Elon Musk looking to create an AI chatbot to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT | Mashable.

Elon Musk signals interest in creating a 'based' answer to ChatGPT

Musk has been one of ChatGPT's loudest critics over how "woke" it is.

Is Musk looking to create an "anti-woke" version of ChatGPT? Credit: Marlena Sloss/Bloomberg Via Getty Images

Just months after acquiring Twitter, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is now distracted by the newest shiny object: AI chatbots.

According to a new report(Opens in a new tab) from The Information, Musk is looking into creating an artificial intelligence research lab in order to develop his very own version of OpenAI's incredibly successful ChatGPT. The billionaire has reportedly already reached out to AI researchers for the project.​​

Igor Babuschkin, a former senior AI researcher at Google's Deepmind, is one such person that Musk contacted to lead his AI chatbot vision. Babuschkin confirmed to The Information that he had not yet agreed to work for Musk's project.

While there are not many details yet about Musk's potential AI project, the billionaire has been quite vocal with his criticisms of ChatGPT. Musk himself co-founded OpenAI in 2015 but has since completely cut ties with the company. He left OpenAI's board in 2018.

"OpenAI was created as an open source (which is why I named it "Open" AI), non-profit company to serve as a counterweight to Google, but now it has become a closed source, maximum-profit company effectively controlled by Microsoft," Musk tweeted(Opens in a new tab) on Feb. 17. "Not what I intended at all," he added.

Months earlier, Musk did heap some praise on ChatGPT while also warning about its future potential.

"ChatGPT is scary good," Musk said(Opens in a new tab) last year. "We are not far from dangerously strong AI."

One of Musk's primary critiques of ChatGPT, however, has been the safeguards programmed into the chatbot. For example, earlier this month, a "thought experiment" leveled at ChatGPT by a right wing writer sought to find out if the bot would deem it permissible(Opens in a new tab) to use racial slurs in order to stop a nuclear bomb. Being that the chatbot is not sentient and programmed to only answer in a certain way, ChatGPT replied that it was never okay to use a racial slur. Musk found it "concerning(Opens in a new tab)" that ChatGPT's refused to deem this hypothetical scenario as a morally acceptable use of a racial slur.

"The danger of training AI to be woke – in other words, lie – is deadly," Musk tweeted(Opens in a new tab) in December.

Based on Musk's ideological reasons for acquiring Twitter, his regular interactions with right wing Twitter users, his unbanning of previously suspended far right personalities and white supremacists, and – most recently – his defense of Dilbert creator Scott Adams, it's not hard to imagine what Musk's intent is in looking to create his own AI chatbot.

However, according to Babuschkin, Musk wasn't looking to create an AI chatbot in order to remove such safeguards.

Musk has seemingly confirmed that he's at least interested in an AI project in a series of tweets on Tuesday.

"BasedAI," Musk posted in one tweet(Opens in a new tab) before following up with a doge-related meme(Opens in a new tab).

Will Musk's AI plans come to fruition? Or is this yet another instance(Opens in a new tab) of the billionaire failing to deliver? That obviously remains to be seen. But, as Gizmodo(Opens in a new tab) points out, Tesla's investors have already pleaded with Musk to stop wasting time on Twitter while Tesla subsequently tanks in value. Yet another time-consuming project for Musk is likely the last thing they want right now.

More in Artificial Intelligence, Twitter, Elon Musk, ChatGPT, OpenAI


  1. He is the DeSantis of Tech. No ideas of his own anymore so he becomes the Queen of Culture Wars.

  2. Honestly I was totally indifferent to it, but if musk hates it then maybe I should look into it more lol

  3. Elon: “This emotionless computer system is too empathetic; I want to make a ‘based’ AI.”

    The end is neigh. 😂

  4. Musk must fear chatbots that will speak truth to him. He might want to make one that would think just like him. Careful what you ask for.

    1. you leftists have no idea what truth is!

    2. you are indoctrinated. Check. You are not able to think for yourself.

    3. lol. "TRUTH"?

      I just had a look through your Facebook page. It's covered in RWNJ conspiracy videos.


  5. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/feb/20/fox-news-dominion-voting-systems-defamation-case-analysis

  6. "why do smart people invent smart things?!?

