ChatGPT is the fastest growing app of all time | Mashable.

ChatGPT is the fastest growing app of all time

  100 million users in two months.

OpenAI's artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT is the fastest-growing app in history.

This is according to a UBS study (via CBS News(Opens in a new window)), which claims that ChatGPT had 13 million unique visitors per day in January, which is more than double the visitors it had in December. ChatGPT has only been around two months (can you believe it?), and it already has 100 million monthly users, the study concluded.

The study, which cites data from analytics company Similarweb(Opens in a new window), positions ChatGPT well over other fast-growing apps such as TikTok and Instagram. In comparison, it took nine months for TikTok to reach 100 million monthly active users; for Instagram, it took two and a half years.

"In 20 years following the internet space, we cannot recall a faster ramp in a consumer internet app," USB's analysts wrote in the study.

The report comes just a day after OpenAI launched ChatGPT Plus, which is a paid version of the chatbot. It costs $20 per month, offering users access to ChatGPT during peak usage times, faster response times, and priority access to new features.

ChatGPT has been immensely popular almost immediately after launch, with people using it for a wide variety of tasks, ranging from writing silly poems, to cheating in college essays, to having the bot write malware. Microsoft, who was a previous investor in OpenAI, recently invested an additional $10 billion into the company, and is said to be working on integrating ChatGPT into some of its services, including Bing(Opens in a new window). ChatGPT also caught the attention of Google, who is said to be developing several public-facing AI tools of its own(Opens in a new window).

More in Artificial Intelligence


  1. It seems about as smart as the AI Smarterchild from 20 years ago on aol, doesn’t seem much more complex or give better answers, it’s just that people forgot about ai chatbots and now they came out with a new one and promoted it highly so now ppl are back to using it.

    1. not everyone had a smartphone in 2003

    2. Nobody did back then, there was only flip phones and you didn’t use your phone you used a computer, we had a windows 98 model when I was first going online.

    3. Claiming it is about as good as smarterchild either means you haven’t used it or you’re not using it in a manner that exposes exactly how powerful it is. People didn’t stop using chatbots, Replika has been all over the place and this outperforms replika at any task that isn’t basic friendly made up conversation.

  2. How much energy does it use for all the data sourcing ? For sure only green energy … wake up guys…

    1. its ran on a normal server callmm down boomer

    2. it is not about my PC.. it is about the carbon foot print of ChatGPT…

    3. it’s totally linked. The chat GPT will SAVE tons of everyday workload (including your power, your heat at the hypothetical office you had to go to finish your inefficient manual work 😉) anyway, I think it is revolutionary.

    4. the AI only releases about 8 tons of carbon into the air per year……….

  3. Don’t you get the feel that in a short time the almighty famous “functional analphabetism” (i.e. the ability not to understand and take actions and behaviors upon what you’re hearing and reading basically) will be solved by AI?

  4. tbh, I rather use it than a google search... wild. 😭

  5. amazing tecnology!!

  6. Es impresionante! en dos días, logré desarrollar contenido para tres meses de mi blog...

  7. No surprise google is panicking!

  8. I think in general it’s a program… ish thing… and can be integrated to use in different platforms (eg discord) so, maybe can call it an app / software or what not? 🤔

  9. I must confess you share a lot of interesting posts and I love it❤️❤️❤️❤ .. Only those who care about you can hear you when you're quiet. Do you mind sending me friend request so we Could be friends if that's okay with you? 🌹🌹🌹🍀🍀🤍🍀🍀🤍🍀\

  10. it’s an online web app. Websites that use complex components are considered apps where as normal websites run on static data

  11. correct. The author has no idea.

  12. But can it do math yet?

    And can it distinguish between the good and bad among all the garbage info humans have been feeding it??

  13. Sorry for being gross, I feel ChatGPT share some scary similiarites with the covid-19 outbreak pandemic three yeqrs with its leapfire spread and possible threat to many people's living as it could eradict lot of well paid jobs... Like a digital covid virus that could wipe the income for billion workers...

    1. ain't that a bi*ch, remember the jobs replaced by the internet boom in the early 2000's helped create a new set of jobs by replacing the old redundant manual labour work, with this alot of jobs will become redundant but it will create a space for new jobs with much higher requirements of a skillset than the present one. It's actually a boon required in today's world for example free legal council for the ones who can't afford, though it won't change the need for a good lawyer but it will help the poor understand their options, free development of apps who even a novice would be able to create, creating a possible world where more ideas that are restricted due to various reasons will flourish and more unicorns will start popping up. I for one am excited. Look at the bright side not the gloomy side of it

    2. was this written by AI?

    3. just something I envisioned

  14. - C'est du n'importe quoi !

  15. Essays are no longer exist😂🤣

  16. nobody wants to work

  17. Its not an App tho

  18. I like to write and I’m “old” so I don’t use the program.

    I’m more personally interested in there art program DallE that does a lot of the poster art for said writings.

    But I do welcome this app that can write said writing much faster cheaper and efficiently as I . And I am comfortably content being obsoleted by it .

    But does it have the same heart and passion? Do ppl even care ? That’s what remains to be seen to us

  19. Great stuff! (Written by ChatBoxGPT).

  20. Be careful about subscribing to Mashable…I did and within the next two days I was bombarded with offers in email and phone calls…they sell your name to a ton of people…I immediately unsubscribed and they went down dramatically…get your act together Mashable…this is lame

  21. Ai doesn't answer my question. Write a prompt for midjourney. Answered wrong. Has no clue what is a prompt

  22. In Africa that's what we refer to as money ritual. Getting a huge amount of money under a short period of time without working for it.


  24. I never expect this would work such magic and so fast. Within 24 hours, my ex was back in my life begging for forgiveness. I want to express my warmest gratitude. I'll never ever forget all the happiness you gave me. I'Il like to share his name from him.
    Doctor osemu

  25. Programmed to be too woke. Need to hire more politically neutral engineers

  26. Replies
    1. Det er ret vildt at en ikke-social tjeneste lige slår den rekord.

  27. 100 milijonov uporabnikov v 2 mesecih.

  28. A journey From 1 to 100 in less than two months!

  29. Ga pakai bakar duit untuk promo lagi... Keren

  30. Well sure. It does your homework for you. What could possibly be more useful ?

  31. Bid adieu to normal google and fb.

    The moment chatgpt brings in images and video... many big ones will bite the dust.

  32. Is #ChatGPT the future of how we collect & process information? Sound off 👇

  33. lo encuentro FOERTE


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