Sheryl Lee Ralph is this year's Super Bowl 'Black national anthem' performer | Mashable.

Who is 'Black national anthem' singer Sheryl Lee Ralph?

She's a living legend!

Credit: Getty Images: Gilbert Flores / Contributor

If the Super Bowl is your introduction to national treasure Sheryl Lee Ralph, welcome. The veteran singer-actress is set to take the Super Bowl stage Sunday to perform what is known as the Black national anthem(Opens in a new tab), "Lift Every Voice and Sing." She's joined by country singer Chris Stapleton singing the national anthem and R&B star Babyface performing "American the Beautiful."

"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be singing at the Super Bowl," said Ralph at a press conference(Opens in a new tab) ahead of the big day. She made her allegiances known by carrying an Eagles purse. To Ralph, the Super Bowl is all about "good food, great friends, and a great game."

Her career-defining Super Bowl performance comes after years in the entertainment industry. Her breakout role was in the original production of Dreamgirls on Broadway in 1982. She starred as Deena Jones — the same role Beyoncé played years later — and was nominated for a Tony award for Best Actress in a Musical for her portrayal. But even before Dreamgirls, Ralph was making a name for herself in the late '70s appearing on TV shows such as Good Times and The Jeffersons.

Currently, Ralph stars as Barbara, a hilarious and dignified Kindergarten teacher, in the charming comedy series, Abbott Elementary. She recently won an Emmy for her role, becoming the first Black woman to win an Emmy for Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series since 1987. And in her acceptance speech she gave the audience a taste of her vocal talent by singing Dianne Reeve's "Endangered Species." She went on to say, "Anyone who has ever, ever had a dream and thought your dream... couldn't come true, I am here to tell you that this is what believing looks like. This is what striving looks like. And don't you ever, ever give up on you."

In the years between Dreamgirls and Abbott Elementary Ralph stayed busy. In 1984 she released her debut album In the Evening, which is pure '80s R&B fun (and I suspect you may be streaming it post-Super Bowl). Last year she followed-up with a Christmas album, Sleigh. In the late '90s Ralph also starred as the titular character's step-mom, Dee, in the television series Moesha.

Aside from singing and acting, Ralph also founded The DIVA Foundation in 1990 memory of the friends and colleagues she lost to the HIV/AIDS epidemic when she was in Dreamgirls on Broadway. For the past 32 years the foundation has hosted DIVAS Simply Singing! Raising Health Awareness, a living memorial and fundraiser.

May 2023 continue to be Ralph's year!

More in Super Bowl


  1. There's only one national anthem and it for all of us no matter Who We Are or where we come from. Why are politicians hell bent on trying to divide us.

    1. probably because of the grown men in your race


    2. We get it, Dude. You’re white, old, and only care about yourself.

      You’ll pass away soon and take your useless opinions with you.

    3. you are a racist

    4. ridiculous comment

    5. They fear us coming together and taking back the power from them

    6. and now people can see how the division begins. It's people like you that want to divide the world instead of being together but you're a black DJ and you probably will pass away soon by cholesterol drugs or being shot. And you'll take that selfish opinion with you. That in your mind you need something extra to be something it seems like you were doing good by yourself without your opinion but who knows what you say on the street. And here's a little information for you my first wife was black we were married 11 years until she passed away from a brain and your resume. Enjoy your worthless opinion

    7. Your grammar is atrocious, Dude 😂 Probably due to your lack of education and your advanced age, so it’s okay. Though it does make any point you thought you were making incomprehensible.

      Cute that you went right to “but you’re a black,” as your first response. I’m sure your “black first wife” would be really proud of you for that 😂 Moron.

      And my name is DJ, you ignorant mouthbreather 😂 It’s not a job title.

      You old people are funny….I’ll miss getting to watch you embarrass yourself like this.

  2. There is only one National Anthem.

  3. We have a National ANTHEM, one that unites a country not just a portion of the country.

    1. this is mashable, a "living legend" of divisive post.

  4. She got outperformed by the guy doing the white national anthem.

  5. Sewing division. ONE national anthem. This is racism. Where is the Hispanic national anthem?

    1. blaaa blaaa blaaa, stop whining.

    2. Where is the Native American Anthem
      Where is the Asian Anthem
      I could go on and on....
      Stop whining
      Your fb feed shows YOUR Division from this country. Credible Sources are Important. False information is a lie.
      Practice what you Preach!

    3. whatever racist

    4. whatever racist

    5. Hmmm
      Not sure you Know the definition...
      Your comment and thoughts are extremely Racist.....😉
      The only dividing YOU is YOU.
      Be off to another country that follows your beliefs....I was thinking Russia.
      Be a Better Informed Educated American

    6. the literal definition of racism is judging people based on the color of their skin. When you treat people differently based on the color of their skin, you are being racist. The black national anthem is racist. Why? Because you’re judging people on the color of their skin. We should have one national anthem. America is the melting pot of many different cultures and races. Why should one get special privilege? Anything else is division and racism. You need to educate yourself. Grab a dictionary. Stop sewing hate. You don’t care about the Hispanics? If you don’t advocate for a Hispanic national anthem, then you are racist.

