'The Late Show' marks a year since the Capitol riot with darkly hilarious 'Rent' parody.

'The Late Show' marks a year since the Capitol riot with darkly hilarious 'Rent' parody

Aptly titled "Abhor-Rent".

Thursday marked one year since rioters stormed Capitol Hill, a haunting moment in recent American history. Members of Congress have shared their harrowing experiences from the daya prayer vigil was held on Capitol steps, and late night shows commemorated it the best ways they knew how.

Amongst the latter was Stephen Colbert and his writers, who delivered a parody of Rent's most famous song "Seasons of Love" — aptly titled "Abhor-Rent".

The two minute song not only summarized the events of last year, but also offered some lines like: "727 insurrectionists arrested / Who else should be jailed / For this unsuccessful coup? / How about this unsuccessful bum?" Cue a picture of Donald Trump.

This is a relatively light-hearted take on one of America's darkest days. Yet, The Late Show didn't shy away from humor, but still accurately reflected the horror of Jan. 6, visually and lyrically.

The song has, so far, better received than the Hamilton performance during the Democrats' one-year anniversary event of the Capitol riot. The number, introduced by writer Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Broadway cast of the musical, was deemed overwhelmingly cringe (mostly by Twitter), for transparent self-righteousness.

The difference is "Abhor-Rent" isn't self-aware or preaching, instead delineating the many forces behind the attempted coup, simply using a Rent track to do so. One YouTube commenter said, "This is heartbreaking and hilarious all at the same time", while another wrote, "Thank you making me laugh, easing (for now) the anger, frustration and anxiety that built up while watching today’s coverage."


  1. Time the instigator was in jail too!!!

  2. Genius! Laughed and cheered through the whole thing. Stephen and his team are killing it!

  3. This world would be unbearable without the genius late night comics and their writing staff! Thank You!!

  4. Artistically brilliant! Love the soft melody and the hilarious lyrics, synched to pictures someone spent forever rounding up. Also the boldest political statement CBS ever made.
    This took balls.
    Giant balls of steel hanging right out there. I am impressed by the courage of everyone involved.

  5. Absolutely marvelous. I don't even know how to express how much I enjoyed that. Bravo. Freaking bravo.

    1. Absolutely. I think it's the best song the Late Show has ever created.

  6. Talented writers and singers.

  7. Well done! I live in Idaho, and still remember that the Trump flag outside a house in my neighborhood was taken off later that day. Even a Trumper in Idaho knew this had gone too far

    1. I hope they know enough to pray God’s forgiveness. Hell is hot.

    2. ... baked potatoes >.<

    3. Thank you for your reply. It was nice to hear that there is hope coming from Idaho. All the best regards to you

    4. Hell is in Michigan. This time of year it is anything but hot.

    5. Thanks. I live in a college town, so it has been mostly all right. Idaho politics is very interesting. A few months ago, there was a plea from the Republicans calling on Democrats to register as Republicans so that the lunatic far right would not win in local elections.

    6. Wow! Well, what do ya know!

  8. Stephen Colbert's monologues and parodies are my therapy.

  9. You've OUTDONE yourselves this time, Late Night crew. BRILLIANT!!!

  10. This needs a Grammy AND an Emmy! Perfection!

    1. a lot of these Late show music openers are very catchy.

  11. Uplifting. A reminder that there is more to life than non-maskers and unyielding voices.

  12. Thanks Stephen & team, I needed a little of Stephen's "keep it light" moments and the laughs, of course.

  13. I'd watch that whole show a hundred times.

  14. God bless you Stephen Colbert.

  15. I laughed so hard my face hurt.
    This is GOLD!!!!!

  16. There is a reason why theatre's have a mask of laughter and of pain. On a day when so many of us are reminded of the pain felt a year ago as we watched an attack on American Democracy and our constitution unfold....Stephen and team gave us something to laugh and cheer about before we continue the work of protecting all that is dear to true patriots. The attacks from outside are one thing but an attack from within is more than scary. Never forget how close we came and how many are laying in wait.

    1. that... was really well put. Really never thought of it that way but yea if we protect others and sacrifice for our fellow man then we are patriots. I hate that our flags have been stolen by the most emotionally handicapped groups of dummies in our countries.

    2. Thank you and I agree about the flag issue as well. During other times of grave national concern, our flag served to unite us towards common goals.

    3. I agree , they don’t deserve to fly our flag . They’re not patriots , they’re hatriots full of fear of the loss of their perceived social dominance. In other words they’re pseudo-Christian white supremacists who totally hate democracy and openly embrace authoritarianism , as long as it plays into their delusional dreamscape. That would be the dreamscape where they retain total dominance over the people of color and everyone with more intelligence than them .

  17. This. Is. Fucking. Amazing. I love you Stephen! I know this past 5 years has been so hard for you, but please know that millions of people would have crumbled without the strength you showed and the load you carried for us. We owe you more than we can ever repay and all we can do is say thank you.

  18. have to give a shout out.
    this was brilliant. great work team.

  19. Brilliant as always -- I could have listened to the whole song's worth of this spoof.

  20. Give them an Emmy right now, noone will top this legendary peice of art.

  21. That was wonderful. Your people are truly gifted. I know you know it.

  22. I have to admit. This video was hilarious and made me laugh and cry at the same time. Watching our nation with so much hate and yet coming out of it together laughing means the MOST!!!!!

  23. By the gods this is what I needed to watch today! I hope the gods of Comedy always bless the writers of the show that come up with such wonderful Treasures.
    As a nation surrounded by idiotic ignorant wannabe Patriots the turn out to be our own family...
    We thank you for your glorious service of giving us this treasure!

  24. Watched Abhor-Rent about ten times and sent it to all my friends. Just fantastic!!!!! Your writers, musicians and singers are crazy talented ;P

  25. Gotta watch again and again. This is award-winning.

  26. A round of applause for the production value

  27. This is a standing ovation parody...and too bad for the country that it's all true.

    We need to get to the bottom of getting the guys (and TFG) at the top.

  28. That’s was an awesome job. Super sad event, but great way of singing the truth about what happened to our democracy and who all was involved.

  29. You win, Colbert.


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