Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg still want to cage fight and livestream it | Mashable.

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg still want to cage fight and livestream it

This may as well happen.

It's still on, apparently. Credit: Mashable Composite, Image: Getty / Christopher Scanlon / 500px, picture alliance / Contributor, Bloomberg / Contributor

X/Twitter owner Elon Musk says he's still down to have an actual, physical, non-metaphorical cage fight with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Zuck is also still keen, but says he's "not holding [his] breath."

Musk posted on Sunday that his proposed fight with Zuckerberg will be livestreamed on X, and that "all proceeds will go to charity for veterans." The CEO didn't specify which charity the fight will allegedly support. But notably, it looks as though Musk didn't clear the fundraising element with his opponent before announcing it to the world.

"Shouldn't we use a more reliable platform that can actually raise money for charity?" Zuckerberg responded on Meta's X rival Threads. 

The Facebook co-founder makes a fair point. The social media network has inbuilt fundraising functionality that allows users to create campaigns supporting various charities through their own profiles. This was used by comedian Celeste Barber to raise over A$51 million for Australia's bushfires in 2020, with people from all over the world donating to what would become the largest fundraiser in Facebook's history.

Meanwhile, X doesn't have specific fundraising tools beyond posts and adding links and calls to action in your bio. Moreover, the company has recently received significant negative attention for its handling of finances.

Zuckerberg also addressed Musk's last-minute fight prep. After previously stating that he never works out, Musk said he is now "lifting weights throughout the day" in preparation for his 1v1 with Zuck.


"Don’t have time to work out, so I just bring them to work," Musk posted.

"I'm ready today," Zuckerberg wrote on Threads. "I suggested Aug 26 when he first challenged, but he hasn't confirmed. Not holding my breath. I love this sport and will continue competing with people who train no matter what happens here."

Considering that Zuckerberg has spent months training in jiu-jitsu and even medalled in a tournament earlier this year, it's unlikely Musk's half-hearted efforts will do him much good in a matchup. Even so, he's still bringing his signature self-aggrandisement to his potential beatdown, sharing a wrestling clip and stating that he is "going with @WWE as [his] fighting style."

"Aiming to get to 50 pound free weights this week," Musk posted. "I build muscle fast. Physical endurance is my weak spot, so I’m aiming to make this quick."

It generally takes about four to six weeks to even begin building muscle, and that's assuming you're doing consistent weight training in a workout plan. If the cage match does go ahead on Aug. 26, that would give Musk less than three weeks to get in fighting shape.

Fortunately for Musk, his bout with Zuck probably won't be held on that date. On Monday, Musk revealed that he is getting an MRI of his neck and upper back tomorrow, and may need surgery before the fight so the "exact date is still in flux."

This has done nothing to temper his belief that he will win.

"If the fight is short, I probably win," wrote Musk, who claims to weigh "at least 300 lbs" (136 kilograms). "If long, he may win on endurance. I am much bigger and there is a reason MMA has weight divisions."

When asked what the point of this fight was, Musk responded: "It’s a civilized form of war. Men love war."

The possibility of a fistfight between the two tech billionaires first arose in June, when Musk responded to a comment about Zuckerberg's jiu-jitsu training by saying he was "up for a cage match if he is lol." Zuckerberg then posted a screenshot of the exchange to his Instagram Stories, along with the message: "Send Me Location."

Overall, it looks like it might shape up to be another instance of Musk's mouth writing checks he can't cash. Only this time, instead of being forced to spend $44 billion on a social media network, Musk could end up getting punched in the face.

More in Elon Musk


  1. Will be interesting to watch though well I’m hoping to see mark wins 😂

  2. In America, there are a lot of boys who don't listen to their moms.

  3. Change the name to Elon's tracker.
    I am out

  4. Stream it on the chinese video platform 😁😁😁

  5. just do it remotely

  6. Remember that scene in American Psycho where Patrick Bateman freaks out about that other dudes business card. Well this is like that but with punches 🤣

  7. Is it wrong to hope one of them is both highly physically superior and a lot more reckless than the other? Doesn't matter which one as long as something interesting happens

  8. Is this the biggest example of Richard measuring contest by two dwebs in history?

  9. How could we have forgotten? You keep reminding us… 🤦‍♂️

  10. Appears we have budding teenagerss on our news feed.

  11. I hope Zuckerberg knocks him back to his own country

  12. I hope both of the nerds lose.

  13. https://giphy.com/gifs/xd9HUXswWPY1EEJ80a

  14. https://media.tenor.co/pYXfwOc2JCQAAAAC/despierta-ya.gif?t=AAYCUfOrdugHAs2YQw_trw&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2s&itemid=24011402

  15. Loser goes to mars… and stays there.

  16. I can’t believe y’all are making me root for zuch

  17. Another distraction

  18. Ric Flair, The Nature Boy to be the ref!! 😂

  19. https://imgur.com/a/v0A8I7K

  20. https://imgur.com/a/NvdVt18

  21. I don't believe it's really going to happen.

    1. I'm vibrating here, it's going to be epic

  22. Elon musk's mom must be on her nerves right now

  23. Elon Musk actually made Zuck to share the 𝕏 logo on his platform 🤣

    1. Zuck seems like a social media novice.

    2. Good publicity. 😊

    3. Zuck uses 𝕏, without a doubt!

    4. Elon uses Threads, without a doubt!

    5. It’s all bread 🥖 and circuses 🎪

    6. He seems like a novice with most human stuff.

    7. He’s losing the battle

    8. It's not even close

    9. The battle was very short, Threads crashed on its own! When you produce a pale, soulless imitation, it has no chance of working. Do not take users for cretins. Zuck has a tendency to despise his customers!

    10. ..a comment on that last affirmative—k not whaThe prioregards.

      If indeed, wouldn’t one want to knoWhom? be the any/one within what (here claimed as) ‘elite’ to go against their grain of sand?
      That may be or become a friend to humanity—not merely serving blindly any side longest.

    11. Time of death: 8-2023

    12. Ohh yeah totally owned

  24. Zuck got tricked into free advertising 😂

  25. Lol so true! Is it bad I can’t stand this pic of him though?! 👀 🤨

  26. I actually agree with Zuck if he means sth other than a fight

  27. Zuck gave the correct response back, no doubt .

  28. End of the day, these are business people...they make money 💰.

  29. All press is good press 🤷

  30. Would rather be here than there that's for sure lol

  31. Il va lui provoquer une crise cardiaque ……🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  32. Musk is goat status. Haha

  33. and most would think he shared it on X, cus it's simply a copy and paste

  34. will gonna be EPIC

  35. Old buddies. Twitter is now a spectator sport.
    the new X-Games!

  36. Wow! Pretty interesting! 😊🙌


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