People spend a third of their waking day staring at their phones, report finds.

People spend a third of their waking day staring at their phones, report finds

Yep, we're all hooked.

Worried you're spending too much time staring mindlessly at random apps?

Well, apparently you're not alone. In 2021, people in the world's top 10 mobile markets for Android spent a solid 4.8 hours browsing apps, according to app analytics company App Annie's State of Mobile 2022 report. That's roughly a third of our waking hours.

Brazil and Indonesia were the countries with the highest usage (both clocking up a solid 5.4 hours on average), while the U.S. came in 10th with 4.2 hours per day (an hour more than Americans spend watching TV), and the UK came in 12th with four hours per day.

Usage has increased 30 percent since 2019.                                                                                 

Turns out people are more than happy to part with a bit of cash on their apps, too. App store spend across iOS, Third-party Android stores in China, and Google Play grew by 19 percent year on year, with $320,000 being spent per minute in 2021 and a total spend of *deep breath* $170 billion.

In terms of which apps people were spending their time on, the results aren't too surprising: seven out of 10 minutes were spent on social, photo, and video apps like last year — TikTok was the most downloaded app of 2021 globally, so no surprises there.

It's worth noting that App Annie's report is based on their App Annie Intelligence product, which the company explained to Mashable "provides proprietary estimates of mobile app downloads and revenue." The report's methodology can be found here, but Mashable has reached out for further clarification and we will update this article if we hear back.


  1. and Mashable wants us to spend the next five minutes doing the same reading this

  2. People used to have their faces buried in newspapers. Now we have the digital option ;)

  3. Because reality sucks.

  4. Because staring at anything but your phone is CREEPY!!!! These days ,You don’t believe me try it !! , you’ll be behind bars for harassment before you know it , everything that involves PEOPLE is full of Drama , staring at your phone minding your own business is like one of the BEST WAY to PROTECT YOURSELF .

  5. You guys really are hooked.

  6. Obviously, looking at the phone is better than looking at people's faces.

  7. The phone brought people together and now it's tearing us apart.

  8. You guys are hooked.

  9. People are looking to talk less to each other.

  10. Example: Think of us coming back from work on the subway, no one wants to talk to anyone, people just want to be quiet on their phones.

  11. "Turns out people are more than happy to part with a bit of cash on their apps, too. "


  12. People don't want to talk to people.

  13. People wanting to post their TikTok's sucks, yes but it's reality.

  14. What a waste of time.

  15. People don't want to know anything.

  16. PeOpLe ArE TrAsH !

  17. Social media is a pest.


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