bully with little knowledge or care for the environment in which we all live..

    3. Maggie Roberts Shame on you for commenting without knowing anything about her. Go read something from her on her motivation and journey. Young people can be driven all on their own from their own passions without any influence from others. Mine made a decision when she was 8 and followed through with it. I supported her, but the drive was coming all from her

  2. New liberal tactic: make a child the figurehead of a movement, then feign indignation whenever her ideas are challenged or dismissed. Her parents put her out there now she unfortunately must reap what they have sown. If one does not like this reality, stop making children into the face of your social conscience.

    1. Why the degradation of her parents, they obviously support her passion and encourage her fully, on the other hand Barron trump will live his life in the shadow of a father who is a self confessed sexual predator, a monster who mocked the disabled, a philanderer who paid off porn stars while his pornagraphic photographic model mother fed him , a common thief who stole from his so called Charitable Fund and has just paid a huge fine, a compulsive lying racist traitorous low life who is being impeached for using the power of his office to enhance himself. How sad for this boy..

    2. starting off with the name calling? It's cool, I'll still try and take you seriously. What was it for? Keep in mind that at its inception the Republican party did not exist.

  3. Agree, disagree with Greta all you want, but you have to acknowledge how morally bankrupt it is when the President, the most powerful man in the world, acts as a bully, to a young girl.
    There are WAY better ways to disagree with someone.
    Example for all you GOP or Trumpers:
    "Greta, it is impressive how you are creating dialogue about Climate Change, and it's good for the youth of today to take an active part in discussions, but according to the fake scientists paid by big oil and coal, it's not as bad as you claim."

    1. It was also morally bankrupt for her parents to mentally abuse her through indoctrination to be used as a pawn. I feel for her. She's going to be trying to recover from this the rest of her long life.

  4. It might do well for those making self serving reference to 16 year old 'children', to refrain from their pompous display of ignorance and remember that youth is not to be belittled. Among many other historical examples, there was once a certain individual, from Macedonia, who began a career at the age of 16.

  5. Still don't get it, do you. So, where is your passion, and what does it serve? 😎

    1. @StefCholws Choosing a career vs being indoctrinated to be used as a pawn. Two very different things.

  6. I've no love for trump and can respect what she's trying to do but she can't expect to have a go at everyone and not expect backlash

  7. My goodness, the president is wrong to even respond to this child. That being said, why in the world are we even listening to a 16 year old kid. We have scientists! Just drop this crap.

  8. It's sort of sad to me that people like Colbert and Kimmel are such tools for the left. It makes late night talk unwatchable. Johnny Carson would never have done this.

  9. Back at you Steve Not sure why this show is still on the year. This man is not even close to being funny

  10. She’s a puppet of the extreme left.

  11. Your vocabulary astounds me.

  12. Better start working on new material … there is 4 more years coming

  13. This is her handlers put her out there. They can call anybody that criticize her a bully for attacking a 14 year old.

  14. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day

  15. Coming from someone who's actually done it.

  16. Something about her is creepy

  17. Nobody tore him down more than Greta herself.

  18. Something is wrong with you

  19. Stephen you used to be funny what happened

  20. So now she is Jesus? Get real.


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