Chris Pratt is not the Mario we need right now, but he's apparently the one we deserve.

Chris Pratt is not the Mario we need right now, but he's apparently the one we deserve

Did someone wish on a monkey's paw for this to happen?

Alongside a raft of other news, Nintendo used its Directs event on Thursday to announce the voice cast for the Super Mario animated movie literally nobody asked for, and it's-a... weird.

Now let's be fair, here: Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong is perfect.

But Chris Pratt as Mario?

Chris Pratt. As Mario.

Chris PRATT! As Mario.

The lovable Parks and Rec schlub turned permanently-grimy, fully posable action figure is a deeply weird choice to voice the plucky plumber. It suggests Nintendo and studio Universal might be hoping to ape the unexpected success and energy of The Lego Movie, in which Pratt voiced the everyman lead. (The script is also by Matthew Fogel, who wrote that film's less-delightful sequel.)

It's such a weird choice specifically because it feels like a cynical joke: Oh yeah, of course they would cast the Least Beloved Hollywood Chris as Mario. Total Hollywood move to hire the generically strapping guy from the Jurassic Park reboots as this pint-size tradesman.

So much so, in fact, that people did actually make this joke back in 2020.

Even though Mario was revealed in 2020 to be canonically Japanese, not Italian (yes, really) Pratt's non-Italianness was a sticking point for some.

It's worth noting that the late great Bob Hoskins, who played the plucky plumber in the soon-to-be-retconned-as-beloved 1993 live-action adaptation, is also neither Italian or Japanese, but that likely had no bearing on why the film was a critical and commercial flop. (Charlie Day, who's playing Mario's brother Luigi, does have one Italian grandparent, according to his IMDb bio. Representation!)

The film's official title has not yet been confirmed, but it's due in cinemas Dec. 21, 2022.

More in GamingNintendo


  1. Lmao I can't believe it. Though I'm sure he'll do good.

  2. Interesting, Charles Martinet - The voice of Mario and Luigi (and others) in the games, is in this film also in a yet to be disclosed role.
    Loving Jack Black as Bowser and Seth as Kong!!

  3. I can see it now. Culturally appropriating a Italian plumber with a white guy playing the role.

  4. I am torn. Cannot stand Pratt but love Jack Black.

  5. He’s gonna be amazing regardless 👌❤️

  6. Look at them,there twins

  7. Gross. Chris Pratt and Jack Black, hard pass on this one.

  8. Really, is this serious?

  9. Why? Why now? He's not even Italian.

    1. There are people, unknown and more like Mario than that.

  10. Nintendo from bad to worse.

  11. They say that when the cast is good, the movie is GARBAGE.

  12. What times are we living my friends...

  13. Industries like Nintendo and others, showing they can do whatever shit they want whenever they want.

  14. Is there any plausible reason for Chris Pratt to play Mario Bros.? why if not I can too.

  15. I hate whoever the casting director is for this, but more than that, I hate the Nintendo execs who were clueless enough to sign off on this. This alone makes it seem likely this will be an embarrassment the likes of which not seen since the “live action Dragon Ball” movie.

  16. Love it thank you unlike others I know that Chris Pratt is a good man and has voiced one of my favorite characters Emmet brockoski and standing up for people thanks for hiring Chris Pratt

    1. Yeah, Chris Pratt, a widely successful actor, sure needs support in taking the role of Mario from the man who has voiced the character for 20+ years. Let's celebrate another case of voice actors being easily cast aside for big Hollywood names because that's always a success . /s

  17. unless the story is of like a young teen mario, you robbed Charles Martinet. You don't need huge hollywood actors to VOICE characters, especially characters with established voice actors. It's wrong and it needs to be said louder and more often. A VA will always do a better job.

  18. What about Funky Kong? Saving him for the sequel I hope. He could dance with the Rock King from Z64* that played his belly like a drum.


  19. The same visibility they're giving this shit now, they're the same ones they're going to give when the movie comes out, that's rubbish don't comment pretend it doesn't exist, because that's a meme.

  20. Well, this is a depressing list of people who aren't voice actors. I smell a boycott coming

  21. Mashable is rubbish, but the title of the publication is the best.

    "Chris Pratt is not the Mario we need right now, but he's apparently the one we deserve."

  22. Dame Judi Dench as Purple Shyguy
    Meryl Streep as Birdo
    Kenneth Branagh as Mouser
    Robert De Niro as King Boo
    Leonard DiCaprio as Pidgit
    Daniel Day Lewis as Bob-Omb
    Ralph Fiennes as Yoshi
    Denzel Washington as Thwomp

    Music by SUNN O)))
    Written by Rob Zombie
    Directed by Uwe Boll

  23. Didn't care about the movie before but now I just can't wait to see this disaster unfold.

  24. This is literally such a terrible cast holy cow lmao

    1. I only Care about Anya, and Key.
      The rest make no sense. USE REAL VOICE ACTORS

  25. Italians rn

  26. Jack McBrayer as Waluigi
    Will Forte as Dry Bones
    Bill Hader as King K. Rool
    Will Arnett as Diddy Kong
    Christoph Waltz as Wario
    Eric Andre as Waluigi's Cousin


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