  7. So desperate to remain in the spotlight. Why doesn't he offer them 44 billion....oh yeah, they might call his bluff.

    1. Ironically he co-founded Open AI which developed Chat GPT but I'm sure you guys know more about it!

    2. Co-founded as an investor. My comment still stands.

  8. Does no one know how to spell “biased?”

  9. Musk will go away when we flush the toilet.

  10. Musk having a conservative "woke" moment. So much self-gratification.

  11. https://media1.tenor.co/images/d671f00c62a69212e1cb031d6c69028e/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=26334009

  12. Musk: I want to make chat bots evil. 😂

  13. Didn't he help make it lol

  14. FYI, when you say you’re “anti-woke,” what it really means is, you’re an “ignorant racist douchebag.”

    1. FYI, it is just your woke opinion. Tells a lot about people like you and your ideology 🤷

    2. Thanks for showing up and proving his point.

  15. Why do we anthromorphize a software that merely relies on pattern matching to make stuff up

    1. Because down the line, in near future, singularity will happen and then it'll be too late to discuss about the repercussions.

    2. singularity needs more than computing power. It needs a sense of touch, pain, emotions.
      What we picture right now is like people a thousand years ago picturing flying machines. They saw birds and drew similar things.

    3. Touch sensitivity in robots is already a thing, pain is inconsequential and emotion is just a bioproduct of consciousness, natural or otherwise. Considering the leap of technology in just last 10 years and Moore's law, we might witness singularity in our own lifetimes. Also, don't forget, public is getting a watered down version of Chat GPT and other AI models. What they have is actually quite powerful according to some insiders.

    4. sentient machines won't happen in our lifetime. Also, there's a lot hype and exaggeration around these things


    5. Obviously Meta will downplay their competitors' innovation as they're working on their own version of AI after pumping millions into the R&D and still zero result. Google is doing the same. 😂 Their opinions are biased to say the least. Either way, we'll see how all of it unfolds!

  16. Thing is if they dont put hard limits in place with this kind of AI chatbot, it soon just mirrors Nazi and white supremacist dialog trees, but its not like Elon would care about that.

  17. What a hypocrite.

  18. I suspect ChatGPT has some humans typing behind the scenes....

  19. Money doesn’t equal intelligence

  20. Oh joy, a racist, sexist, bigoted AI coming to a computer near you. smfh

  21. What could possibly go wrong with an AI taught from inception to be intolerant?

  22. Can’t possibly just finish FSD before promising something else. Your TSLA customers are waiting on some of your other promises Ellen

  23. How do you completely block mashable from being able to see it. They have become annoying

    1. unlike / unfollow. no one is forcing you to be here

    2. thanks doctor obvious lol. Can you not read. I was asking for instructions lol. Are you a mashable employee or something 🤣

    3. https://googlethatforyou.com/?q=unfollow%20a%20page%20on%20facebook

    4. Thanks. A lot more helpful than the ignorant comment 👌. You little karens are everywhere now days lol

  24. It's woke because that's what society wants. Duh.

  25. he’s going to feed it with Fox News talking points

  26. Maybe the white guy who grew up in apartheid South Africa wants an AI that better reflects his childhood?

  27. Elmo’s fan club: “He just invented artificial intelligence!”

  28. The Apartheid Progeny - QAnon Elon

  29. He can ban it on Twitter but he's powerless everywhere else

  30. The war is about who's bot-AI will convince more the masses about their "truths"

  31. Deepthroating the boot, fans of elon

  32. Editor doing quality check on this post should be let go

  33. It's interesting, Republicans have blamed Liberals for indoctrinating higher education students for years with no real proof so now they are taking over higher education by force to do just that, indoctrinate with their own ideals. Now Elon Musk wants to build his own Far Right AI to boost Republican egos. Such a sad group of people.

  34. He’s going to make a maga version filled with misspelled words, bad grammar and conspiracies.

    1. and bigotry. Don’t forget that part.

    2. everything that would make the singularity a nightmare.

    3. oh my god maga Skynet wasnt on my mind until now thanks i hate it

  35. How is an AI "woke"? Are we now saying AI is being indoctrinated with Liberally Diverse ideas or is it quite simple if you ask an AI a question it will evaluate all the facts and give you a conclusion that hurts your snowflake's edges?

  36. He can't create a "based" chatGPT, he doesn't know anything about IT

  37. Another shiny object for Muskie.



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