That Ahmed Best Jedi cameo in 'The Mandalorian,' explained | Mashable.

'The Mandalorian' introduces a new Jedi in an incredible cameo

Both the character and the actor were a welcome surprise.

Our new Jedi friend's face might be familiar, but his voice definitely is. Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd.

When a series has been around as long as Star Wars has, fun cameos become almost as essential to the proceedings as The Force itself. The newest entry in The Mandalorian is no exception to that rule.

In The Mandalorian's "Chapter 20: The Foundling," the show flashes back to the immediate aftermath of Emperor Palpatine's notorious Order 66, AKA the forced extermination of all Jedi. It's a moment in the Star Wars canon that's been explored several times, from Revenge of the Sith to Jedi: Fallen Order.

We see the infant Grogu get rescued by a mysterious Jedi named Kelleran Beq, who then proceeds to do a bunch of cool stuff to the bad guys before escaping.

Who is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq?

If you watched the episode, you might be wondering where you've seen Beq before. That's kind of a trick question. This character has indeed appeared onscreen before, in a Star Wars-themed YouTube game show for kids(Opens in a new tab).

However, I'm guessing you actually know Best from his time as the voice of none other than Jar Jar Binks.

Yes, that badass Jedi who saved Grogu is played by the actor who portrayed one of the most divisive characters in Star Wars history.

It's cool that Best got to come back to Star Wars and let his talents shine in a new role. And while multiple characters have crossed over from Star Wars cartoons to live-action television series, this might be the first crossover from game show to live-action television series.

More in Star Wars


  1. He was pretty good as a Jedi

  2. SPOILER ALERT...come ON Mashable, the episode JUST launched.

    1. it's 4:23pm what do you mean the episode just came out? do you mean the facebook page?


  4. Technically, not new

  5. It's going to be another good episode!

  6. He played Jar Jar Binks

  7. Mace windu wasn't the only black Jedi then 🤔

  8. 👇

  9. The same guy who made Jar Jar Binks and people didn't like it, and now he makes Jedi Master Kelleran Beq and people like it! 👍

  10. It was a short episode, but with a lot of information. (Different information)

  11. Grogu winning the shield, how cute! 😍

    1. In fact, very cute. I'm waiting for the moment when he will receive the Mandalorian helmet.

    2. I believe it will happen

  12. Incredible work! Loved the episode!

  13. It’s hardly; “redemption.” I mean, it’s not as if the guy did anything wrong! If anything, it’s; recognition.” And it’s LONG overdue, if you ask me. (I’m just sayin’)

  14. Good for him but Jar Jar is still emblematic of Star Wars’ creative misfire since 1980- and yes I included Return of the Jedi as part of that.

    1. Interestingly, Return of the Jedi is more liked than Empire outside of the U.S. I don’t know why, but maybe it was first Star Wars to be watched outside U.S. or else.

  15. A suprise to be sure..but a welcome one!

  16. It would have been way better if he just played Jar Jar Binks again in the episode and redeemed the character. I would have laughed and loved it.

    1. Yes bring him back! Would love to see the character under a different director and see all the haters pulling the remainder of their hair out.

    2. No, that character is the reason I and millions of others stopped going to Star Wars films.

  17. I don’t get what was so wrong with Jar Jar? He was annoying and not the brightest of the bunch but he was a good guy. There stupidest thing would be to make every character into some super likable hero. Him and his people were good guys and great allies, and they were also new and different instead of repeating the same thing like they did with the latest trilogy. The univers should be vast and filled with all kinds of sentient creatures of different shapes and sizes but Star Was has always been just about humans fighting humans, plus Yoda and a few random other races making brief appearances without any major role. At least Ahsoka will focus on someone that is not just another human (although she is also very human like) for a change (or a Mandaloria who is basically a human whose faith prevents him from taking his helmet off in public, yet he does it anyway and is only redeemed by swimming in a specific puddle, and who speaks with a monotonous tone and shows very little personality although his moral character seems to be ok).

  18. Jar Jar can’t be redeemed

  19. Wow. This is such a SHOCKING cameo. Truly mind-BLOWING. Not.

  20. To everyone complaining about spoilers, just stay off the frickin internet until you've seen the episode already.

    1. Then don't read the email and quit being a baby about it already. It's the internet. Deal with it.

    2. lmao, ok macho man.

  21. You have GOT to be more careful with the screaming headlines in email. Maybe some of us didn't stay up late last night to watch, or after the other week's cliffhanger might be stockpiling a few episodes?

    No. instead, let's just blurt it out not even half a day after the midnight airing.

    Please stop doing that. Patience, young Padawans. Patience.

  22. Nice to see him get to play a role other than Jar Jar. He is a great performer; the Jar Jar character may have been terribly written but he did a great job with the performance.

  23. Can you please just f* off with the f*ing spoilers in the title until people get a chance to watch this episode.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Dude, I think you commented a little late.

  24. I love getting my suggested news feed from Google, and seeing the article headline alone is what spoils the episode. It's almost as if that could've somehow been avoided by, hmmm I don't know, structuring your headlines to not be click bait. Thanks.

  25. The show itself isn't canon, but the characters are. Even the legendary stories they tell there in one of the tasks are too. It was always the case.

  26. I'm sure the Star Wars nerds hate the character just because it's Ahmed Best...

    1. Only the toxic ones still obsessed with hating Jar Jar, Rose Tico, and the sequel trilogy in general. Those clowns need to get a life.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. I feel like anytime a show, that I am letting fully release so I can binge, is coming out, I just have to stop coming to this site so that I don't know the general story behind every episode every week, by just reading article titles alone. It really sucks.

    1. I typically stop using the internet altogether until I’ve watched the latest episodes since spoilers can happen anywhere with tailored advertising being so prevalent.

    2. I do the same when a new game I've been stoked about comes out, because on the day of release this site has three thousand articles detailing every little possible thing about the game.

    3. EXACTLY. why would they spoil that a jedi is appearing in the show, in the headline of this article? they should have named this article "Everything to know about the shocking new cameo in The Mandalorian" or something like that. basic journalism


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