Mark Zuckerberg tells Elon Musk to get 'serious' or the cage fight is off | Mashable.

Mark Zuckerberg tells Elon Musk to get 'serious' or the cage fight is off

The Meta CEO is tired of Musk's failure to follow through.

Credit: Mandel Ngan and Alain Jocard / AFP via Getty Images

The cage fight between X/Twitter owner Elon Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg probably won't go ahead, shocking absolutely nobody.

Zuckerberg took to Threads to question Musk's commitment to mixed martial arts (MMA) on Sunday, stating that he's tired of waiting for his potential opponent to agree to a date for their billionaire fistfight. As such, Zuck is moving on with his life, though Musk is welcome to hit him up again if he's ever ready to actually follow through.

"I think we can all agree Elon isn't serious and it's time to move on," Zuckerberg wrote. "I offered a real date. [President of Ultimate Fighting Championship] Dana White offered to make this a legit competition for charity. Elon won't confirm a date, then says he needs surgery, and now asks to do a practice round in my backyard instead. 

"If Elon ever gets serious about a real date and official event, he knows how to reach me. Otherwise, time to move on. I'm going to focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously."

Meanwhile, Musk shared screenshots of an apparent text exchange with Zuckerberg, confirming that he did indeed request a practice match at the latter's house. The texts were first posted by author Walter Isaacson after they were allegedly sent to him by Musk, then later confirmed by the Tesla CEO.

"Wanna do a practice bout at your house next week?" read Musk's text.

"If you still want to do a real MMA fight, then you should train on your own and let me know when you're ready to compete," Zuckerberg responded. "I don't want to keep hyping something that will never happen, so you should either decide you're going to do this and do it soon, or we should move on."

"I will be in Palo Alto on Monday," replied Musk, brazenly sharing his assassination coordinates. "Let's fight in your Octagon. I have not been practicing much, apart from a brief bout with [computer scientist and Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt] Lex Fridman today. While I think it is very unlikely, given our size difference, perhaps you are a modern day Bruce Lee and will somehow win."

In short, it looks like Musk wants a practice run, while Zuckerberg wants Musk to stop wasting his time. 

Practice runs aren't exactly standard in MMA, so Musk's request for one does seem to undermine his bravado. Of course, Musk doesn't see it that way, leading his chorus of followers in calling Zuckerberg a "chicken" for not letting the former have a dress rehearsal.

"He can’t eat at chic fil a because that would be cannibalism," Musk wrote, doing his best impression of a Back to the Future villain.

Zuckerberg hasn't responded, seemingly content to let Musk continue to Musk far away from him. However, he hasn't been entirely silent through this whole saga. Last week he responded to a Threads post joking that the fight "will take place on Mars in 2035," replying with a laughing emoji.

More in Elon Musk


  1. Both of these guys need therapy.

  2. These sociopaths can have all they could ever wanted but yet the need to constantly deceive people for one more dime is never satiated.

  3. Neither one will fight. They are just playing chicken. The ramifications for shareholders if either of them gets seriously hurt are huge and they will get sued. Imagine what would happen to the stocks of Meta or Tesla if either gets an injury that incapacitates them temporarily or permanently.

    2 bored billionaires with too much money.

  4. Guys why not compete on who will create a project or system that would save humanity The project with the greatest impact wins. Of course the projects must be non profit.

    1. elon doesn’t actually create anything, he just invests.

    2. And what did Zuckerburg create?

    3. the site we’re currently on. He literally wrote the code for it.

    4. I'm liking this but I'm thinking let's focus you two geniuses on how to turn back aging on the inside and the out without adding robot parts

    5. Probably because if they actually did, the international oligarchs who really run the world would quickly have them killed.

    6. imagine being so uptight about Elon that you're actually defending Cuckerberg

    7. uptight? No, just stating facts. Weird comment.

    8. lmao imagine thinking they care about anything but money

    9. Oh Definitely! EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!' But would musk put up thre money to develop such a program? Nope!

  5. when will it start

  6. It’s like Zuck doesn’t know that Musk is a troll.

  7. When is Mark going to follow through? Meta has some serious issues including being incapable of “following” through.
    I’d really like to fight Mark Fuckerberg. Bring it on!
    I just hope one of them gets further brain damage from the fight.