    7. Bless your Heart Dude....
      Racist is a person that treats Other Races with Hate because of their difference. ....Exactly what YOU did!
      Black People can have an Anthem if they choose. This isn't your country.
      We are not all White Joshua.
      Your White Privilege is screaming.
      Don't Hate
      Be BETTER

    8. so you basically hate Hispanics? And you have no idea what the definition of racism is. Seriously go look it up in the dictionary. Racism is treating people differently based on the color of their skin. Period. You are a special kind of stupid. I don’t hate anyone. I am advocating for inclusion for all races. I’m saying that when you choose one race to elevate over the rest, you are being racist. I’m sorry you’re so dumb.

    9. Racism is treating another Race, other than your own, with Hate.
      Exactly what you did
      You're advocating for Everyone to do things the White Way...
      No thanks Dude
      Nice try though..
      The only one dividing YOU is YOU!
      Acceptance is a Beautiful thing
      Practice it
      Be a Better Informed Educated Truthful RESPECTFUL American.

    10. moronic comment. Advocating for the United States of America’s National Anthem is NOT racist, dingbat. There is NO mention of color in our Anthem. That you said, ‘BLACK PEOPLE can have an anthem’ says a lot about you. Why should ANY person of any color of skin get to have their own anthem sung officially at public events? It’s utter BS. As Joshua was saying, why don’t we allow irish national anthem? Asian national anthem? You advocating for special treatment because of skin color is BS! It’s WE The People… not WE The (insert skin color here) People. Your racism is showing.

    11. White Privilege at it's Best

      Enjoy your

    12. so basically you hate Hispanics? Why won’t you advocate for a Hispanic national anthem? I Don’t hate anyone. You’re projecting your hate on to me. The definition of racism is judging people based on the color of their skin. It’s not hating people based on the color of their skin. You are incredibly ignorant. Stop spreading a message of Hate. Do you hate Hispanics? Why won’t you answer the question? Why not have a Hispanic national anthem? Do you really hate them that much? Don’t they deserve a national anthem as well? Why do you hate Hispanic people?

    13. “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” so basically, you’re discriminating against Hispanics by not advocating for them to also have a national anthem. By this definition, you are a discriminatory racist.

    14. 😂
      You're funny Dude
      Trying to put words in my mouth.
      I never said anything about Latino's. 😂
      If ANY race wants an Anthem they are Free to do it. Why would I be against Latinos if I'm defending Black People.
      That's Ridiculous...
      Go back to your Dictionary
      Racism is treating another Race with Malice or Hate because they are different.
      Dude, the ONLY ignorant one I see is you.
      Your comments are racist and hateful.
      We are not all White and never will be
      Appreciate Different Cultures and quit trying to make this country White Country. It isn't and Never will be
      You're Funny Dude
      You really don't know who you're dealing with. Always, Keep that in mind. 😉

    15. Yeah Guy and I'm also a White Girl!
      Just stop your ignorance
      You sound like tRump

    16. there you go being racist again. Are you judging me on my skin color? Why do you hate Hispanics? Are you discriminating against me because I am white do you even realize you’re a racist?

    17. Bless your Little Heart....
      Bye Dude...
      Learn and compend your White Privilege in this country. You'll be better for it.
      Include Equity Training with that as well.
      You wouldn't survive it....I can guarantee that!
      Be a Better Human Dude
      You're lost
      The ONLY over dividing YOU is YOU


    18. lol. Racist!!! Stop judging people on skin color. Use merit.

    19. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Putting words in ones mouth is YOUR only comeback....

    20. Be A Better Informed Educated Truthful
      RESPECTFUL American....
      If you even are

    21. Oh last but not least.....
      I am a White Girl....
      Willing to stand up to Racist people...
      You included.
      You really need to get to know other Races and Cultures. Don't fear them... Appreciate them!

      Find Peace

  6. Q: Who is 'Black national anthem' singer Sheryl Lee Ralph?
    A: A Jamaican Caribbean born female who is NOT actually Brandy Norwood's mother NOR is she Neicy Nash.
    Please know - my family was accurately listed through the USA Census as accessed by Ancestry.Com. At no time thus far, did my biological family reside near Ben Affleck's ancestors, nor in South America, South Africa and St. Anne. Or on file as a resident in Jamaica or a Kingdom under India, Africa or British rule. Currently, I - Tracy Ferguson was never listed as a resident of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area, Florida, New Jersey, New York nor anywhere in Illinois.

  7. She is a Jamaican, an immigrant who makes up the fabric of this country

  8. There is only one national anthem in every country of the world this is a Christian hymn called (lift every voice and sing)and that glory goes to God

  9. No such thing as a black national anthem.

  10. No such thing as the "Black national anthem". There's the American national anthem. That's it

  11. National anthem is a big lie

  12. Just like the brat instigators in school. Then if you react to their obvious trolling now they have a reason.

  13. I thought the black national anthem was "Still D.R.E"

  14. I love triggered, fragile white people comments

  15. OMG!!! I'm so proud and happy to be out here today sharing the Good work of Dr Paul I just can't believe that now my ex Lover is really back to me on his knees presenting a Ruby rose to ask for my forgiveness to take him back and he was feeling regretful and sorry for leaving me and for causing me pains after the Divorce which occurred last Year...
    Dr Paul love spell

  16. Who will be singing the Asian national anthem? The Latinx anthem?

    1. The bigger question is "What is the black national anthem?"


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