Elon Musk thinks he can get the 'Apple tax' policy changed for X | Mashable.

Elon Musk thinks he can get the 'Apple tax' policy changed for X

Is Elon Musk asking if Tim Cook can divide by zero?

Credit: Mashable composite; Chesnot/Getty Images, SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

You know what they say... if you give a mouse a cookie, he's gonna want some milk.

Earlier this week, Apple made X the exception to a rule by changing "Twitter" to "X" on the App Store (before that, it seemed, Apple did not allow an app to appear in their store using a single letter for its name).

Now, in the name of better pay for X's creators, Musk also wants Apple's to change its highly contended App Store-wide fee of 30 percent.

"Apple does take 30% [of what Twitter creators make off of subscriptions]" said Musk in a tweet on Aug. 2, "but I will speak with Tim Cook and see if that can be adjusted to be just 30% of what X keeps in order to maximize what creators receive."

To be clear "30% of what X keeps" from creators will be $0 for at least the next several months. Musk's tweet clarified that "X keeps [no percentage of what a creator on Twitter makes] forever, until payout exceeds $100k, then 10%. First 12 months is still free for all."

So, to recap, Musk thinks Tim Cook — CEO of a publicly traded tech giant — would be amenable to making almost nothing fromTwitter while also making an exception to a blanket policy that still applies to the 1.8 million other apps in the App Store.

That's one silly mouse.

More in Apple, Twitter


  1. If Apple does that, app makers are now gonna comeback and say, if Musk can have it like that, why not make it for everyone. Its bad precedent and Apple should not allow it.

    1. deals are made every day.

    2. Depending on what kind of deal, there are good and bad..

    3. As far as this one it seems like its between 2 parties.
      Neither of them are you or I.

    4. It concerns the app store where there are almost two million apps from various developers who pay the “apple tax” that charges 30% per app and in-app purchases. That a huge chunk off any app developer’s revenue. Its easy to say its between Musk and Apple but this concerns the whole app store and every developer.

      If you’ve never been a developer or does not realize the hard work thats involve,required and what it takes to create apps, you wouldn’t really know what we go through.

    5. they're welcome to attempt negotiations as well.
      Best of luck.

    6. Its ok, you’ll get it next time.

    7. not sure what I'll get.
      I'm not a party in other people's negotiations so they really aren't any of my business.

    8. Nevermind. It just happened.

    9. what happened?

    10. Nothing mate! Have a good one.

    11. you're drunk,go home..

    12. Why do u care? Are you rideshare?

  2. It's that rules don't apply to me mentality

  3. Nope. Not going to happen 😂

  4. e shoulda changed the name to e'X'tra... extra charges for everything.....

  5. He already changed name policy.

  6. Worst thing Apple can do is say NO

  7. Tim should not budge

  8. Musk is my idol😁

  9. id love for both executives to go in the next submersible

  10. Musk is a fascist pos moron living off of American corporate welfare.

  11. The question is, what does Musk or “X” have to offer Apple? Apple won’t risk revenue cuts just because Elon asks nicely.

  12. The correct definition is that everything can divide by X 🙂

  13. Mashable is obsessed with Elon Musk!

  14. This is bound to be a very short negotiation. Very short argument.

    Nobody, with nothing on the table, demands Apple to change it's rules and billing? Does he now think he is Microsoft? -Go away.

  15. Go back to your own country Elon

  16. Elon your Simps still waiting for your Tesla Phone 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  17. 😂 idiot you should eat a lot of burgers to reach Apple. Do you understand world doesn’t accept dictators even in media field. Also don’t forget to pay the money for the account @x you stole from the user.


  19. Doesn’t dividing by zero give you imaginary (i) numbers?

  20. Just working through another method of reducing his expenses and user base. Have fun!

  21. 팀쿡에게 레버리지 할 꺼리가 있나 생각해보는데, 애플 주식매입은 바위에 계란치기고, X주식스왑은 (바겐하는게 아니라면) 애플이 절레절레할꺼고, 테슬라 카플레이 독점지원? 팀쿡 우주 보내주기?


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