  8. Looking at their physiques you can kinda tell Elon was never serious 🤷

  9. So many of our Free Countries Citizens are actually Repulsed by these Humans. They absolutely destroy you intentionally, then want to help you. Well NO, we will just Invest in Ourselves. This supposed “MATCH”, is a very “NICE DISTRACTION” of BS, from the Economic Nightmare everyone of these “Pieces of Crap” Created for the USA, which is NOTHING to be proud of. That I WILL NOT watch, or put one cent of my hard “EARNED” money in their Pockets, I have so many better things to do with my time. When “TRANSPARENCY and, or ACCOUNTABILITY” eludes everyone of them. Making a Mockery of the USA. Not one of them are Innocent by any means, trying to blame everyone else, but themselves, for the Choices they made for themselves, all by themselves. Their own “Arrogance”, deceitful, disrespectful, deplorable behaviour that is coming from everywhere, the Entire World knows that. These things certainly are missing some Integrity, Humility, Character, Respect for ALL, that defines ANY Human, so many are lacking. Respect must be Earned, not bought or Demanded, NOT to many deserve to much of that, that’s for sure. Everyone of them have Embarrassed, Humiliated, Destroyed themselves, their own Country on so many levels. Everyone of them knew exactly what they were doing, their is NO Doubt in my mind about that. Everyone of them are thinking they are Smarter, Better then everyone else in the Entire World, who are making calls for other Professions, Departments they are NOT even qualified to make, when it turns out they are ALL Morons and Idiots is what they are, with so much “Power, Money and their own Greed” definitely in the “WRONG” Hands. When their is certainly consequences for their own BAD Choices, Actions, Failures and the things they have said and done. the Entire World knows that. These Criminals SOLD their own SOULS to the DEVIL himself, they SOLD their own Country Out, and everyone in it for so much “Power, Money, and their own Greed”, with everyone of their Criminal Narcissistic, Sadistic, Uneducated, Human Right Violating Criminal Cohorts, which was definitely in the WRONG Hands. Everyone knows that, everyone of them knows everyone knows it, when they are NO different, from one to other. Their Corruption, the Bribery, the Kick Backs, Money Laundering Schemes, Insider Trading, Lies, Rhetoric, Theft coming from everywhere is Unbelievable, just follow the Money, it will give every AMERICAN the answers they NEED. Elon is an Eccentric, Self-Absorbed “Arrogant” Engineer without a Doubt, it’s their mind set, nothing more, nothing less, who NEEDS to check his own EGO at the Door. I do not even know what Qualifications Zuckerberg even has to say or do anything. What exactly are they trying to Prove to themselves, the World, when it will NOT change anything they have said and done. Their “ACTIONS” certainly speaks Volumes about ANY HUMAN, how are they really making a difference, they are NOT! Just filling their own Pockets some more, who has Announced the Proceeds will go to the Veterans that were kicked to the Streets, living in Absolute Poverty, while these Criminals and their Cohorts paid and protected so many disgusting Criminals (which is Not the Gross Amount, as Administrators have NOT declared their amount, what 10%, 50% of amount collected) for us to even support this “EVENT”, and be “TRANSPARENT” about that. Maybe knock themselves OFF their own Pedestals, they Put themselves on, NOBODY else put them their, but themselves. Maybe work on that Best Version of themselves they can be, they Currently are NOT! Nobody in this World is known for how Much Money you have, the things you have, or even what anyone looks like, or your Title either. It is Character, Integrity, Humility, Respect for ALL, and things you say and do that defines ANY HUMAN. All of them who has Seriously Compromised the Security of the USA, the Safety of American Citizens they are Destroying, the Economic Stability of their own Country, the ENTIRE World knows it. Their Credibility, Integrity, Character is pretty much NON existent!

  10. talk is cheap.....this kinda talk is the cheapest. Not surprised considering where it's coming from.

  11. Not an ounce of machismo between them. Just be who you really are dudes.

    1. what no Nerd fight ?

    2. except zuck is a trained fighter…

  12. At that level, they become so arrogant that lying and deceit is a way of life without feeling guilty.

    And that is the same level of morals as most politicians.

