OpenAI plans to become a for-profit business — here’s what that means for the AI company | Mashable.

OpenAI plans to become a for-profit business — here’s what that means for the AI company

In addition, CTO Mira Murati and two other executives also just announced that they're leaving the company.
By Matthews Martins on 
OpenAI is looking to take control from its non-profit in order to focus on the for-profit side of the organization. Credit: OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images


  1. There's no point. Samsung, Google, Apple, Sony, aswell as a handful of 3rd party mobile developers and websites all have there own AI models. Unless it's a robot climbing out my phone that can clean my dishes, then there isn't anything unique that you can do with it.

  2. Anyone still remember how they promised never be for-profit and never work for military? Funny, yeah.

  3. Seems like they need to change their name from OpenAI to $$$$AI

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  7. Our only hope is that someone else will solve the alignment problem and achieve ASI first.

    It's obvious that Altman has no intention of proceeding with safety as the highest priority.

  8. Power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately. The panacea of peace and prosperity ai could bring, if only aligned with corporate interests will widen disparity, and allow the “truth” it provides to be controlled and manipulated.

  9. Sam Altman can’t use the whole “I don’t even have equity in this company” excuse anymore.

    1. I know he loves saying that 😂😂

    2. He loves being a billionaire more

    3. There was always an undercurrent of "because if this is successful money won't have any meaning" this move feels very bearish tbh. If he saw AGI on the horizon cashing out wouldn't make much sense.

    4. Very true, not to mention all the great talent leaving the company. If they were really on to AGI who wouldn’t want to be a part of that??

    5. I’m not sure that leaving implies failure - going to mistral, meta, or anthropic puts you at roughly the same spot progress wise with less toxic leadership.

    6. Or way more cash and authority. Lets not forget the reason that most people switch jobs - payrise.

    7. Yeah or money and power will still matter a lot in the age of AGI and he wants to control it all.

    8. They're gonna try hard to make sure money ALWAYS has meaning, because it's what currently gives them power. If you had all the money, why would you ever do anything that jeopardizes that?

    9. or he feels AGI and then Superintelligence is a given, but he saw that keeping the a trick secret does not work, proven by other companies catching up (or being ahead for a time like anthropic). So he cashes out now, to enjoy the 5-15 years till money does not matter anymore.

    10. Now he can use equity in this company.

  10. So what happens to the folks that donated money when it was a non profit. Seems kinda weird that they could develop the tech has a non profit then turn full for profit when they got product market fit

    1. Same that happened with volunteers who made full courses for Duolingo for free... guess what.

    2. They get fucked. Regulators will need to step in for the simple reason that other companies will now try and copy this 'not for profit' model. Tax avoidance etc etc

    3. Like I understood having a for profit entity below and license from the non profit and the nonprofit having equity but now yeah seems like a scan

    4. What about it was tax avoidance? The corporate entity pays taxes

    5. Needs to make profit to pay tax…or can roll forward tax losses

    6. That’s not how this capitalist game works.

    7. If it was working they wouldn’t change it. If they had a giant tax shelter they wouldn’t just throw it away.

      But they didn’t. They’ve had a for profit side of the company since 2019. That side of the company paid tax and stuff.

    8. The side of the company that released gpt hasn’t been a nonprofit since 2019. The 501(c)(3) side still exists.


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