  13. Why don’t you guys both produce AI robots in your image and have the robots fight?

  14. Sounds eeriely familiar to his purchase of Twitter.

  15. Each of their lowest paid employees should be given a chance to cage fight both of them.

  16. C’mon Mashable, there are better news to report compared to this-two menopause middle age men wanting to fight inside a cage

  17. Elon is drunk…
    Have you ever seen a pict of Elon sober ?
    Earing sense to his words ?
    If he goes in the cage, he is dead…

  18. Elon got no ball.... la... Mommy boy...

  19. I guess Suckerberg wins

  20. Just like trump they both need to grow up.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment kindly send me a message right away thank you.?

  21. 🤔How about both of these two along with every other multimillionaire & multibillionaire actually do something much much more positive & productive & have a contest to see who can giveaway the most money to deserving charities & needy individuals & families as well as paying their fair share of taxes ?!?🤷‍♂️

  22. Палячовци.., многото пари ви е направил всичко да ви е скучно. Запишете се във формати като surviver .., след месец време изкарали в подобно предаване всичко ще ви радва!

  23. Why these guys want to go in the cage is beyond me.
    Proves absolutely nothing

    1. Childish...... that's what they are, especially Musk

  24. It was never on to begin with. Elon just needed some attention while he's out there flopping and flailing. Just like always, over promise, underperform

  25. ...siete ricchissimi, sicuramente molto intelligenti e anche furbi, però, detto fra noi, fate proprio cacare !!

  26. Musk is a weasel, he's never gonna go thru with it

  27. Sounds like a script off WWE

  28. Yawn.
    Your money has yet to make either of you (even mildly) interesting...bring a book.

  29. who really cares?just for attention.

  30. He IS yanking your chain Zuck

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment kindly send me a message right away thank you.?

  31. I have research experience

    Earth's Gravitational Technology is a POWER ENGINE whose source uses Earth's gravity to produce energy that is unlimited or unlimited energy or power or the same as electricity (as long as the earth continues to rotate, as long as energy flows).

    privileges are also unlimited as, as follows:

    1. Design in a portable form, meaning that it can be designed in all shapes according to needs, so it doesn't require a large area and can be said to be wireless too.

    2. The raw materials for production will definitely never run out because as long as the earth rotates, energy will flow.

    3. Low production and maintenance costs or low costs

    4. No Pollution and resistant to any disaster

    5. Tools and equipment are easy to reach

    6. Resistant to all kinds of extreme weather

    7. It can be used for a variety of purposes

    8. Environmentally Friendly

    9. Below market price

    10, can be used in all kinds of places such as houses and housing, offices, apartments, factories, cars, aircraft engines, fighter jets, rockets, aircraft carriers and so on without batteries.

    11. can be in all areas such as on mountains, in valleys, in the sea and on the surface

    For example, if today's electric cars use batteries, then with this technology there is no need to use batteries with lifetime resistance.

    another example, America's fastest raptor fighter plane with a speed of 2 Mach or the same as the speed of sound using 2 engines, using our technology the speed is equal to 6 Mach or 6 times the speed of sound while we only have 1 engine.

    another example, the North Korean fighter rocket that America fears is only mach 3, while ours is mach 6 with only 1 engine.

    another example, American aircraft carriers use 2 nuclear-powered engines having 330,000 horsepower of torque, while we only use 1 engine with 426,000 horsepower of torque.

  32. Celebrity Deathmatch

  33. Who is gonna benefit from these two beating the daylights out of each other? Besides you. Lol

  34. Put them in separate cages and keep them there . . .

  35. HEY ZUCK...Musk is all bluster. A Blowhard gas bag. Let it ride, he won't show.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment kindly send me a message right away thank you..?

  36. I'm only interested if they fight to the death.

    1. and if they both lose and donate their obscene wealth to tackle real problems.

  37. No one cares Malakes

  38. Who cares about a couple of nerds fighting lol.

    1. Me! I would LOVE to see someone punch Elon in the face!

    2. Fair enough 🤣

  39. I'm tired of their having so much money, yet not even investing to clean up the oceans. They could host global competitions with big prizes for the best solutions and fund all the projects.

    1. How much of your money have you put towards cleaning up the oceans?

    2. Like most people, I have family ties to care for already and some to charity. They have nearly ALL the money and power, they need to use it.

    3. so that mean not a single penny! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

    4. you're weird lol


  41. Nerd fight, Nerd fight, the Planet needs this !!

  42. Sounds like mark Zuckerberg is running scared



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